Jaguar Band Newsletter
Your Place for JHS Jaguar Band News
August 30, 2020
A Message from Mr. Lucita
What Should I Do Today to Get Ready?
Game Day Meal Plan
Johnson: This is Us! Show Shirts
"The Rhythm Section" Percussion Update
Important Dates
TMF Online Store
Football Program Ads
Band Sponsorships
Jaguar Jog
Band Booster Membership and Committees
Formulario de Membresia e Interés del Comité
Remind 101 for 2020 - 21
VIPS REQUIRED District Volunteer Program
Sync Your Calendar
Welcome to the last official week of Summer Band. This week we will have no in-person rehearsals. Color Guard, please be on the lookout for information specific to you for this week's schedule! It is important that each of you review everything we have learned thus far and to continue to close the gap between your levels of music and marching. Focus on the warm-ups, playing out with a full sound (Remember, we will be performing outside, and the audience is further away.), and, lastly, work the Fight-Song, School-Song and the music for “JOHNSON: This Is Us!”
This week we WILL continue on-line instruction! The section leader classes will be your time to review the marching technique, share what you’ve learned during summer band and continue to build memories and strengthen the bond of your section! Also, this week we will continue our Masterclasses. These are extremely important as they are one of the few opportunities where you have a professional performer, of your specific instrument, working with just your section! What you receive there is incredibly valuable! Every student in the Johnson Band should be attending the Level 1 Master Classes to receive instruction for advancing fundamental techniques of their instrument and working towards the highest level of performance of our warm-ups, “JOHNSON: This Is Us!”, and the other music to be performed at games and events! Those students intending to audition for the Texas Region, Area and All State Bands should be attending the Level 2 classes (in addition to level 1).
Please keep a close eye on the Johnson Band Calendar for dates and times of events that involve our band program and it’s students! Our regular rehearsal schedule is Mondays & Thursdays after school, 5 - 8 p.m. for all Marching Band students. Also, Johnson is Varsity this year and Football Games are Fridays. We will send detailed information concerning each football game schedule as those event arrive! The very best thing to do is to sync your device with the band's calendar so you can easily keep track of dates and times.
We want to close by saying how proud we are of all of you and the job you have done this Summer Band! You have worked extremely hard to overcome the obstacles that have been placed in your path, and your commitment and determination to success are incredible!! We know that this is going to be an awesome year because that is who we are and what we do!
JOHNSON: This Is Us!
Have a great week!
Mr. Lucita
What Should I Do TONIGHT to Get Ready?
Order Johnson: This is Us! Show Shirts. This shirt is optional. Band and percussion students will receive a performance shirt for games. The performance shirt will not be available for sale to non-band students. See link below. The deadline is TODAY!
Take a breather (parents)! It's online sectionals and Masterclasses this week!
Sometime this week...
- Purchase a Game Day Meal Plan, if you choose to do so.
- Make sure you check the Jaguar Band CHARMS Calendar for September dates and times.
Game Day Meal Plan
The optional Game Day Meal Plan can be purchased between August 24th and September 18th for $50. Click here to purchase the optional Game Day Meal Plan online. Or, download the form, fill it out and turn it in to Ms. Mendez in the Band Office:
*Please know that it is our understanding, per Mr. Miksch's last newsletter, that food cannot be delivered to campus. We are seeking clarification and will let you know as soon as possible.
Johnson: This is Us! Show Shirts
Johnson: This is Us! Be part of the celebration with the Official 2020 Show Shirt. They will be a soft style black shirt with print on both front and back. We are accepting pre-orders for families and students through August 30th. Once orders are received, we will contact you regarding pick up so you can wear with pride all season long!
Please know that these "show shirts" are optional for students and/or parents to purchase. Band students will receive a "performance top" from the band directors that they will use to perform at football games. The cost of performance tops are included in band fees.
"The Rhythm Section" Percussion Update
August 30
Last day to order Johnson: This is Us! Show shirts! (*optional)
August 31 - September 3
Masterclasses only
September 10
First evening Full Band Rehearsal of the 2020 - 21 school year.
5 - 8 p.m.
September 19
Jaguar Jog
September 26
Spirit Night
Chipotle @ Southpark Meadows
Football Program Ads: Celebrate your student! Promote your business!
We are currently taking orders for FOOTBALL PROGRAM ADS and ask all of our band families to share this information with friends and acquaintances. For details and templates, click here.
Brian and Emily Pierce
Carmen Sifuentes
Ad orders received by September 17th will appear in the first home program, all others will be added weekly throughout the season.
Thank you for your support of the Johnson Jaguar Band!
Band Sponsorships
The Johnson Jaguar Band depends in large part on the fundraising efforts of the Band Boosters. Sponsorships are a very important part of fundraising. Our Sponsorship levels have been updated, and we have a lot of exciting options for businesses AND families! We ask that every family please share this brochure with anyone you know that has a business. We are eager to help promote businesses in our community that support the Jaguar Band! If you would like color copies of our Sponsorship Brochure, we are happy to provide them.
Melissa Frensley
Carmen Sifuentes
A new addition to our Sponsorship options is the Friends and Family Level. This level offers various options for businesses as well as an option for band families: For $200, you can have your child’s name and graduation year on our band trailer indefinitely with the option to simultaneously add sibling name for an additional $100.
Thank you for your support of the Johnson Jaguar Band!
This year's socially-distanced Jaguar Jog will be September 19 at 8am! Click here to register or volunteer.
Get your Jag Swag! New band and color guard items!
Please note that yard signs and decals will not be offered on this online store (TMF) because they are no longer able to provide these items at the sizes we have previously offered. We are in the process of finding a new vendor for these items and will let families know as soon as they are available to order.
First Spirit Night of the Year!
If you order online for pick-up, make sure to use the order code XE7GT72 before checkout in the "promo" field. Orders placed on or using the Chipotle app using this unique code will be counted toward the fundraiser!
How can you help?
¿Cómo puedes ayudar?
Update your CHARMS information to include BIRTHDAYS!
Log in at: the school code is: JohnsonJaguarBand
After logging in, click RETURNING students. The password is your child’s Hays CISD Student ID#. It will ask you to create a new password at that point. Please feel free to use a password of your choice.
Include birth dates so we can celebrate student birthdays!!
Find helpful documents regarding Charms on our website:
Visit our website to find the correct Remind 101 codes for you and your student.
Text that code to 81010, and you're ready to go!
Questions or feedback?
Contact Juliette Kroeger
Visit the Johnson Band Website ( and click on the Calendar tab at the top for instructions.
Location: 4260 FM 967, Buda, TX, USA
Phone: 512.268.5172
Twitter: @JHS_JaguarBand