Bays Bulletin
March 2025

Community Letter
Superintendent's Corner
Superintendent’s Corner
Reading Month
The month of March is “Reading Month” at Brimley Elementary School. Throughout the month, special activities are planned to promote reading among our students. This year’s theme is “Hoops”. All.month there will be activities that encourage reading.
During Reading Month, we encourage parents to plan special activities at home having to do with reading. As simple as it sounds, the best way for parents to prepare children for learning to read is to read to them. Studies have found that children who have a “literature-rich environment” tend to learn and progress more quickly than those who do not. Also, children familiar with literature tend to have greater listening and speaking vocabulary.
Distinguished Alumni and Brimley Athletic Hall of Fame
Do not forget about nominations for the two special awards given out each year at Brimley Area Schools. Nominations are being accepted at the Central Office for the Distinguished Alumni Award, and the Brimley Athletic Hall of Fame. If you wish to nominate someone for either of these awards, please fill out one of the forms below, or pick up a form in the central office and fill it out. Nominations will be taken for the remainder of the month of March.
Spring Break
We have had a very long winter this year. With that being said, we are looking forward to Spring Break which begins at the end of the school day on Friday, March 21, 2025. Please enjoy your time off with family and friends. Those of you that are planning on traveling to warmer climates, please be careful and enjoy. We will see you on Monday, March 31st.
Current Open Positions
Bus Driver
MS Math Teacher
K-12 Art Teacher
Ojibwe Language Arts Teacher
MS Track Coach
Varsity Football Assistant Coach
Varsity Baseball Assistant Coach
Thomas Suggitt
From the Desk of the Middle/High School Principal
It is hard to believe that we are almost three-quarters of the way through the school year! Our third marking period ends on March 21, the day before Spring Break (March 24-28). We look forward to celebrating students who made the honor roll for the first three quarters at our honor roll banquet on April 16.
After school tutoring is available every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3:20 PM to 4:45 PM. Bussing is available for students who stay for the full tutoring period.
Attendance - Be Here to Succeed Here! Parents can monitor student attendance in SKYWARD. Our truancy policy coincides with the Chippewa County Truancy Protocol. Please note that absences greater than 12 may result in a referral for truancy. This semester we will be reaching out to families at certain thresholds as outlined in our handbook. Please discuss the importance of arriving to class on time with your student. Students who are tardy to more than two classes in a week will receive an after school detention. We are eager to partner with you to ensure your student is at school and in class on time, please call the office if you have questions or need support.
We are incredibly proud of our winter student athletes as they wrap up their respective seasons. Our Boys Varsity Basketball team won the district title. The girls varsity basketball team won their first round of districts. In addition our Quiz Bowl team won the EUP district tournament hosted at Brimley.
Nut Free - as a reminder, Brimley is nut-free K-12 this year with a number of students with nut allergies at the secondary level. Please be conscious of this when bringing items to the building or sending them with students.
Thank you for all you do for Brimley Area Schools and our community.
Aaron Noordhoek
MS/HS Principal
From the Desk of the Elementary Principal
News from Elementary Land
Hello from Elementary Land. As February comes to close, We are normally hoping we might see the week-long streaks of below 0 weather come to an end but this year March has started out very cold. Eventually, March will bring even warmer weather and with that, spring will be right around the corner. I hope everyone was able to enjoy some of our winter weather and look forward to seeing what the last part of the school year will bring. Here are some celebrations and events that we had in February and are looking forward to in March.
Reading Month
March is Reading Month! This year’s theme is “Hoops(Basketball)”. We have some exciting things planned for our students to take part in. Please be on the lookout for a Reading Month events calendar that will be sent home with students, as well as in class activities that will be planned by your student's teacher. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Cold Weather Gear
Even though March sees some warmer weather, we still get many days with sub-freezing temperatures. Please continue to make sure that your students come to school with proper winter weather apparel. This includes hats, gloves, snow pants, and boots. If you need any assistance in finding cold weather gear for your children, please contact our office. We would be happy to help.
Kindergarten Roundup
April 24th & 25th will be this year’s Kindergarten Round Up. If you or someone you know would like to register for RoundUp, please have them contact Mrs. Hascall in our office at 248-3217 ext 101.
Lost and Found
Our lost and found bin is again pretty full. We have a plethora of hats, gloves, mittens, boots, coats and backpacks. We even have water bottles, and some electronic devices that have been found and added to the bin. If your student is missing anything, please stop in and check out our lost and found bin, located outside the elementary office.
That wraps it up from Elementaryland. If you have any questions or concerns, or any celebrations you’d like mentioned, please feel free to contact the office. Think warm thoughts and hopefully all this white will start turning green!
Hugh ClarkeElementary Principal
Upcoming Events
- March is Reading Month
- March 21st - Last Day of 3rd Term
- March 21st - Last Day Before Spring Break
- March 24-28 - Spring Day
- March 31 - School Resumes
School Calendar Change
Dear Parents, Staff, and Community Members,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you of an important adjustment to our 2024-2025 school calendar. After careful consideration and discussion, Brimley Area Schools and our Board of Education have decided to extend our Christmas Break by two additional days. Due to numerous vacation requests and scheduled athletic events, students will now be off on Thursday, January 2nd, and Friday, January 3rd, 2025, allowing families more time to transition back from the holiday season.
As a result of this change, we will add two instructional days to the end of the school year, during our last week in June. The new dates for the end of the school year are as follows:
- June 5th (Thursday) and June 6th (Friday), 2025 will be the added days.
The last week of school will now be scheduled as follows:
- Monday, June 2nd – Full school day
- Tuesday, June 3rd – Full school day
- Wednesday, June 4th – Full school day
- Thursday, June 5th – Half day with a 12:00 p.m. dismissal
- Friday, June 6th – Half day with a 12:00 p.m. dismissal
We understand that adjustments to the school calendar can impact family plans and commitments, and we appreciate your understanding as we make these changes to better serve our students and community.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this update, please feel free to contact the main office at (906) 248-3218.
Thank you for your continued support of Brimley Area Schools. We are committed to providing the best educational experience for all of our students, and your partnership in this effort is invaluable.
Thomas Suggitt, Superintendent
Aaron Noordhoek, MS/HS Principal
Hugh Clarke, Elementary Principal
Alyssia Rogers, BEA President
Lunch & Breakfast Menu
Bays Big Hits
Congratulations to our High School Quiz Bowl team on their performance at the regional quiz bowl competition. They went 3-0 and were tied for first after a slightly weather affected competition.
The team will now move on to regional finals taking place in Sault Ste. Marie.
Members: Dalton Hoornstra, Dylan Kabelman, Asher Flemming, Alexander Rowell, Cameron Brown, Hazel Garvon, Scarlett Garvon, Sage Tellas
Coach: Mrs. Osborne
Dr. Seuss's Birthday
Band Performance
Leila Cameron, Dylan Kableman, Cameron Brown, Bianca Watson and Gabe Lyons will be participating in the EUP Honor's Band at LSSU on Tuesday March 11th. Performance is at 6:30pm at the LSSU Performing Arts Center. Parents, guardians and friends are welcome to attend!
Leila Cameron will be performing at State Solo and Ensemble at 10:54am at NMU in Marquette!
Ski Club
Garvon places at VOD States
The Veterans of Foreign Wars, or VFW, has recently announced the winners of the annual “Voice of Democracy” essay contest. Hazel Garvon (daughter of Jason and Shannon Garvon of Brimley) a junior at Brimley High School, was invited to attend the ceremony in Kalamazoo to recognize the state finalists. Garvon’s speech on the theme, "Is America Today Our Forefathers' Vision?" was awarded a $1500 college scholarship for her place in the top 7 entries.
Garvon placed first at the district level at Brimley Post 9023 and first at the regional level before moving on to the state level competition.
The Voice of Democracy contest, established in 1947, is open to students in grades 9 through 12. Each year, about 25,000 high school students enter the audio-essay competition.One state winner receives an all-expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C., where the top national prize of a $30,000 scholarship is awarded.
Students interested in entering the competition should contact their local VFW Post. Additional information about the contests is at vfw.org/YouthScholarships.An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.
Yearbook Website
Please view our Yearbook Webpage
This webpage will allow you to submit senior photos, baby pictures, senior wills, dedications and more. Contact skontos@eupschools.org for more information.