McClure Newsletter
September 27, 2021
At the end of the 2020-2021 school year, Dr. Jennifer Gordon retired after 24 years as principal of McClure Elementary School.
To honor her legacy and service to Topeka Public Schools, a bench was dedicated in her honor on the school playground by the Topeka chapter of the Links, Inc.
During her time as principal, Dr. Gordon brought national recognition to McClure and led the school to win the 2017 National School of Character Award.
We thank Dr. Gordon for the impact she had on thousands of students across Topeka Public Schools district.
View photos from the bench dedication on Flickr.
Site Council & PTO-Tonight!
https://tps501.zoom.us/j/87312875421?pwd=ZFhqdm5vNmd5ODlDdkpEZzIvNkFxUT09 Meeting ID: 873 1287 5421 Passcode: 790104
PTO, 6pm
Meeting ID: 825 9731 2620
Passcode: 920589
Fruits & Vegetables
McClure will be participating in the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) this school year. According to KSDE, "The FFVP is a federally assisted program providing free fresh fruits and vegetables to students in participating elementary schools during the school day. The goal of the FFVP is to improve children’s overall diet and create healthier eating habits to impact their present and future health. The FFVP will help schools create healthier school environments by providing healthier food choices; expanding the variety of fruits and vegetables children experience; and increasing children’s fruit and vegetable consumption." Students will receive a variety of fruits and vegetables 2-3 times per week.
Student Pictures
You can order student pictures through Friday with no added fee. Pictures can be ordered online at https://www.strawbridge.net/. The code is: FM365383
The picture re-take day is November 1st.
McClure After School Program
There is still room in our afterschool program. If you are interested in your child attending, please fill out ONE Google form per child in the household that you would like to sign up. This is a first come first serve roster due to staffing availability. This is based on staffing and interest.
If you have any questions please contact Neely Gower at ngower@tps501.org .
Click here to complete the Google form.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
TPS Staff Appreciation eCards
Spirit Wear Update
Counselor Website
Take a look at our new counselor, Mrs. Hight's, website!
https://sites.google.com/tps501.org/mrshight/homeTopeka Public Schools Offers Employment Opportunities to Community Members
As Topeka Public Schools works to assist with overall employment in the Topeka area, we are inviting those you may know to consider future employment opportunities in the district.
We understand that many people have lost their jobs due to the pandemic; if you know someone who is seeking a new career opportunity, please share this information.
The district has openings for a variety of positions, including:
- Teachers
- School Nurses
- Social Workers
- School Psychologists
- Paraprofessionals
- Administrative Personnel
- Food Service Workers
- Custodians
All positions available are listed under Careers at topekapublicschools.net.
Upcoming Dates
- Monday, September 27th-Individual Picture Day
- Monday, September 27th-Site Council-5pm; PTO-6pm
- Tuesday, September 28th-Afterschool Program begins 3:40-5pm
- Friday, October 1st-Monthly Pillar-Respect
- Monday, October 4th-Friday Oct. 8th-Fidato Spirit Week
- Thursday, October 7th-Sk8 Away Night, 6-8pm
- Friday, October 8th-End of 1st Quarter
- Friday, October 8th-5th Grade Kanza Field Trip, 9:45am
- Monday, October 11th-No School, Teacher Planning & Prep Day
- Tuesday, October 12th-No School, Staff Professional Development
- Friday, October 15th-First Quarter House Family Celebration
- Monday, October 18th-22nd-National Character Counts Week
- Monday, October 18th-21st-Book Fair
- Wednesday, October 20th-Parent/Teacher Conferences 4pm-8pm
- Thursday, October 21st-Parent/Teacher Conferences 8am-8pm/No School
- Friday, October 22nd-No School
- Monday, October 25th-PTO, 6pm
- Thursday, October 28th-Spelling Bee Try-outs
- Thursday, October 28th-SOAR Assembly, 2:50pm
- Friday, October 29th-Halloween Parade & Party, 2pm (more information will be shared as we approach this date)