GEMS Gazette
Week of June 3
Vision Statement
Our vision at Garcia-Enriquez Middle School is to cultivate an environment that empowers the 21st century student to be future ready and aspire to reach their dreams.
Class of 2028 - Transition Ceremony
Class of 2028
Proud of our incredible 8th grade students ! Your hard work and achievement has paid off! Congratulations to each and every one of you! Continue to #EaglesSoar #FutureLeaders
Top 10 Awards
All Eagle Awards
Camila Diaz
Alonso Davila
Luis "Freddy" Galindo
Class of 2028
Thank you parents and guardians for all your involvement in your childs education. We had many accomplishments and successes along the way, but without you, we wouldn't be able to achieve them. 8th grade parents, please remember that your child still needs you at the high school and continue to be involved. 7th grade parents, we look forward to collaborating with you to ensure your child is successful their 8th grade year. Parent involvement is a key factor to set up our students academic and social emotion success.
Students who were not academically successful for the year, will need to successfully attend summer school. Report cards were distributed last week for verification. You may check the parent portal as well.
In addition to grades, students are required to attend 90% of the time and if not, they need make up hours if they missed more than 15 absences.
Please contact the campus if you have any questions at 872-3960.
Summer School
🎯 Students who failed the year
🎯 Loss of credit due to attendance
📅 June 4 - June 28
🕕 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (Breakfast)
🕕 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (Grade Recovery and Loss of Credit for Attendance Recovery)
🕕 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm (Lunch)
🕕 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm (Loss of Credit for Attendance Recovery)
📍San Elizario High School
💎 Reminder that all parents and guardians need to complete online registration for the next year. Please see information below.
Online Registation is now open!
Registration for the the 2024 - 2025 School Year is now open. The sooner your child is registered the better opportunities they will have.
Use the link below to register. If you need assistance you may contact our Registrar, Ms. Canava (acanava@seisd.net). We have devices available to use in the parent center.
Calendar of Events
Summer School
🎯 Students who failed the first or second semester
🎯 Loss of credit due to attendance
📅 June 4 - June 28
🕕 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (Breakfast)
🕕 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (Grade Recovery and Loss of Credit for Attendance Recovery)
🕕 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm (Lunch)
🕕 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm (Loss of Credit for Attendance Recovery)
📍San Elizario High School
San Elizario ISD App
Want to access the latest news from the District? All San Eli campuses? Want access to the Parent Portal? Want to know the calendar of events? You can get all of this and more in one location with the new San Elizario ISD app! See below for instructions.
💎 Search for San Elizario ISD
💎Download the App
Social Media
Ann M Garcia- Enriquez Middle School
Garcia-Enriquez Middle School
Contact information
Registrar: Ms. Canava (alcanava@seisd.net)
Attendance: Ms. M. Salcido (msalcido@seisd.net)
Receptionist: Mr. Vidales (avidales@seisd.net)
Ms. Munoz (armunoz@seisd.net - Last Names A-L)
Ms. Galarza (mgalarza@seisd.net - Last Names M-Z)
Assistant Principal: Mr. Corona (acorona@seisd.net)
Principal: Mr. Salcido (risalcido@seisd.net)
Email: gems@seisd.net
Website: https://www.seisd.net/Domain/9
Location: 12280 Socorro Rd, San Elizario, TX, USA
Phone: (915) 872-3960