Wonder Watch
Fenton Area Public Schools - World of Wonder
Welcome 2023
We are currently running our school fundraiser at Hungry Howie's. Information was sent home at the beginning of the month. For this fundraiser, we are selling coupon sheets. For every sheet sold at $20, World of Wonder will receive 75% or $15. We will be collecting money until January 31st. The money will be used to purchase materials for our shared spaces such as the library, gross motor room, and gym.
Program Data Nugget
Below is a chart highlighting where our students are scoring based on widely held expectations for three and four year olds when it comes to math development. Teachers and myself review this data frequently to lesson plan, individual instruction, and add materials to our classrooms.
Parents at WoW Meeting
Summer 2023
Any questions about summer options, please contact Marissa Cobleigh at mcobleigh@fentonschools.org
FAPS Communication Plan
Inclement Weather
World of Wonder Illness Policy
For the health and safety of other children and staff, a child should be kept
home if he/she has any of the following symptoms:
- A temperature above normal within the past 24 hours
- Earache, heavy nasal discharge, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting, red or watery eyes, chills or fever, persistent coughing, undiagnosed skin rash, or sore throat
- Any diagnosed, contagious, communicable disease
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has warned of an unseasonal RSV and Influenza. Similar to COVID, please report any positive cases to our Office Manager, Amber Brown by call 810-591-8349.
COVID 19 Guidelines
Please monitor your child for the below symptoms. We follow the Michigan Safer School Guidance for isolating and quarantining. Please contact our office manager, Amber Brown (810-591-8349) when a student is quarantined or isolated for COVID or has tested positive for COVID.
Symptoms to Monitor For:
o Temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
o Sore throat
o New uncontrolled cough (for children with chronic cough due to allergies or
asthma, a change in their cough from baseline)
o Difficulty breathing (for children with asthma, a change from their baseline
o Diarrhea, vomiting or stomach ache
o New onset of severe headache, especially with a fever
Help Support WoW
Help Support WoW's Community Share Room: Donate new or gently used clothing or household goods. Families can also come shop for FREE stuff!
Save Boxtops for Education and donate to WoW
Save VG's receipts and donate them to WoW. Must be full receipt. There is a drop box in the main office.
Stay connected! Like our World of Wonder Facebook page and join our PAW facebook group.
Dates to Remember
- Wednesday January 18th - Next PAW Meeting
- Saturday January 28th - Family Sledding Event @ World of Wonder
- Tuesday January 31st - End of Hungry Howie's Fundraiser
- Wednesday February 15th - PAW Meeting
- Thursday February 16th - Light Up the Night Event
- Friday February 17th & Monday February 20th - No School
Fenton World of Wonder
Email: mcobleigh@fentonschools.org
Website: https://www.fentonschools.org/o/escwowec
Location: 404 West Ellen Street, Fenton, MI, USA
Phone: 810-591-8349
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WoWFAPS