3.9.25 Badger News
Builta School, "We're So Happy You're Here"
Dear Builta Families
Congratulations to the Builta Robotics Team for their participation and performance at this weekend's district robotics tournament. Thank you to Coach DeFarno and Coach Petruzzi for their leadership and direction of our teams.
We are grateful for everyone who donated to providing snacks for teachers during last week's conference day.
This Week at Builta:
All 5th grade students will participate in the Illinois Science Assessment on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning from 9:15-10:15. While 5th grade students take this assessment, we will not be able dismiss students from class or have students join class until the 9:15-10:15 testing period is complete.
- 3.10: Author visit with Srividhya Venkat
- 3.10: 4th Grade Mutual Ground Presentation
- 3.11: 1st and 4th Grade Mutual Ground Presentation
- 3.11, 3.12, 3.13: 5th ISA Testing
- 3.14: PBIS All School Celebration-This Friday, students will participate in an all school PBIS celebration for filling our "golden spinner" with blue tickets. Students are going to celebrate with a school wide simon says game.
Builta Robotics Teams
Help Us Earn an All School Bubble Party
Builta students have almost earned their all school bubble party. As of March 9, we have had 17% of the Builta parent population complete the 5 Essentials Survey. We are grateful to the parents who have had the chance to complete the survey.
Our goal is to have at least 20% of parents complete the survey. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey through the website link or the QR code on the side.
Builta Staff
Visit survey link or scan the qr code. http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/
2. Type and select “Dupage” as "County." (The county is the location of the school district's main office.)
3. Type your school's name into the "School" field and select your school.
Procedures for Making a Dismissal Change for Your Student
Dear Builta Families,
If your child will be going home a different way than is noted on your child’s dismissal form, please follow the procedures below. Please note that we will only change dismissal procedures if contacted by parents. We want to make sure that students are dismissed to the appropriate responsible person and the correct location.
There are two ways to notify us:
1. A Note to the Teacher by 9:00 am: Send in a note with your child to turn in to the teacher in the morning. Or, email your child’s classroom teacher by 9:00. After the start of the school day at 9:00, please do not email your child’s teacher to change dismissal. Teachers do not have the opportunity to check emails while teaching. Please include the following information in the note to the teacher.
Date of the dismissal change
First and last names of the children
Classroom teacher’s last name
The way the students will be getting home (bus # if applicable)
Parent’s complete name and phone number
2. Phone Call to the Office by 3:00 pm: If you are calling the school office to let us know about a dismissal change, you must call the office at 630-226-4400 by 3:00 pm. Include the following information in your phone call to the office.
Date of the dismissal change
First and last names of the children
Classroom teacher’s last name
The way the students will be getting home (bus # if applicable)
Parent’s complete name and phone number
Thank you for helping keep student safety a priority by communicating with the school about dismissal changes.
Application Now Open for 2025-2026 PTA Board Positions
Want to help make a difference in our school? Join the 2025-2026 PTA Board! Available positions include President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Social Media Chair and Events Chair. View our elections webpage for more information and to apply. Applications must be submitted by March 31, 2025.
Upcoming Events
- 3.21: World Down Syndrome Day (Rock your socks. Wear brightly colored mismatched socks)
- 3.25, 3.26, 3.27: IAR Testing 3rd, 4th. 5th- 3rd, 4th, 5th IAR Test Schedule
- 3.26: PTA Spring Bash in Gym (K-2: 1:00-1:50; 3-5: 2:10-3:10) This event will take place during school hours on Wednesday, March 26 and will include fun activities for all students. The PTA is in need of volunteers to help host the event, as well as volunteers to be a part of the event planning committee. Sign up here!
- 3.31-4.4: Spring Break
- 4.8, 4.9, 4.10: IAR Testing 3rd, 4th, 5th- 3rd, 4th, 5th IAR Test Schedule