Colton Hills School Bulletin
19 June 2024
Introduction by Ms McClure, Associate Assistant Headteacher, Sixth Form
As we move through our last half term of this academic year, Colton Hills show no signs of winding down. In fact, there has been a whirlwind of amazing activity. Whilst many of our Year 7s have been enjoying the fresh air and sea views in Gelliwig, we have, amongst other things, had musical experiences with concert pianists, taken part in athletics competitions, launched PRIDE month and taken part in the WolvOlympic Torch relay!
This half term has been a wonderful example of our PRIDE value of Excellence. With exam season almost over, we want to congratulate our Year 13 and 11s for their hard work and dedication. We look forward to celebrating with them on their results days. The winning Colton Hills Community School spirit has also been in evidence, with two of our Year 10 students winning Bronze awards in the Royal Society of Biology, Biology Challenge Competition and two of our Year 12s winning the My Environment My Future School Competition in the 17-18 age category! Both of these are UK wide competitions, showing how amazing our students are and we couldn't be prouder. We still have so much to look forward to, including our 50 years celebration event, Bugsy Malone school show, celebration evening, prom, sports day, Sixth Form induction days and much more.
Olympic Torch Arrives at Colton Hills
It was a pleasure to receive the torch on Tuesday, 11 June as it was delivered by the students from Goldthorn Park Primary school. The following morning, our student body resumed the relay, accompanied by Mrs Walker and Mr Gittins. They took off for SS Mary and John's Catholic Primary amidst cheers from other students and the dhol drummers playing as they left the school grounds.
Big Bang at CHCS
On Wednesday, 19 July, as part of the Big Bang theme, our Science department put on a series of STEM activities across the school for students from Year 7 to 10. The year groups took turns to visit parts of the school to take part in the science activities ranging from learning about marine biology, building their own rockets, engaging with higher education providers and learning teamwork from the CCF cadets. Thank you to all our teachers and helpers including our Sixth Formers.
Year 7 Residential trips to Wales
Our Year 7 pupils have been taking turns in the last couple of weeks to visit our residential in Wales. These trips have always been on our annual school calendars for Year 7s to foster their friendships and enjoy their independence away from home. Judging by the photos, they all seem to be having a great time! From enjoying activities such as rock-climbing to visiting the seaside and local attractions, it's a great way to finish off the summer term.
Intervention session with Ms Queiroz, Inspire 2 Quit Blades
Music Masterclass with Concert Pianist, Richard Meyrick
Our students were very fortunate to virtually meet internationally acclaimed concert pianist, Richard Meyrick during their music lesson on Thursday, 13 June. Richard gave tips and advice for each of the four students after observing them individually. These valuable lessons enable students to enjoy & improve their playing. Big thank you to our staff in the Music department for creating such wonderful opportunities for our students.
PRIDE Month Movie Screening, starting Monday 17 June
My Environment My Future School Competition Winners
Congratulations to our students, Shahd Sayed and Sava Amin, who have won the MEMF School Competition 2024 in the 17-18 age category! The competition attracted young people from all over the UK who presented thoughtful and sustainable designs for redeveloping a building or space in their local areas through the lens of wellbeing.
The expert panel of judges had a difficult task selecting a winning proposal from each age category. Shahd's and Sava’s winning proposal for the development of a sustainability learning space, impressed the judges with their understanding of sustainability, the impact of a space on wellbeing evidenced through their designs and the level of details for the cost analysis. We are so proud of the students and their much deserved win! Congratulations also to the other Colton Hills teams who were awarded merit for their entries.
Bronze Winners in Biology Challenge 2024
The results are in, congratulations to Emma and Elliot who attained Bronze Certificates in the Royal Society of Biology's Biology Challenge. Well done to the other four students who attained Highly Commended, the three who attained Commended and all who participated, your certificates are on the way!
Year 5 Taster Sessions, June 2024
Free to all Year 5 students, including siblings, friends and relatives of current students.
Wolverhampton Children’s Safeguarding Contact Details
If you suspect or believe a child is suffering or is likely to suffer Significant Harm, including any form of mistreatment or abuse, you should report your concerns on the following numbers:
Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5pm,
Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm on 01902 555392
Outside of the above hours for emergencies on 01902 552999
If the child or young person is at immediate risk of serious harm dial 999