What's Happening Weekly @ MRH

Opportunities for YOU to Learn More About Propositions B & E
Come join us on the evening of Thursday, February 6 for an informative discussion on Propositions B & E at the Masonry Institute located at 1429 S. Big Bend Blvd. in Richmond Heights. This in-person event will provide an opportunity for community members to engage with the MRH Board of Education. Don't miss out on this chance to voice your opinions and ask questions about these important funding measures on the April 8 election ballot!
Direct child care inquiries to info@mrhschools.net
Two Candidates, Two Seats in April MRH School Board Election
After one candidate withdrew his name from consideration on January 24, two candidates remain for two seats which will open on the Maplewood Richmond Heights School District Board of Directors. The municipal election will take place on April 8.
Under Missouri law, candidates’ names must appear on the ballot if the original number of filers exceeds the number of available seats. The filing period closed in December.
Current Board Director Brian Matz of Richmond Heights, who was elected last year to fill out an unexpired term, is headed for a full 3-year term. Also serving a full term will be Julie Francois of Maplewood. In 2023, she was appointed to the MRH Board to fill a vacancy through April 2024.
Current Board Secretary Linda Robinson is not seeking reelection.
District Vendor Supports MRH Sustainability
“Sustainability is an approach to living on this planet and with each other that sets as a priority the thoughtful use of resources so that future generations inherit a healthy and productive planet.”
Using that working definition, these MRH Middle School students in the classroom of Melissa Breed-Parks enjoyed a unique opportunity to learn about sustainability efforts from one of the District’s newest vendors. Buckeye International of Maryland Heights provides a wide variety of eco-friendly cleaning and disinfecting products to MRH Schools. Buckeye General Manager Steve McGuire explained that the company’s products are engineered to minimize environmental impact while promoting safe environments for students and staff. The company has eliminated the use of hard-surface cleaners that contained ingredients such as solvents and alcohol bases. And, Buckeye products are packaged in a manner which reduces the overall amount of plastics which winds up in landfills.
Also on hand for the presentation was Dr. Michael Dittrich, MRH Operations Director and former longtime principal of MRH Middle School. He outlined for students the sustainability features in the District including the bee-keeping program and the new energy-efficient windows and HVAC systems made possible by voter support of the Proposition E bond issue in 2020.
WOW Food Pantry Appeal to the Community
Weekend On Wheels, the MRH community nutrition support program, is seeking donations to provide our families with a generous food box in the coming weeks. Each week, we distribute a significant amount of food to those in need. Immediate needs of the pantry include:
canned pasta sauce
pasta/spaghetti noodles
peanut butter/jelly
Rice-a-Roni type sides
Pop Tarts/toaster pastries
chunky soups (i.e. Progresso/Campbell's Chunky)
chicken noodle soup
boxes of granola bars
nut-free snacks
boxes of cereal
canned fruit
canned meat (tuna/chicken)
Email naomi.warren@mrhschools.net to arrange a drop-off time for your donation at the MS/HS campus at 7500 Lohmeyer Avenue.
Help us restock the WOW Pantry to support MRH Families district-wide! The WOW pantry operates entirely on donations, and our high school students do an outstanding job each week packing boxes for families and managing our inventory.
MRH Summer School: Make Plans Now!
It's never too soon to think about summer plans!
The K-8 Summer Journey program offers free, full-day experiences for kids. Students can explore their world and discover new skills and interests in a variety of course offerings in a relaxed environment. Students entering Kindergarten in the fall of 2025 can get a jump start on school by joining us at Summer Journey.
We encourage all K-8 students to participate in Summer Journey, as it helps accelerate learning and reduce summer learning loss, setting the foundation for success during the 2025-2026 school year.
When: June 3 through June 27, 2025, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Where: MRH Elementary School
Transportation: Provided for eligible students
Don't miss this incredible opportunity to keep your child engaged and learning over the summer!
Complete the summer journey interest form in PowerSchool. Directions are outlined here.
If you're interested in learning more about High School Programming, stay tuned for future communication.
Additional Resources & Opportunities for Families
Apprenticeship and Career Pathways Showcase
Families and students in grades 6 through 12, as well as recent graduates, are invited to join us to experience a variety of careers through interactive exhibits and discussion with industry professionals.
Come learn more about these exciting and fulfilling job opportunities, many of which require training instead of a traditional, 4-year degree. Spanning regional employers seeking new talent, our exhibitors will include representatives from key career pathways including:
Advanced Manufacturing
Culinary & Hospitality
Information Technology
Public Safety
Transportation & Logistics
Join Our Crusade for Mental Health Awareness
On May 10, 2025, MRH will once again participate in the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Walk in Creve Coeur Park. Founded in 1979, NAMI is a non-profit organization that works to improve the lives of people affected by mental illness. They provide support, education, and awareness through events such as the annual NAMIWalks St. Louis. Last year, NAMIWalks St. Louis was a record-breaking event, with over 1,300 participants including MRH employees and families representing Team Blue Devils. EVERYONE is welcome to join us again this year! Tap here or on any of the images below to get started with registration.
Remember, 1 in 5 adults live with a mental health condition, making your efforts even more impactful. We hope to see you on May 10!
District Central Office and school building phone numbers
The MRH Communications Tree: Find the right person to contact with your questions/concerns.
MRH Youth Sports Baseball/Softball Registration
MRH Youth Sports baseball and softball registration for the 2025 season is now open and runs through Friday, Feb. 14, at MRHYS.org. These sports are open to kindergarten through 8th grade.
As always, it is first-come, first-served on registration. The earlier you sign up in the registration period, the better your chances for being put on a team.
We are also in need of coaches! Please sign up when registering your child.
Reach out to mrhyouthsports@gmail.com with any questions. We look forward to seeing your players on the field!
Party for Joe's Place Rescheduled for February 8
There is still plenty of time to get YOUR tickets to this wonderful annual event which supports the MRH residence for unhoused senior boys. CLICK HERE for registration details
Dates to Know
February 6: Board of Education Community Roundtables
February 10-14: Parent/teacher conferences
February 14: No school for students; PreK Open House (prospective families only)
February 17: District closed (Presidents Day)
February 20: Board of Education monthly meeting
National School Counseling Week highlights the tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve success and plan for a career. National School Counseling Week is always celebrated the first full week in February. Let's take a moment to thank the MRH counseling team of Tonja Robinson, Zane Bell, Lesa Thomas, Dorinda Busby, Batrice Jackson, Justin Harcharic, Debbie Kravitz, Terri Brown and Valerie Seppanen.
What's Happening in Our Community
Thank you to our friends at The Post, our newest sponsor of MRH Athletics/Activities.
If YOU would like to support MRH with your brand, find the details on our website.
Non-Discrimination Statement
The Maplewood Richmond Heights School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, disability, age, sexual orientation and/or perceived sexual orientation, or genetic information in its programs and activities. View Notice of Non-Discrimination or Board Policy AC.