February 17, 2023
Building Excellence Successfully Together
February 20 - Presidents' Day (No School)
February 21 - Professional Development Day (No School)
February 23 - FCS Board Meeting
February 24 - PTA Bingo Family Fun Night
February 28 - Hardship Transfer Deadline
March 13 - Professional Development Day (No School)
March 14 - Teacher Workday (No School)
March 17 - All Pro Dads
March 23 - FCS Board Meeting
April 18 - Northwood Kindergarten Round Up
Second Grade Explorers
Hello from Second Grade! Can you believe that February is halfway over? In writing, we have started learning about fact and opinion; and will be writing our opinions, backing them up with reasons and examples. The students have been learning about and researching various historical figures who were important in the fight for civil rights. Students learned all about Harriet Tubman at an inhouse field trip, and MLK, Jr. at another.
Valentine’s Day was a hit! The children had so much fun decorating their bags and passing out valentines. We are all looking forward to spring and warmer weather!
Fourth Grade Explorers
Fourth graders have been diving into a new social studies unit! Students participated in a fun “Brainstorm Carousel” activity. Groups walked to different charts around the room and contributed one important fact they learned from reading each chart’s article. Students were intrigued about the many ways the Industrial Revolution shaped the United States!
Read Across America
We will celebrate Read Across America Week February 27th - March 3rd. Students and staff are invited to dress up each day. We also have a local author, June Akers, coming to speak to students in grades 2-5. Please see the flyer for information if you are interested in purchasing her books.
Monday, February 27th- Hats off to Reading! Wear your favorite hat.
Tuesday, February 28th- Reading in my Silly Socks! Wear silly socks.
Wednesday, March 1st- Reading Takes You Places! Wear a college shirt or shirt that represents a future career path.
Thursday, March 2nd- Read My Shirt! Wear a shirt that others can read.
*Author visit grades 2-5*
Friday, March 3rd- Wear a Northwood spirit shirt or colors because our school loves to read!
FCS Annual Parent Perception Survey
School Governance Council 2023 Elections
The purpose of a School Governance Council (SGC) is to provide parents, school staff, and community members with a leadership role through monitoring and implementation of the strategic plan.
What is the commitment?
All School Governance Council members serve two-year terms. Time commitment varies from school-to-school, but expect 4-5 hours per month which includes meetings, trainings, and school and community events.
When are the 2023 elections?
Candidate Declaration: February 1 - March 24
Elections will be held from April 12 -19
Where to declare candidacy?
Visit the SGC website and click on Elections for a candidate guide and/or declaration.
Northwood Artist Day - Call for Artists
Artists and performers needed for Northwood’s Artist Day!
Are you a painter, sculptor, fine artist, musician, performer, dancer, craftsperson or someone with other creative talent? Northwood’s Artist Day committee is putting together this year’s event and WE NEED YOU! Last year’s artist day was a smashing success and we hope to make this year even better for our explorers. If you are interested in participating or would like more information, please contact Mollie Katzin (katzinm@fultonschools.org)
Hardship Transfer Deadline - February 28
Hardship Transfer applications are available beginning Jan. 1 for parents who wish to apply for a 2023-24 hardship transfer or to renew a current hardship to another Fulton elementary, middle or high school. Parents will use an online form to enter and submit their information. Get more info and access the application here.
Parents, please encourage your students to check regularly for lost items in the Lost and Found. Please mark all student belongings clearly with the child’s name so that it can be identified. Unclaimed items are donated to local charities after the last school day of every month. February’s date is Monday, February 27th.
Cafeteria News
Bingo Night and Silent Auction
Get ready for one of the best nights of the year...BINGO Night!!! Head over to Membership Toolkit to purchase your tickets today! You can also print the bottom portion of the below image and send to your teacher, along with a check, to reserve your spot! We will not sell tickets at the door. Advanced purchase is necessary, and this event typically books up very quickly.
Our Silent Auction will also kick off a week before BINGO and run from February 17th through February 24th at 8PM. We have amazing items including three vacation spots, passes to Treetop Quest, spa gift cards and more. In the coming days and weeks, check out the link below as we update our offering. Scope out what you love and get ready for bidding when the time comes! For now, save the link so you can check back shortly!
To make the night run smoothly, we'll need volunteers. Please consider volunteering a portion of your time that night to help it run smoothly. We can't do it without our volunteers.
Purchase tickets: www.Northwoodpta.membershiptoolkit.com/packet/10762
Silent Auction: https://northwoodpta.betterworld.org/auctions/northwood-spring-silent-auction-2
Volunteer Sign Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090548ACAA23A0FD0-northwood
Have you bought a yearbook yet? The cost is $43. Click here to order: tinyurl.com/2y4vw5xw
If you have any questions, please email Yearbook@northwoodpta.com
About Us
Heather Q. Rucker, Principal
Michelle Levine, Assistant Principal
Together We SHINE!
Email: NorthwoodAttendance@fultonschools.org
Website: www.fultonschools.org/northwoodes
Location: 10200 Wooten Road, Roswell, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-6390
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NorthwoodElementaryPTA/
Twitter: @FCS_NWES