Harvey Eagle Updates
2024-2025 School Year
August 30, 2024
Grades K-6
Full-Day: 9:00 AM - 3:50 PM
Half-Day: 9:00 AM - 12:04 PM
Doors open at 8:50 AM
Office Hours
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
School Hours
Harvey Office Information
- Principal: Ms. Marissa Masi
- Administration Assistant: Ms. Erica Pawlik
- Clerk: Mrs. Mandi Dumont
- Hours: 8:30am-4:30pm
- Open Daily: Monday-Friday
- Office Number:586-797-5100
- Absence Line: 586-797-5199
- Email: harveyoffice@uticak12.org
A Message from the Principal
Dear Harvey Families,
What a great week we had to kick off the new school year! I enjoyed getting to meet so many of you at our Back to School- Eagle Night! Thank you to our JHV For providing us with popsicles, it made the night extra sweet! Although, our week was cut short due to power outages we made the best of our first day together and are looking forward to being back together next week!
As we wrap up this first week I wanted to share a few reflections with you. First off, the students have done a fantastic job of adjusting to their new routines and classrooms. It's been wonderful to see their enthusiasm. I have enjoyed having the opportunity to see the students each morning as I make rounds to each classroom. The Harvey Eagles have been so helpful in making me feel at home! Your involvement has been crucial in helping to make the back to school transition as smooth as possible. I appreciate all of you working hard to make sure your student arrives on time and is prepared and ready to tackle a day of learning and fun! Also, thank you for your patience with our busses. Our transportation department is working hard to ensure our students are picked up and dropped off on time. As we continue to adjust to a new school year please reach out to your students teacher with any questions or concerns you might have. Our Harvey teachers are amazing and great resources. We are all working hard to support our students! As we move into the coming weeks, we'll continue focusing on building strong foundations in routines, expectations, academics, and classroom/school community.
Thank you again for your continued support. We’re looking forward to a wonderful year ahead!
Ms. Masi
Scholastic Book Fair
September Character Trait- Kindness
We’ve been learning how important it is to be kind to everyone around us. Being kind means treating our friends, classmates, and teachers with respect, sharing, and helping out whenever we can. When we include others, say nice things, and listen, it makes our school a better and happier place for everyone. We’ve also learned that small acts of kindness can make a big difference, like giving a compliment, helping someone who’s feeling sad, or simply saying 'please' and 'thank you.' We're excited to practice kindness every day, at school and at home!
Click below to learn more
Back to School Packet
As we gear up for the upcoming fall semester, we would like to kindly remind you to complete and submit any necessary paperwork for your elementary school student.
In this back-to-school packet you will find: this packet will be going home the first week of school with your student. If you did not receive this packet yet it will be going home next week.
- PowerSchool form update information-this MUST be filled out no later than September 6
- Educational Benefits Form-all families should fill this out by September 6. This report has the potential to provide our students with additional instructional supports such as staff, supplies and materials as well as non-instructional supports such as counseling, social work, and health services, and much more. Please consider filling this out.
- 2024-2025 Calendar
- Volunteer Screening-This MUST be filled out each year if you plan to volunteer at all.
- Parent Input Form
- Parent Statement of Childs Health Conditions Form
- Emergency Contact Information Card
Your cooperation in completing these forms ensures the safety and well-being of your child while they are under our care. We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and thank you for your continued partnership in your child's education.
Upcoming Dates to Remember: August, September, October
August 30: No School
September 2: No School (Labor Day)
September 3: School Resumes (full day)
September 10: Open House 6:30-7:00- Title 1 Presentation 7:00-8:00- Open House
September 16-20: Scholastic Book Fair
September 18: No School (PD Day)
September 19: UCS Legacy of Excellence Night
September 26: Picture Day
October 16: No School (PD Day)
October 31: Half-Day (school dismisses at 12:04)
6:30-7:00- our wonderful Literacy Coach Mrs. Meadows will be doing a Title 1 Presentation in the gym
7:00-8:00- Open House. More details to come...
2024-2025 UCS Student & Parent Handbook
Arrival & Dismissal
Arrival @ 8:50pm
- Students eating breakfast at Harvey will enter through the main doors (Door 1). Doors will open at 8:40am for these students. Breakfast will be served in the gym
- Students NOT eating breakfast at school will wait outside the main doors (Door 1) by their grade level sign until the bell rings at 8:50am. Students will then be allowed to enter the building and go to their classrooms
- Young 5's students will enter through Door 2
Dismissal @ 3:50pm
- Parent pick up/walkers: 1st and 2nd grade students will dismiss out of the main doors (Door 1)
- Parent pick up/walkers: 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students will all dismiss out of their exterior classroom doors. Parent pick up students will be picked up outside of Door 2. Students will meet their grown up in this area.
- Parent pick up/walkers: Young 5 students will dismiss out of Door 2.
- Parent pick up/walkers: Kindergarten students will be dismissed out of Door 2.
- ALL students taking the bus will meet their bus in front of the main entrance of the building. The office will notify families if busses are running late.
Early Arrivals/Late Arrivals/Early Dismissals
Student supervision is a shared responsibility between parents and school personnel. Children are to arrive at school no earlier than 8:50 AM, unless they are attending breakfast. Doors for breakfast will open at 8:40am. When arriving late to school, children must check-in at the main office. We understand some appointments need to be made during the school day. Please allow extra time in your schedule to pick up your child(ren). We will call your child(ren) out of class when you arrive at school. It is important your child(ren) stay in class for as much of the academics as they can. Early dismissals will be reflected in PowerSchool.
Student Absences
On the day of absence, parent/guardian are asked to report an absence before the school day begins. Calls may be made 24 hours a day, seven days a week and will be received by an answering machine during non-school hours at 586-797-5199. Absences may also be reported by email at officeharvey@uticak12.org. Please do not call the main line, use the absence line or report by email. Documentation or other verification may be required to establish an excused absence. Please review the Board Policy 5115 below for more information regarding student attendance.
We LOVE our JHV!
JHV Meeting Dates: Our JHV does SO many amazing things for our Harvey community! We would love to have you join us for our monthly meetings-either in person or online! All meetings start at 6:30pm.
- Monday September 9th
- Tuesday October 8th
- Monday November 11th
- Monday January 13th
- Tuesday February 11th
- Wednesday March 12th
- Monday April 14th
- Tuesday May 13th
District Mobile App
Utica Community Schools has a mobile app! Search for 'Utica Schools' in your phone's app store and download the free app to stay up-to-date on district and school news. The old mobile app 'Utica Community Schools' is no longer supported and should be deleted from your devices. Download at the App store here and Google Play here.
PowerSchool Forms
Only complete these sections "Student Address, Contacts, Health Info." if there have been changes. Everyone must complete the "Required to Complete Each Year" section.
Complete Education Benefits Form Online
You may also print an Education Benefit Form below and fill it out and email it to officeharvey@uticak12.org or turn it into the Main Office. Additional copies are in the office.
Completing online is the quickest and easiest way to complete.
Food Allergies and School Lunches
Food Service MUST have the SNP Special Dietary Accommodations form to make any type of food accommodation. Without this, Food Service cannot serve the kids with special requests and allergies. If your child has any sort of food allergy or special request (ie vegetarian), please fill out the form with the signature of the physician (if it is not a religious restriction) and send it in to the Main Office.
Job Opportunities for the 2024-2025 School Year
A number of Utica Community Schools employment opportunities are anticipated to be available for the 2024-2025 school year. This includes but is not limited to professional positions, paraprofessional, bus driver, food services, school age childcare, trades, mechanics, and other important support work. District personnel serve as excellent ambassadors for the organization and are encouraged to promote the UCS employment website to persons interested in being part of the UCS team. Related resources include:
- The district general employment website can be found at https://uticak12.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx. Interested persons must follow the described process for each position.
- In addition to the general employment website, some position postings are additionally and/or separately distributed internally within the organization to promote or foster interest from existing staff who may not be regularly reviewing the website.
- EDUStaff opportunities please visit https://www.edustaff.org/.
Lunch Supervisors Needed
We are in need of lunch supervisors for the 2024-2025 school year. Please call Mrs. Dumont at 586-797-5103 for more information!
Device Insurance Information: Purchase by September 6, 2024
Device Insurance Plan for Accidental Damage – Annual Coverage
An annual insurance plan has been designed to help families if there is an accident that causes damage to the school issued device. When participating in the district’s insurance plan for $20 per year, any accidental damage reported will be covered as described below.
Insurance coverage will repair/replace the device for accidental damage with no cost incurred by the student for the first incident (claim). Subsequent damage repairs during the covered year will have a deductible assessed per instance. Insurance will cover a maximum of 3 damage occurrences during the covered year. The deductible fee schedule for each damage occurrence is outlined below. Please note, if insurance is not purchased, actual repair costs (not to exceed the cost of the device) will apply.
Insurance Plan Purchase
$20 per device, per year
Device Damage/Occurrence Fees (WITH INSURANCE)
- First Occurrence - NO CHARGE
- Second Occurrence – not to exceed $75 (iPad) / $150 (laptop)
- Third Occurrence – not to exceed $150 (iPad) / $300 (laptop)
- Thereafter – full repair/replacement cost
How to Purchase Device Insurance -- ONLINE:
The initial fee to purchase device insurance can be paid online using your checking account, debit card or credit card through PaySchools. The link to PaySchools is the same for ALL schools: https://www.payschoolscentral.com/
Pay Schools Central
All UCS schools now utilize a central PaySchools site, which can be visited at www.payschoolscentral.com.
With PaySchools, you can pay for your children’s school fees, registrations, and more online, securely and quickly. No more lost cash or checks!
- Create your account using your computer or tablet at: www.payschoolscentral.com
- If you want to use your phone, download the PaySchools Central app on the Apple App Store or Google Play.
- Complete account registration by selecting register, entering your profile details, setting up your password via the email link we’ll send you, then logging in.
- Add your children to your account using their student ID numbers.
- If you’d like, enter credit card and/or banking information as forms of payment to use with your PaySchools account.
Need help with your PaySchools Central account?
8:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. ET (M-F)
Rest assured that PaySchools is PCI-compliant and maintains industry-standard SSL certificates, ensuring all your family’s data is safe and secured.
When logging into PaySchools this year you will need your Student ID number. A quick and easy way to find it is to look on your child's report card and it will be located to the left of their name.
Criminal History Check Required Every Year
Please note that in order to volunteer at Harvey, a Volunteer Criminal History Check Form will need to be completed and submitted EVERY YEAR.
The form is attached below. Please fill it out and email it to officeharvey@uticak12.org or turn it into the Main Office.
Medical Forms
Students sometimes need to take medication. Parents should administer medication to their children at home. In the event that is not possible, the school may administer either prescription or non-prescription medicine – but only when authorized by the student’s parent/guardian and the child’s physician. Requests must be made by completing an Authorization for Medication form, available from the school office or the website linked below.
If your student has any medical conditions that Duncan needs to be aware of, please fill out the appropriate forms, found at the link below, and turn them in to the Main Office as soon as possible. The form(s) must be signed by the child’s physician.
Security Procedures
We are asking for your assistance to ensure that our security procedures during the school day are effective. As many of you know, our school has a security camera, intercom, and buzzer at the front entrance for use during the school day. To help us assist you when you would like to enter the school:
1. All guests must enter through the main office door
2. Please press the buzzer to speak with someone in the office
3. You will be asked to state your name and reason for visiting
4. Each time you come to the office you will be asked to show your photo ID into the security camera above the outside door and once again at the main office.
5. Office staff will assist you.
6. Guests must have an appointment to meet with a staff member during instructional hours
In addition, we are asking you to not let any visitors in the door as you enter (and they come up behind you) or as you exit the building.
Finally, all exterior doors are to remain locked and secure daily. Teachers will not prop doors open and any door that is open is to have a staff member monitoring it at all times.
The teachers and staff are committed to student safety and security and we would like to thank you for your assistance in helping keep the students of Harvey safe.
School Age Child Care (SACC)
Utica Community Schools is pleased to provide an opportunity for School Age Child Care, beginning August 29, 2023 Monday - Friday, 6:45am - 9:00 am and school dismissal – 6:00pm. SACC is NOT available in the AM and students attending SACC in the afternoon will be bussed to Browning.
Families must pre-register online.
Registrations will not be done on site or over the phone.
- Completing the online form is not a guarantee or confirmation of registration.
- Once families complete the online form, a SACC representative will contact you to confirm your registration and process payment. Please have your credit card information available.
- Once payment is complete, you will receive a separate email with required paperwork. Completed paperwork must be emailed to “schoolname”sacc@uticak12.org (ex: Becksacc@uticak12.org)
- Registrations will be processed on a first come first served basis, availability is limited.
- If the program is full at your location, you will receive an email indicating you have been placed on the waitlist. Families on the waitlist will be contacted as space become available.
UCS Wellness
Utica Community Schools works to support the physical, mental and social-emotional development of all students. Our wellness pages contain a variety of resources for students, teachers, staff, parents and community members. Follow the links at the right or open the tabs below for our resources.
Calendar of Events
- 30th: NO SCHOOL
- 2nd: NO SCHOOL- Labor Day
- 10th: Open House 6:30-7:00 Title 1 Presentation 7:00-8:00 Open House
- 18th: NO SCHOOL- Teacher Professional Development
- 26th: Picture Day
- 16th: NO SCHOOL- Teacher Professional Development
- 31st: Half Day of School: Dismissal at 12:04pm
- 1st: Half Day of School: Dismissal at 12:04pm - End of Marking Period
- 5th: NO SCHOOL - Election Day
- 7th: Half Day of School: Dismissal at 12:04pm - Parent Teacher Afternoon Conferences & Picture Re-take Day
- 27th-29th: NO SCHOOL- Thanksgiving Break
- 20th: Half Day of School: Dismissal at 12:04pm - End of Marking Period
- 23rd- January 3, 2024: NO SCHOOL - Winter Break
- 20th: NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- 17th-21st: NO SCHOOL - Mid-Winter Break
- 21st: Half Day of School - End of Marking Period
- 24th - 28th: NO SCHOOL - Spring Break
- 18th: NO SCHOOL - Good Friday
- 26th: NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
- 10th: Half Day of School - Dismissal at 12:04pm
- 11th: Half Day of School - Dismissal at 12:04pm - LAST DAY!