PLA Virtual News
Phalen Virtual Leadership Academy
"Bytes" From Your School Leader, Dr. Townsend
January 3, 2025
Greetings Phalen Virtual Leadership Academy Families,
Happy Friday! Happy New Year! Welcome to 2025! Do you make New Year Resolutions? What are you committing to doing to become a better version of yourself in 2025? We are great and worthy, so we owe it to ourselves to always strive to love ourselves enough, know our worth and live life on purpose.
We are so very excited to welcome scholars back to school on Monday, January 6, 2025. Please support scholars by getting their sleep schedule back on schedule this weekend to be prepared to rise bright and early to learn and grow.
Registration remains open for the 2024-2025 Academic School Year. Please share your success at PLA Virtual with friends, family, neighbors and organizations, as we may be a great school choice for them as well. Our registration link is below. We appreciate all the referrals that have been shared with us by YOU. They are proud to give your name as the person who referred them, and we also sing your praises in return as we appreciate all of our families.
We look forward to seeing your scholar(s) on Monday, January 6, 2025 for week 21 of our school year! Our Grades 6-12 scholars begin their school day at 8:00am and our Grades K-5 scholars begin at 8:30am.
Have a wonderful Holiday Break and we will see you in 2025.
With Gratitude,
Dr. Townsend, Principal
Scholar Led PVTV (Phalen Virtual Television)
Click Below to View Each Weekly Episode
HAPPY NEW YEAR from PLA Virtual and FURY the Phoenix!
A huge congratulations to the following scholars on their college acceptances!!!
- Melinda Black
- Shaquoyah Mickle
- Asia Dodson
Academic Reminders
Mrs. Moses is on maternity leave effective Thursday, 11/21/24-1/17/25. Any emails, calls, other messages will receive a response upon her return. If you have an urgent matter, please contact one of the following people:
- Attendance, Danita Johnson: dajohnson@phalenacademies.org
- Social Work, Destyni Anderson: deanderson@phalenacademies.org
- Assistant Principal: Deanna Maxwell: dmaxwell@phalenacademies.org
College and Career Preparation Events
Want/Need one-on-one FAFSA support?
21st Century Scholars has representatives from across the state who specialize in helping students and families complete the FAFSA form.
Register here so a representative can contact you!
Reminder, the FAFSA opens on December 1, 2024!
Winter Break is a great time to ensure your application is complete!
Scholarship Corner
Lily Scholar Opportunity
Qualifying Students:
High school seniors interested in a career in pharmaceutical manufacturing
Apply to be a Lily Scholar
Ivy Tech offers EACH APPLICANT the opportunity to gain scholarship funding. If you want to see how much of your senior's education can be funded, have your student APPLY TODAY. They can elect into the scholarship fund on the application.
Want your potential employer to PAY for your education? Ivy Tech offers that, too! View more information here!
Indiana-specific scholarships are available. View them below!
Trine STORM Tank
It is that time of year to plan again for Trine University’s annual Innovation Challenge, rebranded as “Storm Tank”, brought to you by Trine innovation 1 and Farmers State Bank. If you have been a part of the challenge in the past, we look forward to seeing you again this year.
If you or your school have never been involved, think about the Shark Tank television show. This is a similar concept competition. Here is what you need to know:
For the past ten years, the Innovation Challenge has created a low-risk entry point for regional residents, high school students, and collegiate participants to have their concepts reviewed by an expert panel of judges. This regional opportunity fosters a competitive platform to nurture raw ideas from a wide range of topics (business-to-business, business-to consumer, and conceptual innovations). The competition this year will NOT be divided into separate categories.
The event that takes place is a concept pitch day that is held for the participants to vet their ideas to experts from industry, banking, and academia. The participants will be expected to prepare a 10 slide PowerPoint presentation for the judges, as well as follow some standard guidelines. Watch the attached video for an idea of what to expect on competition day.
Thanks to our sponsors, Farmers State Bank, the competition then awards prize funds to the top submissions. These funds can be used for initial investment to start launching their business on the journey from concept to realization.
Challenge Participant Prizes
High School & Pre-College
1st $ 1,250.00
2nd $ 1,000.00
3rd $ 750.00
Campus & Community
1st $ 2,000.00
2nd $ 1,500.00
3rd $ 1,000.00
We plan to host this year’s high school competition on February 19, 2025, and the campus/community event on March 19, 2025, at Trine's new eSports Arena. We plan on the times for the competition to run from 9-3pm that day.
Our innovation one website is updated and ready for registration to begin. You will find the form to register, the competition guidelines, and some examples for the pitch deck PowerPoint and executive summary page.
Tech Support @PLA Virtual
Complete Form Below and we will start troubleshooting your needs!
School Calendar for the 24-25 School Year!
2024-2025 School Events
Semester 1, Quarter 2 Ends
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Staff Professional Development Day
Friday, December 20, 2024
Winter Break--School CLOSED
December 20, 2024-January 3, 2025 for Scholars
December 23, 2024-Janury 3, 2025 for Teachers and Staff
Semester 2, Quarter 3 Begins/
First Day Back to School from Winter Break
Monday, January 6, 2025
Newfields Field Lesson Day Grades K-12
Friday, January 17, 2024
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Holiday--School CLOSED
Monday, January 20, 2025
Annual Art Show--Grades K-12
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Phalen Virtual Leadership Academy is Active on Social Media!
Have Questions? Contact Us Today!
Phalen Virtual Leadership Academy (PLA Virtual) is a tuition-free online learning academy for Indiana families in grades K-12. We are backed by an accredited university to help empower our scholars and families to accelerate academic success with high-quality curriculum taught in their own environment. We use technology to provide interactive and rigorous online classes that allow our scholars to learn and thrive. Our scholars excel not just in academics, but also socially and emotionally with a blend of online coursework and options to engage in sports and enrichment at a local PLA campus.
Email: ttownsend@phalenacademies.org
Website: PLAVirtual.org
Location: Indiana, USA
Phone: 317.939.3787
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PhalenLeadershipAcademies
Twitter: @AcademiesPhalen