Panther Newsletter
Friday, October 27, 2023
Welcome to the new Panther Newsletter!
As part of the Osseo Area Schools operational plan and strategic direction, the district's communication team is working together with schools to help create improved communications between the district and its families and community members. Our new e-newsletters are more accessible and translatable, and they can be shared for easily in a variety of formats. We hope you enjoy catching up with the latest Palmer Lake Elementary School news in this new format.
Kemmetmueller Photography
Picture day (and retake day) is complete! Any questions regarding photo viewing or ordering can be sent directly to the company here.
Halloween at PL
Palmer Lake takes pride in the diversity of our families. Out of respect for our various cultures and religions, we ask that student do not dress up in Halloween costumes on Tuesday, October 31st.
Report Cards
Although report cards won't be ready for quite a while, we want to remind parents and guardians to make sure they have a ParentVue account in order to view them! If you do not have a ParentVue account set up yet, please call Amanda at 763-561-1930 🙂
Cold weather clothing
The cold weather is here! Please make sure students are being sent to school with appropriate clothing including jackets, hats, mittens and boots for when the snow comes. Thank you!
Bus safety reminder
Please remind Panther bus riders of the importance of sitting in their seats while the bus is moving. Bus drivers may assign seats if there are any safety concerns.
Soon, our Osseo Area Schools community will determine whether critical school building needs will be addressed. Make a plan to vote and ensure your family, friends and neighbors have a plan also:
Option 1: Vote early between now and Monday, Nov. 6. Head to Brooklyn Park City Hall’s multipurpose room at 5200 85th Ave. N during the following hours. Please note: this is the early voting location for all Osseo Area Schools voters.
From Tuesday, Oct. 31 through Friday, Nov. 3 the hours are between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
On Saturday, Nov. 4 the hours are between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.
On Monday, Nov. 6 the hours are between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Option 2: Vote on election day, Tuesday, Nov. 7. Go to to find your election day polling location. Then visit your designated polling location between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 7. Please note school is not in session this day.
Remember: the one-question ballot focuses on critical school building needs with regard to safety, learning and space. If approved by voters, proposed projects would address districtwide needs, including for: schools in Brooklyn Park and Brooklyn Center, schools in the city of Osseo and surrounding area and schools in Maple Grove. This list of ten reasons why a bond referendum is being held is a helpful summary.
So what happens if the referendum fails?
Projects to improve safety/security would not proceed.
Crowded conditions and large class sizes would continue. Attendance boundary adjustments would be required at all levels to provide relief, which is estimated to move 6,000 students from their current schools.
Learning spaces would continue to age and become less relevant.
Inconsistent learning experiences would continue.
Budget cuts would be required. Projected to be at least $31 million (approx. 300 jobs).
Questions? Email, call 763-391-8990 or visit
Meals at PL
Building a Better Future, Phase II: What happens if the school building funding request is not approved by voters?
So what happens if the school building funding request - Building a Better Future, Phase II - is not approved by voters?
<<Logical consequences video>>
School building projects to improve safety/security would not proceed.
Crowded conditions and large class sizes would continue. Attendance boundary adjustments would be required at the elementary, middle and high school levels to provide relief, which is estimated to move 6,000 students from their current schools. Such changes would be recurring because of continually growing student enrollment, resulting in increased service costs and longer bus rides.
School buildings and learning spaces would continue to age and become less relevant. This would limit learning resources demanded by our students and families, particularly in math, science and career learning spaces, specialized learning spaces and library media centers.
Inconsistent learning experiences would continue.
Budget cuts would be required. These cuts are projected to be at least $31 million or approximately 300 jobs.
You don’t have to wait until election day to vote. You can vote early by mail or in person between now and Nov. 6:
To vote early by mail, request an early voting ballot via the City of Brooklyn Park's website.
To vote early in person, head to Brooklyn Park City Hall’s multipurpose room at 5200 85th Ave. N. between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Note: These voting processes apply to all Osseo Area Schools voters, including those that reside in the cities of Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park, Corcoran, Dayton, Maple Grove, Osseo, Plymouth and Rogers. Please go to the Secretary of State’s website to find Nov. 7 election day polling place locations.
Learn more by attending a Community Informational Meeting. One is being held at 6 p.m. tonight at Osseo Senior High School’s forum room and at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 11 at Maple Grove Senior High School’s cafeteria. There you’ll hear details on why a bond referendum is being held and the school building needs that would be addressed if the Phase II plan is approved by voters. Continue to stay tuned to
Gopher Football Players
Crunch from the Minnesota Timberwolves and the Education Station, a traveling bookmobile, will be making a visit to Palmer Lake on Tuesday, November 14th!
Talent Development, Academic Challenge and Gifted Support
Talent Development, Academic Challenge and Gifted Support (TAG) services are available to Palmer Lake students in kindergarten through fifth grade to strengthen interests, extend grade-level content, and apply skills and concepts in authentic ways. To learn more about TAG services, please click on Palmer Lake TAG Services - Community Letter
Parent/Guardian information
Please make sure the parent/guardian contact information linked to your student(s) is updated and current! We need to be able to reach you in case of emergency or health concern.
Changes in afternoon transportation
Please call the office at 763-561-1930 with any changes in afternoon transportation before 2:45 pm. While TalkingPoints messages and e-mails to teachers are helpful, we need to make sure the changes are communicated with the office!
Educational Benefits Form
Families are strongly encouraged to complete the Educational Benefits form. Families who qualify may access free or reduced prices for iPad and Chromebook repair and replacement, band/orchestra instruments (5th grade), home electricity bills through Excel Energy, and home internet from some providers, other benefits.
In addition, schools receive additional funding based on the number of students who qualify for Educational Benefits. Palmer Lake receives a significant amount of money that is used to hire additional teachers and ESPs to support students. Filling out this form will help to ensure Palmer Lake can continue to provide that additional support to students.
Free lunch for all students
Starting this fall, all students will receive free lunch courtesy of the Free School Meals for Kids law. Each student can receive one free lunch meal each day. Students who would like to have a 2nd lunch, or just a milk, will need to pay for those items.
Breakfast will continue to be free for Palmer Lake students every day.
Parent Vue is a web application used by Osseo Area Schools for parents to access their child's report card, sign up for conferences, view health information, etc. It is critical that all parents/guardians have access to Parent Vue. To use, simply install the app on any smart phone and create your account. To ensure confidentiality, each student has their own access code.
Late arrival
A late arrival will be marked for students that arrive at school after 8:50am. Late arrivals can be marked as excused, or unexcused, based on reasoning. Arriving at school on time is incredibly important for your child so they are a part of all classroom community building and learning opportunities.
Birthday treats/celebrations
Out of respect for instructional time, family and religious choices, and many food allergies, birthday treats are not permitted in the classrooms. This is a district wide policy.
Arrival and dismissal for students who are parent pick-up
The Palmer Lake parking lot gets busy and crowded during arrival and dismissal. PLEASE drive slowly, pay attention, and be patient and kind to others. Click on the parking lot map for details.
Students may arrive at 8:30 am. There is no adult supervision prior to that time; students should not arrive early. School doors will open at 8:35 am.
Morning Drop Off
Parents who are dropping off are encouraged to enter the drop off line and line up at the curb by the black fence. Students should leave their vehicles at 8:30 am and wait at the school doors; please do not have students wait in their vehicle until 8:35 am when doors open because it backs up traffic. Students should only exit their vehicle when the vehicle is stopped at the curb, not in the lane for vehicles to leave. Parents should remain in their vehicle except if a pre-k or kindergarten student needs assistance with the vehicle door.
Afternoon Pick-Up
Students who are parent pick-up are dismissed at 3:15 pm. Parents are encouraged to use the pick-up line rather than parking. Please remain in your vehicle. There are multiple staff who assist students to the correct vehicle. Students should be picked up from school NO LATER than 3:20 pm.
Parents may also choose to park in the morning or afternoon. Parking spaces are limited. Handicap spaces may only be used by vehicles with a handicap sign clearly displayed. Please use the designated walkway and cross walks. Wait for your child near your vehicle or near the cross walk. Please do not wait for your child by the doors of the school.
You will receive an email from our Transportation Department with your child's bus number, bus stop, and pick up/drop off times the week before school starts. Bussing information for your child is also available on the Parent Vue app. If you have any questions regarding this, please call 763-391-7244. Changes or cancellations to transportation can be sent to
Bus stop safety
- Arrive 5 minutes before the bus is scheduled to pick up
- Keep safety in mind (no horseplay, games, chasing, or pets)
- Wait on the sidewalk, boulevard or edge of the roadway. Stay away from houses, garages, and porches
- When you see the bus approaching, form a line to board the bus. Stay in line until the bus comes to a complete stop.
Upcoming events
Book Fair
November 16th-21st
Family BINGO from 5:30-7
Gopher Football
The Gopher football team is visiting PL on Tuesday, November 14th