Bronco Announcements
Bella Vista High School

October 10, 2024
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Staff Absences
David Gonzalez – sub Amy Stockett
Mikala Graf – sub Meridith Coenen
Chris Lenz – sub Wayne McNally
Steve Stephen – sub Malia Okin
Becky Stewart – sub Jana Gill
Anna Serena – sub Sung Kim
Jordyn Miller – sub Amber Bergen
Andi Wright – sub Thomas Flora
Aidan Chilcutt – sub Jinee Sargent
Erin Wright – sub Ann Nystrom
Daniel Touchard – sub Bob Podesta
Teacher in Charge – Santi Sabado
Steve Ryan – no sub
Rob Comstock – no sub
Amy Reason (1:30-3:45)
Taja Ferrarini (2:00-2:30)
Student Body
- Homecoming Dance Ticket Sales Close *Tonight at Midnight*!
- Avoid Last Minute issues and Buy Your Tickets Now!
- No Ticket sales Friday or at the Dance!
- Homecoming Dance “A Night in Hollywood” is Saturday, October 12, 7:30pm - 10:00pm in the BV Large Gym. Students must enter dance by 9pm. *No re-entry. Semi-formal Red-Carpet Event (no jeans). Please remember No Heels allowed on the gym floor.
- Dress up theme for TOMORROW’s Spirit Day is “Pirates of the Caribbean” - dress as a Pirate. Raffles continue for those who dress up, so be sure to stop by the Quad at Lunch!
- Attention Students Who Ride Bikes to School: BIKE RACKS are now LOCATED at the GATED ENCLOSURE by ROOM J6.
Upcoming Meetings
- TONIGHT: HOCO Dance Ticket Sales *CLOSE at Midnight*
- Tomorrow's HOCO Spirit Dress Up theme: "Pirates of the Caribbean" - Pirate wear
- Friday, October 11: HOCO Parade/Game 5:30-10pm in Stadium
- Saturday, October 12: Homecoming "A Night in Hollywood" 7:30-10:00pm large gym
- Tuesday, October 15: College Application Workshop #2: 5th/6th period in Library
- Monday, October 21: Fall Choir Concert: 7pm Cafeteria
- Wednesday, October 23: Career Day (Adjusted Bell Schedule)
- Wednesday, October 30: PSAT Testing/Senior Meeting (Adjusted Bell Schedule)
Athletic Events
Support our Bronco Athletics at these upcoming sporting events! Free home admission with your ASB card!
- Tonight come show your bronco support at Freshman Football’s home game against Inderkum. Game starts at 5:30pm.
- Today Girls Tennis head to Rio Americano High School. Go Broncos!
- Wishing Girls Golf Good Luck as they head to Teal Bend to tee off against Inderkum!
- Students must be cleared through Sports Net before they can participate in conditioning, tryouts and practices. Physical Forms are available in the front office.
On going Reminders...
- Attention Seniors! Do you need help with the ins and outs of applying to college? The library is hosting College Application Workshop #2 on Tuesday, October 15 during 5th & 6th period. Students who have a 5th/6th period need to see Mrs. Sloan in the library for a pass.
- If you volunteered for the BV Craft Fair, your volunteer verification slips are now available at the BV Library. You can swing by and pick them up!
- The College & Career Center has updated lists of College & University Representatives visiting BV. Stop by the CCC to sign up for these events.
- PSAT Testing: 10th & 11th grade students - Wednesday, October 30th
- Testing begins at 8:30am. Anyone late will not be able to test.
- 12th grade students arrive at 11:00am for an important Senior Meeting in the large gym
- 9th graders should arrive at 11:40am
- All students will begin Regular Classes at 11:50am
- AP Students who plan to register for May's AP exams must sign up No Later than Wednesday, November 6 at 11:59pm. All exam registrations must be completed through Total Registration, cost per exam $105. Any financial concerns, please email Mrs. Sowa.
- Attention Juniors & Seniors! The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Test will be held Thursday, Nov. 14, 11:00am - 2:00pm in BV Library. Sign up in the College & Career Center for a pass to attend.
- Attention Seniors! Schedule your Senior Portraits appointment with Bill Smith Photography ASAP! Appointment Link: https://billsmithphoto.com/bellavista/
- Ordering questions: text or call (916)749-1026
- Did you know student volunteer opportunities are posted & available for sign up on the BV website! There are a few events happening this week, check it out & get signed up to get your hours done!
- SB Cards ($50), Class T-Shirts ($13-limited sizes available) and Student Planners ($5-quantities limited) are still available to purchase in the Finance office with Cash/Check.
- Yearbooks $70: purchase online https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/ (Use Code 6038) or finance office with Cash/Check.
Jessica Cokinos
Jessica is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters