Kirk Fenton News
28th February 2025
Please look on our website www.kf.starmat.uk for up-to-date information.
Dear Parents/Carers,
We’ve had another great week of learning here at Kirk Fenton. The children have returned to school full of beans and ready to learn.
This week has involved lots of staff training – Drawing Club with the brilliant Greg Botterill (https://www.canigoandplaynow.com/drawing-club.html), Speech and Language and whole Trust writing moderation. Moderation is where teachers from each year group meet up to share children’s work and ensure they have a consistent idea of where children are. It is incredibly important to help ensure parity across the Trust schools and share good practice.
Mrs Bembridge has also started her Thrive journey – on Thursday she completed the first session of the Children’s Wellbeing course. As one of the trainers I can confirm her commitment to the course! The Thrive Approach is incredibly important in our school and more information can be found here https://www.thriveapproach.com/
Next Thursday (6th March) will be World Book Day. Your child is welcome to come to school dressed as their favourite book character. If this isn’t for them, school uniform is absolutely fine. If your child has grown out of last years costume and you would like to donate it, please bring it to the school office. If you don’t have a costume but need one, let your class teacher know as we may be able to provide something from school.
As you will know, Mrs Harrison will be going off on adoption leave and we have successfully appointed Mrs Sarah Mayhew to teach year 2. They will have some time working together to ensure a smooth handover.
Last but not least, as you are aware Mrs Cameron is currently on a secondment at Brayton Primary School. This has been successful and she will be remaining there in September. While this is a great loss to Kirk Fenton, we wish Mrs Cameron all the best for the future and thank her for her many years dedication to the Kirk Fenton community. Mrs Bembridge continues to do an excellent job as acting Deputy so we are in safe hands!
Thanks as always for your continued support.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mel Walmsley
Friends of Kirk Fenton
A new Friends committee has formally been voted in.
Congratulations and welcome to
Chair: Helen Lowson, Vice Chair: Lisa Lack,
Treasurer: Maggie Baker, Vice Treasurer: Katy,
Secretary: Laura Ellison, Vice secretary: Carly Linfoot
If you have any queries or want to get in touch with Friends please contact friends@kf.starmat.uk.
This week's attendance is 95.54%
Good Work Awards
This week's certificates were awarded to the following children:
Goodall - Peggy and James
Shackleton - Toby and Nancy
Wright Brothers - Lucy and Jess
Carson - Darii and Jermaine
Newton - Freddie and Clara
Muir - Eddie and Charlie
Johnson - Emie and Aoibhe
Curie - Bob and Skyla
Hot Chocolate Friday
Well done to the following who earned the hot chocolate award:
Goodall - Piper
Shackleton - Alfie P
Wright Brothers - Oliver L
Carson - Scarlett P
Newton - Sylvana
Muir - Teddy
Johnson - Lenny
Curie - Bella
Message from Head Pupils
It’s been a great week back! We have had lots of entries in the world book day competition. Sadly, we are saying goodbye to Miss Shillito today. She has been working in Year 4 since October and we know the whole class will miss her. Next week, the year sixes will be doing bikeability and everyone is very excited. Also, World book day is on Thursday next week. We are excited to see everyones costumes! Have a great weekend and we will see you back on Monday.
Head pupil awards go to Georgia (YR) and Huey (Y4)
Bella and Ollie
Headteacher Award
Well done to Ashton (Y1) who is the recipient of the Headteacher award this week.
Our lucky raffle ticket winners are Zack S and Surayya D. Well done everyone!
Cloakroom Award
Well done to Goodall class for having the tidiest cloakroom this week.
Lunchtime Awards
Thank you to Arty (Y3), Sam (Y6) and Willow (Y4) for helping us all to enjoy our lunchtime in the dinner hall.
Winning Team
World Book Day - dress as your favourite book character
Thursday 6th March
Y2 Wright Brothers Parents' Evening
Thursday 6th March
Open Classrooms - visit your child's class
Monday 10th March, 3-3.30pm
Science Week
w/c 10th March
Forest School
14th March Y4 Muir
17th March AM - YR Goodall, PM - Y1 Shackleton
18th March Y3 Carson & Newton
19th March Y5 Johnson
20th March Y2 Wright Brothers and Carson
21st March Y6 Curie
Y5 Johnson Class Trip
Wednesday 26th March
Parents' Evenings
Thursday 27th March, 3.30pm-6.30pm
Tuesday 1st April, 3.30pm-6.30pm
Y2/3 Carson & Y3 Newton Class Trip
Thursday 3rd April
Easter Holidays
7th-21st April
Summer Term Begins
Tuesday 22nd April
Staff Thank You's
If anyone would like to say thank you to or has any positive comments for a member of staff then please complete and submit the form below.
STAR MAT Vacancies
Please click on the following link for details of our current vacancies: