Picture Retake Day is coming!
November 21st
White Button Down Oxford Requested
Students NOT in uniform will not be photographed for make-ups
Plato Clearwater Parents,
School portraits are done! If you did not place an order, you should have received a small “proof” of your child’s photo, a passcode and instructions for placing an order online.
**If you didn't purchase the original photo and would like a retake, please purchase a package for the NEW photo. DO NOT purchase the original photo after you have viewed it online. CLICK HERE to use the retake link and purchase the package through the retake pass.
In order to have a picture taken your child MUST have a RETAKE DAY PASS.
Please CLICK HERE or go to www.VernonPhoto.com/Retakes to obtain your pass.
Retake Day is scheduled on Thursday, November 21, 2024.
Retake Day is for:
- Students that did not have their photo taken on the original picture day (absent or new)
- If you purchased a package but you are not happy with something that we should have caught (example: bad expression, food on face, clothing mishap). Please have your child bring their complete package & their retake pass to give to the photographer. We will not reprint new packages without receiving them.
Packages are replaced at NO CHARGE IF:
- The student has a bad expression
- Something is wrong with the photo that we should have caught and fixed
Pictures are retaken with an $8 "retake fee" IF:
- If you purchased a package and something will be different about the new package that was not under our control (example: change of clothing, haircut, glasses on or off, braces off)
- If you did not purchase a package, don't want to purchase a package but want a different photo in the yearbook
(Please send your child with their retake pass and have them give it to the photographer. New packages will not be printed without them)
Please do not approve or download your digital image if you would like a retake, there will be a charge to retake the photo for images that have been downloaded. No refunds will be made after 30 days from delivery of your order.
If you have any questions about your order, please contact
Vernon Photography directly through Support@VernonPhoto.com
Our Vision: The vision of the Plato Academy Charter Schools is to progress as a family in which all are teachers and learners and are empowered and encouraged to exceed expectations, resulting in successful graduates ready to advance into their next stage of life, equipped with a well-rounded K-8 education fortified by the study of the Greek language and culture, and excited about continuing to achieve their full potential.
Our Mission: The mission of Plato Academy Charter Schools is to assist students in achieving their full potential by requiring and nurturing high academic and behavioral standards in a safe, supporting, challenging and enthusiastic environment, providing a well-rounded K-8 education fortified by a study of the Greek language and culture, and fostered by a commitment and cooperative effort among the school, students, parents, and community: our family.
Η αποστολή των σχολείων της Ακαδημίας του Πλάτωνα είναι να βοηθήσει τους μαθητές της να αξιοποιήσουν πλήρως τις δυνατότητές τους καλλιεργώντας υψηλά ακαδημαϊκά πρότυπα και υψηλά πρότυπα συμπεριφοράς σε ένα ασφαλές, υποστηρικτικό, ενθουσιώδες και συγχρόνως απαιτητικό περιβάλλον, παρέχοντας μια ολοκληρωμένη εκπαίδευση από το νηπιαγωγείο έως και την ογδόη τάξη ενισχυμένη από τη διδασκαλία της ελληνικής γλώσσας και του ελληνικού πολιτισμού, και υποστηριζόμενη από τη δέσμευση και την προσπάθεια συνεργασίας μεταξύ των σχολείων, των μαθητών, των γονέων και της κοινότητας που συλλογικά απαρτίζουν την οικογένειά μας.