Northridge Elementary School Update
February 12, 2024

We had a GREAT opening to school!!!
Week of September 2 ,2024
- 2024-2025 School Calendar
- Final Forms registration updates/verification due NOW!! AND Sign-Ups for Parent Square are NOW due NOW!!!
Monday, September 2- Labor Day- NO SCHOOL!!
Tuesday, September 3- Basketball Jones visits Northridge Elementary-Thanks PTO
Tuesday, September 3-Gr.4-5 Running Club -Thanks Coach Featheringill
Wednesday Sept. 4-19th- I-Ready opens. (this is a reading and math assessment to see where kids are to plan accordingly as we study the results)
Thursday, September 5- Picture Day Gr. Pre-K-5....Picture Envelopes were sent home. Get those smiles ready!!
The PTO Mumpkin Sale is now open!! All proceeds help our school with events and other special extras. See brochure as they are beautiful and fun!
September 20- No School- Teacher Professional Development
Together We Shine.....Family Rocks!!! (Our school Theme)
Week of September 2nd, 2024
Hello Wonderful Northridge Elementary folks,
We had another fantastic week of school......so happy, smooth, and engaging! We are so excited to be back in action with our children. We had a successful FIRE DRILL. The students a wonderful job in this safety drill! We expect to do another LOCK DOWN safety drill soon. Our students are doing a great job listening and following directions. You would be proud.
This week, Basketball Jim Jones will again visit with us to talk about Together We Shine and leadership. Basketball Jones is a highly motivating speaker who speaks with children all over the country motivating them to do their best and to continue to try, even when things are tough. Thanks to PTO, the children's wish came true, as they were asking all year for a return of Basketball Jones. Here is Basketballl Jones website, check him out.
Last year we had art club and eager engineers club. We also had Gr. 4-5 Sewing club. This year we will have this all again. See below for information!!! Great opportunity!!!! Flyers came come last week. Sessions are filling up!!
BIG, BIG, BIG, reminders for everyone:
-Please always check into the office, when visiting school. We do this for security purposes. Have your ID ready please for check in!
-Please follow the TRAFFIC rules when on campus. Watch for our children. Please drive 20 mph at the most.
-Please DO NOT allow children to hang out car/van windows as we are so concerned about safety. We do not want anyone to get hurt. We are concerned they may fall out.
-Do not walk between moving busses. Do not drive around parked busses.We follow all traffic laws for safety.
-Please have your GREEN dashboard sign posted when picking up children from school.
-Please call our school if there is a change in transportation for your child. Before 3:00 is BEST!!
-On busses our students are to follow our school rules for safety remaining in theri seats, keeping hands to sel and KIND words always. So far so good!!
This Thursday, September 5th- we are hosting School Picture Day Gr. Pre-K-5 students are involved....Envelopes with information were sent home with children .If you need another, let us know or your child may stop by the office for one. Families may pay in advance on line or use the envelope from child presented at time of purchase. We will take individual pictures and group pictures. Get those smiles ready!! Here in the link to order on-line We are using HR Imaging.We apologize for the snafus which have occured. Everything to buy pictures should be good now.
Many, many of you have updated FINAL FORMS emergency information, BUT some you have not done so as of yet. We need this updated information NOW on each child. Please follow the FINALFORMS email you were sent, from the district, to update contact information/emergency information on your child/children. We are using Final Forms, our new Northridge registration/information system, in order to organize this important information. Please also sign-up for Parent Square which is replacing Bloomz as a cool, efficient and effective communication tool. See below for guidance.
We are ALSO excited to announce that we will be offering FREE breakfast and lunch to all students district-wide regardless of their free or reduced... Read More .......... Here is the new awesome menu!!!! Also, please note, we will give kids as much time as they need to eat breakfast and lunch.
Safety Reminder: Please call us at 740-967- 1401 or email us at esattendance@nrls.org if your child will be out for illness or and appointment. We organize attendance early each day to be sure everyone is accounted for in school. Thank you for honoring this important contact.
Please consider helping Northridge students and families in need by clicking this link:
If your family needs help with school supplies or book bags.....please let us know....we are there to help. Please reach out to jstockberger@northridgevikings.org OR Kerhard@northridgevikings.org
We are here to help and support.....we LOVE to support our children!!!
Have a great week!! Thank you for your partnership!
Parent Square 2024-2025...download the Parent Square App TODAY!!!
ParentSquare is the premier fully unified product that engages every family with school communications and communications-based services—all the way from the district office to the classroom teacher, and all in one place.
Please follow the letter sent to you from the Northridge school district to get all signed up!! You don't wanna miss a thing! It looks like the letter below!!! Or go to the Northridge School website and Parent Forms instructions are there. :)
Final Forms 2024-25 and Volunteers
Please follow the email on FINAL FORMS update TODAY....sent by the district. We need for everyone to update contact and emergency information for EACH child in your family. We have filed trips planned for this September and October. We can only send children with updated EMERGENCY CONTACT information. Please follow the email instructions if you have not done so already!!! Thank you.
Additionally, please complete the VOLUNTEER SECURITY procedure on the Northridge website. we have to have security clearance and board approval for all volunteers/chaperones. Here is the location on our Northridge website: Volunteer Information
Eager Engineers, Art and Sewing Clubs Coming SOON to NORTHRIDGE ELEMENTARY! Great!!
We are opening some after school clubs for our students......Here is the information....Additional details about these clubs are at www.eagerenrichment.com/columbus/. These clubs are well received by our students. Check them out. They fill up fast!
Girls Gr. 2-8 Soccer Camp Coming...see flyer....below
Back to School Eye Care for Everyone
It's a Great Day to be A Viking!
The Northridge Local School District is committed to ...
Mission: Empowering All Students To Reach Their Fullest Potential.
Viking Values: Trust, Leadership, Communication, Collaboration, Accountability, Integrity & Respect.