Galileo Gazette
May 2024
Important Dates
2- Elementary Star Wars Event (Sign up required)
9- NJHS Induction Ceremony 5:00pm
10- 5th grade program "This Land is Our Land" at 3:00pm in the gym
13-17- Elementary Bike Rodeo
14- Band and Orchestra Concert
22- 5th grade field trip
22- Kinder Celebration 3:00pm
23- Elementary Field Day
24- Last Day of School
Concert May 14th
Galileo's final Band and Orchestra concert is on May 14.
The Orchestra performs at 6:00pm in the cafeteria
The Band performs at 7:00pm in the gym.
Kona Ice
Galileo Garden Sign Up
Galileo community! If you would like to help out with our garden this summer, please sign up for a week! Harvest as you water! Click here to sign up!
Click on the flyer to ORDER YOUR YEARBOOK!
Health Reminder
Vomiting and/or diarrhea: Students should stay home for 24 hours without vomiting/diarrhea before returning to school to make sure they can keep food/liquids down.
Eagle HS Soccer Camp for Elementary & Middle students
Micron Chip Camp
Flyers below
Micron Technology is proud to announce three sessions of Chip Camp this summer. Chip Camp is a day camp, over three days filled with hands-on STEM activities. One of the days includes a field trip to Micron Headquarters.
Daily, breakfast, lunch & snacks daily are offered. Chip Camp is no cost to campers. Chip Camp is designed for current 6th & 7th graders to experience once in their Jr. High/Middle School career.
Seeking to accommodating students from across the Treasure Valley, we will host two sessions at BSU, in Boise, and one session at CWI, in Nampa.
For Chip Camp held at CWI, transportation from various Middle School hubs to CWI will be available.
Registration will stay open until capacity is reached. Attached you will find flyers for both camps, and below are registration links.
Session 1 at BSU: May 29 - 31
Session 2 at BSU: June 3 – 5
- Click HERE for BSU registration
Session 3 CWI: June 24 – 26
- Click HERE for CWI registration
Galileo PTO Information
CONNECT with the PTO
Galileo Parents & Teachers – The PTO needs volunteers to fill open board positions for Director of Fundraising and Assistant Treasurer. Please email galileostempto@gmail.com. Join this amazing group of parents enriching the student, teacher, staff, and community experience at Galileo!
~Upcoming Events~
May 6-10th * PTO will shower our teachers and staff that week!
MIDDLE SCHOOL * lots happening on Friday, May 24th!
**The Middle School BBQ will begin at 12:00. Click here is a link to volunteer (6th and 7th grade parents only).
**The Middle School 8th Graders will be taking a field trip to Vertical View the morning of Friday, May 24th. Click here for a link to Vertical View's 2 waivers that need to be filled out by each student's parent. Under "Facility Waiver", select "Adult", and fill out the required fields, then add your minor on the following page.
**The 8th Grade Celebration will begin at 2:00 in the gym with a reception following in the cafeteria.
Visit our Galileo PTO website, read the posts, check the calendar, sign up to be notified when new stories come out!
30-day Parent Challenge
Closed Campus - Keep Our Kids Safe & Turf Nice
Closed Campus for Safety
Please Close Gate
In an effort to keep our students safe and our campus secure, we ask that you please close the gate behind you when you enter the school grounds using the walking path.
Thank you.
No Parking Zone
Lost and Found
Why do we only have a set number of cars unloading at morning drop off?
The answer to this question is due to the distance between the stop sign on Saguaro Drive and the crosswalk. If more cars are in the que than the distance allows, we have a back up which will put cars into the crosswalk and slows traffic flow. Thanks for your understanding and for following the guidance of our duties.
Falcon Student Newspaper
Arrival and Dismissal Times
Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.
(Students may arrive beginning at 8:45 am)
9:05 am – First bell
9:10 am – Tardy bell
3:55 pm – Dismissal bell
(Students may arrive beginning at 9:00 am)
9:20 am – First bell
9:25 am – Tardy bell
3:55 pm – Dismissal bell
Students are not to be dropped off prior to these times as there is no supervision for students until the times designated.
Reporting Student Absences
Attendance Line
(208) 350-4106
Please call the attendance line before 9:30am if your child will be absent for any reason, or will be late to school. Please state your child’s name, teacher and reason for absence. If you are planning a vacation and your student will be absent three or more days please fill out the notification of absence form found here. This form does not excuse the absences, but will help keep everyone informed.
Secretary - Jennifer Damiano - damiano.jennifer@westada.org
Assistant Secretary - Angela Meyers - meyers.angela@westada.org
Safe School Assistant - Melissa Dahlen - dahlen.melissa@westada.org
Health Tech - Chrystalyn Coulter - coulter.chrystalyn@westada.org
Website: https://www.westada.org/o/galileo
Location: 4735 West Saguaro Drive Eagle, Idaho 83616
Phone: 208-350-4105