CFIE Family Newsletter
Friday, September 22, 2023
CFIE Mission:
Global Communities
Mrs. Duran's Guest Speaker
Mrs. Portney is reading "Living in Mexico" in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month and sharing her Mexican culture.
Kyle and Mrs. Tania Portney
Mrs. Reinke's 4th Grade Coding Club
The students designed their mazes, coded their Sphero mini robotic balls, and then navigated each others mazes!
Facilitator: Mrs. Reinke
Onslow County Public Library
Mr. Byrd's 4th Grade Math
Impact Aid Surveys will come home with students on Tuesday, September 26, 2023. We encourage our parents to complete these surveys in pencil and return them to the school during our Open House that same evening between 5 pm and 7 pm.
Title 1 Information
The following are the dates and times of upcoming Title 1 parent workshops this year. More information to come about information that will be shared.
Tuesday, November 14th at 4:30
Tuesday, January 9th at 4:30
Thursday, February 29th at 5:00; (Family Night)
Tuesday, April 9th at 4:30
Use Math Daily? Please share how! :-)
Dear Family Community,
Mrs. Kieffer asks that you kindly share with our students how you use math in your every day life. Please listen to Ms. Kieffer's call for assistance. :-)
Here is a how-to guide for parents and community members to join the Mathematics Flip.
Field Trip Chaperones/School Volunteers
CFIE Parents' Needs Assessment
How can our team best support your child's academic and social/emotional needs this school year?
* The PTO will begin pre-selling tickets for the Fall Festival beginning Friday, 10/13/2023, through Friday, 10/20/2023. Tickets may also be purchased at the 10/27 event.
* PTO is actively recruiting Fall Festival volunteers.
PTO has great things happening this year at the Forest. Please follow them on Facebook: Carolina Forest International PTO.
There next meeting is October 10th at 4:30 in the CFIE Cafe.
A Preview of our Literati Book Fair beginning September 22nd
Literati Book Fair promotional video:
Student shopping will begin this Friday, 9/22/2023, and will continue through next Friday, September 29th.
The book fair will be open to parents during CFIE's Open House, Tuesday, 9/26/2023, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Fees and Transportation
Student Checkout: Checkouts are not permitted after 3:10 due to afternoon dismissal transitions beginning.
Transportation Changes: Must be received in writing or in person by the parent/guardian prior to 3:10 p.m. Changes over the phone will not be accepted. It's best to email BOTH the teacher and our receptionist,
Volunteer Members Sought for the CFIE Strategic Planning Committee
You can have a voice! Meetings are held monthly prior to the school day.
If interested to be placed on the ballot, please contact Mrs. Hill at 910-346-1778 or
Elections will be held during the Fall Festival, October 27th.
Nurse Dianne Nuggets
Parents, just a reminder that if your child has a fever of 100.0 or higher, PLEASE follow the policy. Students are to remain at home UNTIL they are fever free without the use of medications for 24 hrs.
If your child has vomited, they are not permitted to return to school until 24 hours from the last time they vomited.
If you have any questions regarding when your student is allowed to return, please contact Nurse Dianne at 910-346-1778.
Lastly, please submit any updated immunization records or health assessments to Nurse Dianne Phipps. According to NC state law G.S. 130A-440, parents have 30 days from enrollment to submit this very important health information. Beginning Thursday, September 28, 2023, students will be excluded from attending school. Please call Nurse Phipps at 910-346-1718 should you have any questions.
Upcoming Events
Mark Your Calendars
9/25: Book Fair
9/26: CFIE Open House: 5 - 7 p.m.
9/28: Interim report cards go home
9/29: Book Fair Ends
Calendar of Events: SY 23-24
Calendar of Events
9/4 Labor Day Holiday-No School
9/12 (4:30) PTO Mtg (Cafe)
9/13 3rd Grade BOG
9/20 (7:10) SPT Mtg (Media Ctr)
9/25-929 Literatti Book Fair
9/26 (5:00-7:00) Open House
9/28 Interim Reports go home
10/3 Boosterthon Kick Off
10/9 Staff Work Day
10/10 (4:30) PTO Mtg (Cafe)
10/11 Fall Pictures
10/18 (7:10) SPT Mtg (Media Ctr)
10/18 (1:30) Early Release
10/23-10/27 Red Ribbon Week
10/27 (5:00-7:00) Fall Festival
10/31 End of Grading Period
11/7 Report Cards go home
11/10 Holiday No School
11/14 (4:30) PTO Mtg/Title I Parent Night (Cafe)
11/15 Early Release Day
11/15 (7:10) SPT Mtg (Media Ctr)
11/15 3-5 Awards (Times TBD)
11/16 Make Up Pictures
11/22 Work Day
11/23 Thanksgiving Holiday-No School
11/24 Holiday-No School
12/7 Interim Reports
12/12 (4:30) PTO Mtg (Cafe)
12/18-1/1 Winter Break
1/2 Work Day
1/9 (4:30) PTO Mtg/Title I Parent Night (Cafe)
1/15 MLK Holdiay
1/19 End of Grading Period
1/22 Work Day
1/23 Work Day
1/26 Goal Celebrations
1/30 Report Cards go home
2/2 3-5 Awards (MPR)
2/5-2/9 MTSS Mtgs
2/8 Class Pictures
2/12 PTO APEX fundraiser kick off
2/13 (4:30) PTO Mtg (cafe)
2/14 ERPD; 12:30 student dismissal
2/16 (5:30-7:30) Sweetheart Dance (Cafe)
2/21 (7:10) SPT Mtg (Media Ctr)
2/26-3/1 Read Across America Week/Book Fair
2/26 Interim Reports
2/29 (5:00-7:00) Title I Family Night
3/12 (4:30) PTO Mtg (Cafe)
3/13 Early Release Day
3/20 (7:10) SPT Mtg (Media Ctr)
3/25-3/29 Spring Break
April-Month of the Military Child
4/1 Work Day
4/4 End of Grading Period
4/4 Late Night Conferences Opportunity until 7pm
4/9 (4:30) PTO Mtg (/Title I Family Night (Cafe)
4/10 Early Release Day
4/10 (9:15) National Elementary Honor Society Induction (MPR)
4/11 Report Cards go home
4/15-4/19 Purple Up Week
4/15 3-5 Awards (MPR)
4/17 (7:10) SPT Mtg (Media Ctr)
4/23 Spring Pictures
4/29 Work Day
5/2 3-5 Field Day
5/3 K-2 Field Day
5/6-5/10 Staff Appreciation Week
5/8 Interim Reports
5/14 (4:30) PTO Mtg (Cafe)
5/15 (7:10) SPT Mtg (Media Ctr)
5/16 (5:00-7:00) Future Forward Fair
5/24 Goal Celebrations
5/27 Memorial Day Holiday
5/29 EOGs Begin
6/10 2nd-5th Awards (MPR)
6/11 Last Day for Students/Report Cards sent home with students who do not owe fees
6/13 Work Day
6/14 Work Day
About Us - Carolina Forest International Elementary
Location: 141 Carolina Forest Boulevard, Jacksonville, NC, USA
Phone: (910)346-1778
Twitter: @EaglesCfie