Lincoln Linc
Lincoln Elementary. Home of the Positive Polecats.
Principal's Message
Over the weekend, I was at a birthday party, and some of our friends had babies there. I thought about the challenges of having newborns, remembering those days, and thinking, "I can’t wait for these boys to grow up and be more independent so things can get easier. " Well, both of my boys are now at Lincoln and more independent, but things are not easier—they are just different.
Parents, I understand the immense effort, energy, and love it takes to raise and nurture children. I am grateful for your incredible work and for entrusting us with your children at Lincoln. I've witnessed many heartwarming moments with them over the past few weeks. Your positivity, their mutual support, and their collective learning are things for you all to be proud of.
We have been working hard to learn and live the full value agreement. Be sure to ask them what the motions are and what they all mean. We have also been working to understand what is expected of us throughout the day at the different locations. Last Friday, we had a special visit from “Positive Polecat Man,” who expressed gratitude for the kids' efforts in learning the behavior expectations. He explained the importance of following the full value agreement and the items classes/students can earn for following the PBIS behavior expectations.
Please see the important message following my message that will be posted on Remind about having parent expectations in order to keep all safe. Thank you again and as always…
Safety Patrol News
Our Lincoln Safety Patrol is well under way as we enter into our 3rd week of school. They're doing a fantastic job!
As a reminder: Safety Patrol members are trained to keep adults out of the building until staff member approval is granted. If you are attempting to enter into the building, please wait patiently outside as the Safety Patrol member locates a staff member.
Thank you for understanding!
Beginning of the year (B.O.Y) Assessment Season
Assessments have already been started this school year and will run until early October. The goal of these assessments is to identify areas of focus to support and grow our kids. I am proud to announce that Lincoln outperformed the district by many measures again last year. This is because of the mindset and strong positive relationships that have been fostered by so many. Keep up the great work.
A reminder that assessments are to be viewed as a measuring stick, but not as the end
all! It should be our focus to view them as a way to see growth over time. We must remind ourselves and our students/children that it is most important to give their best efforts but not get disappointed when we may not do as well as we wanted. Our goal is to GROW! Treat every day as a time to grow and to learn from our mistakes.
For absences please email jrussell@northmen.org (preferred) or call 231.348.2120.
Leave detailed information, including symptoms.
For early pickup or late drop off please call 231.348.2120.
Call the office by 2:00 for end-of-day changes.
Thank you!
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Please Register for Parent-Teacher Conferences!
Parent-teacher conferences are on October 15th & October 17th (with the exception of Mrs. Wilcox, see dates below).
Please register online at www.ptcfast.com/reg1. You will need to enter the code for your child’s teacher, found below.
**Please only sign up for one time slot per student. Dual household or co-parent families will need to share the same conference time.
Essentials Teachers; Technology, Art, Music will be splitting their time between the buildings that they service.
Mrs. Case, our Student Support Specialist, will also be in the building during both conference nights. Please feel free to stop in and chat.
Thank you!
Mrs. Mellema: AYM188488
Mrs. Ward: VAK188497
Mrs. Fisher: GAF188490
Mrs. Wilcox: K5Z187636 (October 8th & October 10th)
Mrs. Waterman: 4S61321061
Mr. Tippett: P86188501
Ms. Michael: 96A188507
Mrs. Sterly: NH6188508
Miss Ney: 1VN188513
Mrs. Frey: GHN188525
Mrs. Daniel: GU8188531
Mrs. Friske: DF71321055
Mum Sale Pickup- Wednesday, Sept. 18th (1pm-3pm) @ Lincoln.
Splash Into The School Year- Money due back by Thursday, Sept. 26th or donate here (for dedication please enter on behalf of student's full name & teacher).
Festival of the Book Author Visit- Friday, Sept. 27th. Ask your students about this visit!
Title Night- 5:30-7pm. District Library.
No School- Friday, Oct. 18th. Professional Development.
Picture Retake Day- Friday, Oct. 25th.
Save-the-date for the upcoming Daddy Daughter Dance.
Tuesday, October 1st. 6-8pm. More info to come!
First Days of Fun!
Lincoln Elementary
Email: jlatz@northmen.org
Address: 616 Connable Avenue, Petoskey, MI 49770
Phone: 231-348-2120