Naiades Oncology Rowing
Cancer Survivors Rowing for Recovery
7th Annual Golf Scramble Fundraiser -- THIS SUNDAY August 18 - Lima Golf & Country Club - 10am
Join us to celebrate our 10th anniversary and 7th Annual Event!
Thank you for your support
2019 GMC Terrain for a Hole in One prize from Vision GMC Buick of Penfield
Session starts August 20th and runs through Oct 10th
Enjoy the fall weather on the water, camaraderie with the rowers of Naiades, and the physical and emotional benefits of rowing. Survivors of all cancer welcome!
Learn to Row coming up....
Mondays and Wednesdays
August 26 - October 2
Learn to row with our partners at Genesee Waterways Center
149 Elmwood Ave, Rochester
Tips and Links
Tips and links...
Amazon Smile donations. Remember us when shopping online through Amazon. go to and select "Naiades Oncology Rowing" and then shop with AMAZON SMILE.
Add names to our boat. Consider adding a loved ones name to our newest boat -- DRAGONFLY. We are accepting names of survivors or cancer victims for the side of the boat and the oars. New names will be added in the spring before DRAGONFLY hits the water again. We can send a postcard notifying your family if you request it.
Naiades Spirit Wear - get it here now for you or someone you love!
When you get to the list of teams, go to the row for Naiades Oncology Rowing and then hit "GO" on the right side of the row.