Munson Messenger
Issue 5 - September 12, 2024
We Commit to High Achievement for All Students
Mark Your Calendars!
School Events
September 13 - School bell rededication assembly, 2:30pm
September 16-20 - Start With Hello Spirit Week (more details below)
September 24 - Picture Day (order forms will come home soon)
*Note - Every Monday is "Kindness Monday" at Munson, where we will encourage students to show kindness to their fellow students, teachers, community members, and families! Every Tuesday is "Topper Tuesday", and everyone is welcome to show their Topper spirit by wearing red and black or Chardon spiritwear!
PTO Events
September 19 - PTO meeting, 4pm at school
October 10-24 - Stoeller fundraiser (info coming soon)
October 10 - Skating Party @ United Skates of America, 6-8:30pm
October 18 - Fall Fest @ Hornyak Farms, 5-7:30pm
Contact Information
Mathew Prezioso, Principal
Sandy Henderson, Secretary
Jen Cline, Clerical Assistant
Sarah Park, Nurse
Renee Kolenich, Medical Assistant
Main Office/Attendance Line
Quick Links
Chardon Local Schools District Events Calendar
Learn about what's going on in the schools!
Annual Update Instructions
This link will walk you through the steps!
If you need to let the office know of any dismissal changes, you can print copies of dismissal forms here!
A Note From the Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Tomorrow, Friday September 13, we will hold a ceremony to re-dedicate the Munson Elementary School bell. The bell was installed in 1995 and recently underwent a makeover with new brickwork. We were very excited to find a time capsule in the bell structure, left by Munson's staff and students when the bell was originally dedicated, which is to be opened in 2025! We have lots of exciting plans for that occasion, but for now, parents are welcome to join us on Friday at 2:30pm on the front lawn of the school to rededicate the Munson bell. Students will stay with their classes at the ceremony, and if you'd like to take your child home after the ceremony, you must let the office know in the morning with a note or a phone call. We'll share lots of pictures and more information in the coming weeks and months! Thank you!
Mathew Prezioso
Principal, Munson Elementary
Mr. Prez's Pic of the Week
Second grade is combining students from all four classes into small, flexible math groups to allow for differentiated instruction and cooperative learning. The whole grade level is focused on meeting the students where they are currently, developing their skills further, and encouraging participation and cooperation within the small instructional groups. Great work, second grade!
Clinic Corner
Click the link below for an important update from Mrs. Park, our school nurse, on:
- medications
- immunizations
- screenings
- and more!
Topper Tickets!
Topper Tickets are part of Munson's PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) system. They are given to students as a special recognition when they demonstrate a Topper Trait - Taking Responsibility, Offering Kindness, and Persevering. Each day, we randomly select a few Topper Ticket winners from each grade level to receive a prize! Check the newsletter each week for their names!
1st Grade: Emmy Wilson, MacRae Paterson, Anthony Lawrence, Ryan Mullet, Riley Mertler, Andy Caswell, Alaina Slocum, Cooper Royle, Ryan Stefanko, Abby Tournas
2nd Grade: Drayk Smith, Emily Wolfe, Chloe Titschinger, James Ramsey, Luke Mighton, Peyton Udovic, Zander Mormile, Lainey Jaremko, Mia Paster, Jude White
3rd Grade: Blake Landies, Mariah McKinney, Maliyah Stokes, Lucy Traffis, Dawson Robbins, Avery Ovanic, Lucy Wilhelm, James Huntley, Addy Parsons, August Rischar
NEW!!! We randomly choose a few Topper Ticket winners to spin the WHEEL OF FUN on Fridays! The prizes on the Wheel of Fun are a step up from the usual, and include things like having lunch with a friend in Mr. Prez's office, visitng a "secret" part of the school, winning an extra recess for your class, and more! (We also have a Wheel of Fun theme song that the kids love to dance and sing along to!) Congratulations to our Wheel of Fun spinners - Audrey Swope, Cooper Reinhard, Lily-Mae Brown, and Blake Wallace!
Keep up the GREAT work, Hilltoppers!
Audrey gets to have a VIP lunch in Mr. Prez's office with some friends!
Cooper won the VIP lunch experience too!
Lily-Mae gets to visit a secret part of the school!
Blake won extra recess for his whole class!
Please Complete Your Annual Update!
The Annual Update must be completed by ALL Chardon Local Schools households every year, for every student, even if there are no changes. This ensures that we have the most accurate information for your student and household. This helps us to contact you promptly in case of an emergency, allows you to pay for student meals and school fees online, and gives you access to important forms and documents, including report cards. We need your updated information as soon as possible! Find Annual Update instructions HERE.
The first class to complete 100% of their Annual Updates will win a special treat for the entire class! Mrs. Woodrow's class is in the lead with 18 Annual Updates completed!
Mrs. Bates - 15
Mrs. Hardman - 14
Mrs. Dinko - 13
Mrs. Sobodosh, Mrs. Burress - 12
Mrs. Turk, Mrs. McClintock - 10
Mrs. Suszynski, Mrs. Elliott - 9
Mr. Buemi - 6
Lunch Menu - September 16-20
Click HERE for the District's Food Services website, where you can see the month's menu and find directions to add money to your child's meal account via Infinite Campus. Please note that when using a credit card or e-check payment to pay for your student's meals or fees via the Infinite Campus Parent Portal, a 3.5% convenience charge will be added to your payment.
Monday 9/16 - Chicken tenders, Snack'n waffle, steamed corn, applesauce cups, milk
Tuesday 9/17 - Beef walking taco, black beans, salsa cup, Zee Zee's nutrition bar, strawberry Craisins, milk
Wednesday 9/18 - Grilled cheese sandwich, potato wedges, green beans. fruit punch juice, Sage's apple, double chocolate chip cookie, milk
Thursday 9/19 - Mini maple pancakes, sausage, hashbrown patties, orange wedges, milk
Friday 9/20 - Big Daddy pizza, side salad, mixed fruit, Rice Krispies treat, milk
*Alternative entree options available every day: Tony's cheese pizza OR peanut butter & jelly Uncrustables sandwich*
We are HIRING a cafeteria monitor at Munson! The hours are 11:30am-2pm on school days - perfect for someone looking for extra income! Please visit the Chardon Schools Employment website to learn more!
Start with Hello Week - 9/16-20
Chardon Elementary Schools are focusing on creating CLOSER, more CONNECTED and INCLUSIVE classrooms. Start with Hello week will include an assembly/classroom lesson teaching students the skills they need to create a culture of connectedness while encouraging them to reach out and include others.
Monday 9/16 - Give Hi's and High 5's to everyone you see!
- Dress - wear something to show us one of your favorite things: sports team, hobby, activity, etc.
- Student Challenge - Create your own personal "hello" style and use it to greet others throughout the week. Ask someone what their favorite thing is.
Tuesday 9/17 - Everyone Matters!
- Dress - wear bright colors to show everyone is seen and included.
- Student Challenge - Start a conversation with someone you have never spoken to before, or someone you haven't talked to in a long time.
Wednesday 9/18 - Learn the names of your fellow Hilltoppers!
- Dress - wear green shirts to show others we can Start With Hello!
- Student Challenge - Wear name tags and greet people by their name using your personal "hello" style.
Thursday 9/19 - Lead by Example - Be the kind kid!
- Dress - Hats off to kindness! Wear a hat to show we think with our head before speaking.
- Student Challenge - Complete a random act of kindness. Don't let them know you were the super kind classmate!
Friday 9/20 - Observe to Invite Someone!
- Dress - GO HILLTOPPERS! Wear Chardon colors or spirit gear to show we are all one team!
- Student Challenge - Be on the lookout for students who look lonely. Invite someone to sit with you at lunch or play at recess.
Help Munson Honor and Thank Our Veterans!
Munson takes immense pride in honoring our nation's veterans every year, and our Veterans Day committee is already hard at work planning this year's activities. See below for just one way you and your family can participate! MANY more activities and events are planned to honor Veterans Day at Munson, so stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks.
Field of Flags/DAV Donations
This year, we are so honored to be raising money for Disabled American Veterans (DAV). DAV helps more than a million veterans every year, at no cost to them or their families! DAV's Field of Flags empowers our community to set up fields of American flags, all to honor local veterans and raise critical funds to support our ill and injured heroes. Each flag represents one veteran - and our unwavering commitment to serving all veterans after they've sacrificed so much for our country. We would be SO GRATEFUL for your donations. Click the photo below, or visit Munson Elementary's DAV Donation Page to help us thank and care for our veterans. Feel free to share this link with friends and family, too! Thank you for your support.
Last year's Field of Flags planting is pictured below! We can't wait to do it again!
Save the Date - Music Concerts
Please save the dates for our music performances this year! Second and third grade will perform on Tuesday, December 10 at 6pm (3rd grade) and 7:15pm (2nd grade). First grade will perform on Tuesday, April 15 at 7:15pm. All performances will be held in the Park Elementary School auditorium. Many more details will be shared as the dates get closer!
Summer School 2025
Chardon Schools' summer school is tentatively scheduled for June 2-20, 2025. The 3rd grade summer AIR test (for students that did not achieve the required passing score during the school year) will be June 23-27, 2025.
Title I
Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) provides students who qualify with extra instructional services and activities beyond regular classroom instruction. Click HERE for more information about the Title I program, and reach out to the school with any questions.
Stay Safe. Speak UP!
Chardon Local Schools partners with PublicSchoolWORKS to offer the Stay Safe. Speak UP! student safety and bullying prevention program. This 24/7, confidential reporting tool is available to students, parents, staff, and the community. Click HERE to learn about 3 easy ways to report bullying, and bookmark the page so that you can quickly and easily access the reporting tool.
Community Flyers
Check out our latest community flyers shared with Chardon Schools. Camps, classes, contests, sports, clubs, and more! Click HERE for all the details!
PTO News & Upcoming Events
Follow the Munson PTO on Facebook and Instagram (@MunsonPTO) for news and regular updates on upcoming events. You can also email with questions or ideas. All parents and guardians are automatically PTO members just by having a student attending Munson! We have no membership fees or other requirements to join. We are always looking for volunteers with all kinds of abilities, skills, ideas, and availability. Thank you for your support!
Our next meeting will be Thursday, September 19 at 4pm at school. We hope to see you there!