DeSales Parent Connection
May 15, 2024
Join us for Mass
Progress Reports
Progress Reports will be available on the Parent Portal on Thursday, May 23rd.
DeSales Catholic School Teacher Request Policy
Student placement is taken very seriously and is initiated according to a process involving teacher input, time and careful thought concerning the best interest of every child in each classroom.
Improving student achievement and forming well-balanced classes across the grade-level is our primary focus, as such, teacher requests will only be considered on a rare exception basis and only if accompanied by a written request letter.
These exceptions will have the following criteria:
- The student or parent has specific concerns about a particular teacher
- Parents of multiples (twins, triplets, etc.) may submit having their children in the same class
- Issues relating to medical need or physical impairment
- Issues relating to learning disabilities
- Emotional issues
- Peer relationships
Parent written student placement letter must include all of the following:
- Valid academic concerns
- Social/emotional needs of the student
- Personality/motivational concerns
- Requests must be based on specific teacher traits
- Must be submitted to the principal by June 30 of each year
Students in grade 4 and 5 will be taught by both teachers in their specific subject matter, therefore requests are not necessary.
Although parent requests will be taken into consideration for student placement it does not guarantee placement of the student into a particular class or teacher. The principal will make final class placement of a student.
The Diocesan Art Show
Congratulations to the following DeSales students whose artwork was selected to be showcased at the Diocesan Art Show:
Tommy Voss, Kiley Marie Wozniak, Lucy Gaskill, Kate Sullivan, Hartigan Reid, Madison Pynn, Marleigh Ennis, Kelsie Israel, Kimberlyn Gaskill, Grace DeFlippo, Josephine Wolck, Gia Scapelliti, Vivian Reibel, Max Manning, Cameron Queeno, Silvia Hay & Robert Hathaway.
Tonight, Wednesday, May 15th is the last evening to visit the Art Exhibition. Stop out tonight from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at Saint Mary School Swormville, located at 6919 Transit Rd. to see this collection of art created by our Knights and artists throughout the Diocese of Buffalo.
3rd Marking Period Honor Roll
Congratulations to our 3rd Marking Period Honor Roll students!
Students earning First Honors, with a third quarter average of 95 or higher were presented to the following students: Grade 8: Siri Betsch & Courtney Parent. Grade 7: Oliva Baker, Madison Burns, Emma Haseley, Kaitlyn Kreger & Mary Kate Souliske. Grade 6: Jonathan Cordle, Evelyn Couturier, Alexa DeFlippo, Skye Farmer, Ella Fritz, Lucy Gaskill, Avery Miller, Joseph Morello, Noah Oliveri, Zachary Parent, Cecelia Ramos, Gia Scapelliti & Kiley-Marie Wozniak.
Second Honors, given for academic averages between 90 and 94.9, were presented to the following students: Grade 8: Parker Bancroft, Emily Brown, Samantha Fox, Connor Frank & Anneliese Rupp. Grade 7: Dellah Anterline, Mason Boggs, Mila DiGiacomo, Robert Hathaway, Trenton Kaminski, Xzander Mesi, Julianna Pearl, Alayna Schutt, Rylan Siuta, Eoin Stodolka & Noah Toale. Grade 6: Rudy Brouillette, Vincenzo Heffle, Brynn Mazurek, Jameson Quirk, Katherine Roth & Alaina Rupp.
Merit Honors, for students with an academic average between 85 and 89.9, were presented to: Grade 8: Isabela DeFlippo, Quinn Hackmer, Weston Henning, Lucas McCabe, Alison Pynn & Dominic Scapelliti. Grade 7: Luke Giansante, Braeden Rohde & Liam Wright. Grade 6: Emmarie Bancroft, Lena Frank & Charlotte Sidote.
National Junior Honor Society
Last week DeSales inducted our newest members into the National Junior Honor Society. Congratulations to the following students on this wonderful achievement: Mary Kate Souliske, Julianna Pearl, Lucas McCabe ,Katie Kreger, Trenton Kaminski, Robert Hathaway, Emma Haseley, Mila DiGiacomo, Isabela DeFlippo, Madison Burns, Mason Boggs, Olivia Baker & Dellah Anterline.
Field Day T-Shirt Order
Field Day T-shirts can be ordered by following this link. T-shirts are $9 each and can be purchased until May 23rd. Field day t-shirts are optional, students may also wear their gym uniforms on Field Day.
A Knight and His Fair Lady- Skate Date
Boys in preschool through Grade 8 are invited to attend with their favorite 'Gal.' Will you bring your Mom? Your Grandma? Your favorite Aunt? Boys are welcome to bring any female role model as their 'Gal.'
Saturday, June 8th
Rainbow Skateland
$25.00 per FAMILY
Whomever you bring, we can't wait for you to join us! Follow the link for more information and to purchase tickets.
Save the Date - June HSA Meeting
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
DeSales Cafeteria
Just for attending you will be entered into a raffle to win a prize. Your student will also earn a dress down day (date to be announced at the meeting).
No babysitter? No problem, bring the kids with you. We will have an area where they can do quiet activities.
We look forward to seeing everyone!
HSA Officer Openings
As the school-year winds down, we extend a huge thank you to our current HSA Officers; Amy Scapelliti, Meg Rankie, Kim Lockie and Katie Webster for their service to the DeSales HSA. As they finish their term, we are in search of new HSA Officers for the 2024-2025 school-year. If you are interested in learning more about what these roles entail, please contact HSA President Amy Scapelliti or Principal Rahill.
Last Day for PK & K
Last Day for Preschool & Kindergarten June 14, 2024.
DeSales Breakfast & Lunch Menus
Where to Order Uniforms:
DeSales Catholic School Vision & Mission Statement
Vision Statement
- DeSales students will be well-equipped to successfully meet the challenges of modern day society with faith, dignity and integrity.
Mission Statement
- Is a center of excellence that inspires individual students to reach their greatest potential inside and outside the classroom.
- Is a nurturing community dedicated to advancing the highest academic standards and an exceptional faith-based education rooted in the values of love, compassion, mercy, sacrifice and justice as taught by St. Francis DeSales.
- Provides students with the fundamental building blocks to be innovative, critical-thinkers, and responsible future leaders.
Community Happenings
Our Central Niagara Catholic Family of Parishes is looking for a hard-working individual to fill the position of Full-Time Administrative Assistant. For more information please click on the Job Opportunities tab at www.allsaintslockport.org