Columbus Connections
Columbus Connections
October 11, 2024
Welcome to our weekly newsletter for Columbus Elementary families! Every Friday we will share good news, important information, and of course our STAR STUDENTS with you.
Important Dates
October 14th
- Columbus Day-SCHOOL CLOSED
November 5th
- Election Day-SCHOOL CLOSED
November 11th
- Veterans Day -SCHOOL CLOSED
Week in Review
It has been a great week at Columbus. The rest of our fifth-grade classes started the week by visiting the Putnam Northern BOCES campus in Yorktown, for outdoor education. The day’s activities focused on collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving. All of the students and I had a great day. On Tuesday we had picture day including our therapy dog Hank. All grades continued taking the fall STAR assessments in reading and math. Mrs. Cohen and Mrs. Cotrone kicked off the Peer Buddies program by training the students who are part of the program this year. We finished the week with a “Pink Out Day” to support breast cancer awareness month. Please make sure you scroll to the bottom of the newsletter each week for important announcements and pictures/videos in the Around Columbus section.
Star Students
Columbus emphasizes the importance of being STARS (Students That Are Responsible, Respectful and Safe) through established behavior expectations that align with our Profile of a Learner
⭐Week of October 7th ⭐
Food Service Menu Update
Starting Tuesday next week the cafeteria will offer the following gluten free options.
Gluten Free bagels
Sandwiches on Gluten free bread
Gluten Free cookies
Yogurt Parfait - without granola.
Take-a Vet to School Day
PTA Corner
Around Columbus
5th Grade Field Trip
5th Grade Field Trip
5th Grade Field Trip
5th Grade Field Trip
5th Grade Field Trip
Picture Day for Hank
Field Trip Video -Click above photo
District Information Links
Cell Phones and Wearable Smart Devices
Please be advised Columbus students should not have personal communication devices with them during the school day. If they choose to bring a device to school, it should remain in their backpack. They are responsible for the device. If a child is wearing a GPS tracking device for safety purposes, we ask that it be placed on the teacher's desk during instructional time. They will be allowed to wear it during lunch and recess.
Such devices include, but are not limited to:
Cell phones
Wearable devices/smart wearables/tablets that are capable of recording/viewing audio, photographic, or video content
Wearable devices/smartwatches/tablets that are capable of sending/receiving text, audio, or video messages
580 Columbus Avenue
(914) 769-8538
Daily School Hours 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.