General Fundraising 2016-2017
Car Wash at Brookshire's in Hallsville
We have to bring supplies - but the good people at Brookshire's are letting us use their parking lot and their water!
As many of you know this was a fantastic success last year and actually a fun program building activity! We would again like players to try and pre-sale 10 tickets each. Last year's car wash raised $1,500!
Media Guide
We are working to get our advertising rolling for this season!
This year, we are asking that each player sell one advertisement for our basketball media guide. All money that we raise goes right back into supporting all of our teams after printing costs are paid.
We are additionally asking that each family purchase one media guide for $5. As many of you already know - this year's theme is "GOIN' FOR GOLD."
We are asking that each young man in our program sell at least 1 ad this year.
Our pricing is as follows:
1/4 Page Ad - (Black & White) = $35
1/4 Page Ad - (Color) = $50
1/2 Page Ad - (Black & White) = $75
1/2 Page Ad - (Color) = $100
Full Page Ad - (Black & White) = $100
Full Page Ad - (Color) = $150
Ads may be sold to a local business or certainly can also be can be a player's family simply wanting to pass on encouragement or a special picture. Our program again will be something that we can all be proud of and will feature all of our teams.
Bear Creek Turkey and Ham Sales
Consider buying one for your family - I am buying several for our holiday festivities...we like to eat!
More information to follow at meeting regarding pricing, flyers, time frame, etc.
Digital Interactive Score Table
Our Digital Score Table is also a tremendous source of revenue for our program.
There are numerous opportunities for sponsors to have commercials played during our games along with scrolling advertisement.
Fast Break Advertisers (3) - $1,500 - Includes: 1 magnet sign on score table, scrolling digital image through out games, option of having a thirty second commercial played, audio messages when allowed under game rules, 4 home game passes, full page color ad in 2016-2017 media guide
3-Point Advertiser (1) - $750 - Includes: scrolling digital image through out games, audio messages when allowed under game rules, 4 home game passes, full page color ad in 2016-2017 media guide
Individual Game Messages - $100: Can be for special events (birthdays, other special occasions, the opportunities are endless)
Other Considerations:
Email: rwalker@hisd.com
Website: ww.hallsvillebobcatbasketball.com
Location: Hallsville High School, Cal Young Road, Hallsville, TX, United States
Phone: 817-991-3983
Twitter: @Hville_Hoopers