Reeceville Raptor's MMM
October 14, 2024
Ms. Bagley's class read a story about helpers and the students made Elf hats!
We worked hard on our elf hats!
Look at our hats!
Looking good!
Reeceville Wore Blue for Anti Bullying Month!
Kindergarten wears blue!
1st grade wears blue!
3rd grade wears blue!
PTA Information
Trunk of Treat & Family Engagement - October 17 from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Restaurant Night - October 22 at Pizza Hut (1039 E. Lincoln Hwy)
Flyers will be sent home this week
School Store - October 24 & October 25
Flyers will be sent home this week
Twin Valley Coffee Fundraiser - October
Fundraiser runs the entire month of October
ONLINE ORDERS ONLY - you can order drink cards for in-person orders
The Student Directory is back!
Register online at (tinyurl.com/RVStudentDirectory) or return the registration form
You must register to be included in the student directory
PTA Text Alerts - text "@reeceville" to 81010 to sign up
Questions? Contact president@reecevillepta.org
Trunk or Treat and Guest Author
Mrs. Cooper's class has earned their second round of 20 tallies! They celebrated with their stuffed animals this week! They enjoyed reading and working with their stuffed animals throughout the day.