Spartan Weekly Update SEP 2-7

Week At A Glance
Monday, September 2
Labor Day - No School
Tuesday, September 3
Wednesday, September 4
Makeup Picture Day - Room 323
Honor Roll Recognition 5:00pm
Back to School Night, 5:30pm
Thursday, September 5
Friday, September 6
Hello Dance 7pm-10pm
Saturday, September 7
Foorball vs. Upland 9am@ Fred Kelly Stadium
* Students exiting campus must present their ID Card with Short-Day Sticker*
Back to School Night - Sept. 4 @5:30pm
Villa Park High School cordially invites you to join us on campus on Wednesday, September 4th starting at 5:30pm for Back to School Night 2024. Meet your teachers, tour our campus, and learn more about our school and our awesome programs. We will be following a bell schedule so please have your son/daughter share their schedule with you or check Aeries Parent Portal for your student's schedule.
Administration Updates
- Student Attendance: Students who arrive late to class after the bell rings for each period are tardy. There is a 6-minute passing period to move from class to class. Students who earn 4 tardies will be assigned a lunch detention. We appreciate parent support in encouraging students to be prompt and show up to classes on time!
- Student Conduct Guidelines 24-25: Outline of student behavior and consequences administered by Student Services (Discipline). Please take a moment to review school policies on the following topics:
- Attendance Policy
- Saturday School & Loss of Activities
- Lunch Detention
- Campus Deliveries
- Dress Code
- Student Parking
Click Here to Review Student Conduct Guidelines 24-25
- Attendance: Parents must call or deliver a note to the Attendance Office within 72 hours to clear a student's absence. Students will be held accountable for their attendance through lunch detentions or Saturday School for unexcused absences. If a student is absent from school, they must provide an excuse for an absence (Illness, Personal, Medical Appointment, etc.). Calls to attendance can be made to (714) 532-8020.
Short Day / Athletic Periods - Must Have Student ID
Parents must sign the Off-Campus Parent Consent Form in order for a student to receive their sticker. Stickers can be picked up in the Activities Office.
Students will receive a warning this week (Sept. 3-6). Students without their ID will be subject to the following consequences for multiple ID violations.
- Call to Parents
- Lunch Detention Assigned
Upcoming Parent Events
5-Star - Schoolwide App for Students
This year we will be using the 5-Star Students program at VP to maintain safety on campus and to help students increase their involvement on campus. Students can earn points for attending events and participating in activities.
Spartan Activities
Art and AP European History
In order to learn and fully appreciate the art from the Renaissance time period AP Euro students were required to research several different artists and their paintings and then recreate their favorite painting. Here are some work samples from Mrs. Quiroz's classes this week. Great job, Spartans!
Meet Our Spartan Staff
Dan Honikel-Security
Written by: Alexander Tran
Throughout his experience here at Villa Park High School, Mr. Honikel has always believed amazing students is what truly makes his job enjoyable. Graduating from Servite High School in 1982, Mr. Honikel was involved in both football and baseball. Mr. Honikel would later go on to attend the University of San Diego, where he was a Criminology major. While at the university, Mr. Honikel often played intramural sports and was a Residential Assistant for his dorm. Prior to working at Villa Park High School, Mr. Honikel was a probation officer and worked for Orange County’s Juvenile Hall in Orange. Joining the Spartan family last January, Mr. Honikel has found not only the students, but his co-workers to be a part of this amazing community and work environment. He has two sons, both of whom are of age.
Autumn Rockwell-English Teacher
Written By: Alexander Tran
For over ten years as an English teacher, Mrs. Rockwell has contributed greatly to the education of hundreds of students. While attending Redwood High School in Visalia, Mrs. Rockwell was a scholar-athlete who played varsity-level soccer, track, and cross country. Upon graduation in 2005, Mrs. Rockwell would go on to run track at the University of California, Irvine where she was an English major. Choosing to pursue a career in education, Mrs. Rockwell was a substitute teacher in Capistrano Valley Unified in hopes of preparing her for the classroom. Receiving her credentials at California State University, Pomona; Mrs. Rockwell joined Villa Park’s staff in the 2013-2014 school year. Throughout her teaching career here, it would have to be the students that she considers her favorite part of the job. Beyond teaching, Mrs. Rockwell is a mother to two boys and enjoys reading. Her favorite books are To Kill a Mockingbird and a Thousand Splendid Suns.
Counselors' Corner
Math Tutoring Available
Need help with Math? We encourage students to attend our Morning Math Tutoring, led by our very own Math teachers Ms. Petrella and Ms. Capriles.
- Double Zero Period (7:35 - 8:24) - Room 213 - Ms. Petrella
- Zero Period (8:30 - 9:20) - Room 206 - Ms. Capriles
These tutoring options are available for ALL STUDENTS.
VPHS Academic Competition Class - Fall 2024
Students participate in three activities*:
Mock Trial- Fall
Academic Decathlon - Winter
Model United Nations - Spring
Mock Trial
Students prepare arguments for a given case as either the prosecution or defense. They present their arguments in a mock trial, portraying attorneys, witnesses, and supporting roles. Real judges and attorneys provide feedback and scores.
Model United Nations
Students role-play as delegates of different countries, researching their stances on worldwide issues. Through debate and negotiation, students will tackle problems in a diplomatic matter.
*Not all students will have to compete in all three, but the class will prepare students in all areas.
Academic Decathlon
Students study 7 disciplines related to a topic: Art, Economics, Literature, Math, Music, Science, and Social Science.
Students will develop proficiency in 3 skills: Speech, essay composition, and interview.
On competition day, students will present the culmination of their efforts in various formats, being scored individually and as a team against other schools.
Interested? Learn More Here
Did you know that Villa Park High School offers the AP Capstone Diploma Program?
At VPHS, students with a passion for academic excellence and a drive for success can delve into the AP Capstone Diploma Program, a rigorous two-year course of study. Designed to hone the critical skills essential for college-bound AP/Honors students, this program offers two distinct AP Capstone awards: AP Seminar and AP Research.
College Planning Checklist
Parent vs. Student Responsibilities
Which College Admission Process best suits you?
Counselor Assignments & Contacts 2024-2025
A - DE - Lauren Bartelli
DF - JA - Jeremy Bulrice
JE - NE - Jason Pham
NG - SAM - Shasta Campbell
SAN - Z - Doreen Valentin
Sports Update
This Week In Sports
Written By: Alex Tran
Flag Football
On Wednesday, our newly formed Girls’ Flag Football team defeated La Serna High School in a hardfought, 14-12 game. Congratulations on their well deserved victory!
Water Polo
Playing home against Millikan High School, Boys’ Varsity Water Polo lost by one point in a well fought tournament. On the other hand, Boys’ Frosh/Soph and JV Water Polo teams saw success, beating Millikan High School by wide margins.
On Thursday, JV Football defeated Foothill High School by a 35-28 margin. Frosh/Soph saw an even wider margin of victory, defeating Orange High School 34-0. Varsity Football beat Orange High School Friday night at Fred Kelly Stadium 51-14.
VPHS Aquatics Updates Records Wall
Congrats to all of the athletes that broke records this past season- Lucy Flynn, Allison Mann, Chloe Teger, Makena De La O, and Jay Hickman. Our girls varsity team broke all 8 individual records this season. Another congrats to our new all americans- Anika Carcich, Lucy Flynn, Allison Mann, Jay Hickman and Chloe Teger! Amazing last season, we can’t wait to see what the 2024/2025 season brings!
We also have a new addition to our deck!! Thank you to @vphsgraphics for our new CIF champions banner!!
Support Girls' Soccer in September
Support VPHS Cheer
Support VP Flag Football - SNAP Fundraiser
Your support will help us offer a higher quality experience for all participants. Raising dollars for extracurricular activities is very difficult to do but is vital for our program.
Interested in Joining a Sport?
Contact our Athletic Director, Tom Fox tfox@orangeusd.org
Follow VPHS Teams on Social Media!
Please check out the VP Sports schedule for the latest game schedule, results, and events.
If you are on Instagram, follow our teams to stay updated on game results, schedules, and other team-related events:
- VPHS Boys Basketball
- VPHS Girls Basketball
- VPHS Hockey
- VPHS Rugby (NEW)
- VPHS Boys Soccer
- VPHS Girls Soccer
- VPHS Wrestling
- VPHS Aquatics - Water Polo Boys (Fall) Girls (Winter) Swimming (Spring)
- VPHS Cheer & Stunt
- VPHS Cross Country (Fall)
- VPHS esports
- VPHS Football (Fall)
- VPHS Flag Football (Fall)
- VPHS Girls Golf (Fall)
- VPHS Girls Tennis (Fall)
- VPHS Girls Volleyball (Fall)
- VPHS Baseball (Spring)
- VPHS Boys Golf (Spring)
- VPHS Boys Volleyball (Spring)
- VPHS Softball (Spring)
- VPHS Boys Tennis (Spring)
- VPHS Track & Field (Spring)
Upcoming Events
September 2: Labor Day - No School
September 4: Back to School Night
September 6: Hello Dance
October 11-12: Homecoming Game & Dance
VPHS Fundrasing Opportunities
We’re happy to announce that a new webpage has been created, in response to parent feedback, to collect all fundraiser events that occur throughout the school year. VPHS Fundraiser Events is now open for all sports teams and boosters, clubs, classes, and VPHS-affiliated organizations who wish to promote their upcoming fundraisers.
Should you wish you promote your event, please contact Mr. Pongco at jpongco@orangeusd.org. We are able to feature events on our newsletter, this new webpage, and in school email broadcasts to our parents and students.
Free and Public Education Notice
Section 5 of Article IX of the state of California constitution guarantees students a "free public education". Any requests financial requests from coaches or teachers shall be donations and therefore not required to participate.
Villa Park is a public school, which means we offer a free public education. Any fees attached to events, such as field trips, are requested as a donation from families. Your child will not be excluded from the event if you are unable to donate for a school day field trip or program.
OUSD Annual Notice of Nondiscrimination (UCP)
Orange Unified School District annually notifies its students, employees, parents or guardians of its students, the district advisory committee, school advisory committees, appropriate private school officials, and other interested parties of the Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) process.
The UCP Annual Notice is available on the district's website.
The Orange Unified School District is primarily responsible for compliance with federal and state laws and regulations, including those related to unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation or bullying against any protected group, and all programs and activities that are subject to the UCP.
Villa Park High School Assistant Principal | Curriculum & Instruction