OLLV Catholic School
Be it known to all who enter here, that Christ is the reason for this school. He is the unseen, but ever present teacher in the classrooms, the model of its faculty, and the inspiration of its students.
Angel Note: August 27, 2023
Virtue of the Week: Grace
This Week:
- PE- Pre-K, Kinder, Middle School
- 3:00 PM New Altar Server Meeting
- 3:00 PM Choir Rehearsal
Tuesday, August 29, 2023:
- PE- 1st-5th grade
- 3:00 PM-4:15 PM Soccer Tryouts
Wednesday, August 30, 2023:
- PE- Pre-K, Kinder, Middle School
Thursday, August 31, 2023:
- PE- 1st-5th grade
- 3:00 PM -4:15 PM - Soccer Practice
- 5:30 PM Curriculum Night- Parents Only
Friday: September 1, 2023
- No Mass
Drop Off Improvements!
Thank you parents for expressing your concerns and sharing your ideas on ways to make the parking lot run more smoothly. We listened to your concerns and had in the City of Las Vegas observe our morning drop-off procedures to get their feedback on how to make it better. After watching from 7:15-7:45 on Thursday morning they concluded that our procedures are efficient and thought they ran extremely smooth, especially compared to numerous school around the valley. Thank you to all of those parents who have waited patiently, kept calm and kind and followed our procedures. We appreciate your support!
A few reminders for next week.....
1. Use the car line. NO PARKING unless you are in grades PK-K.
2. Pull all the way up in line.
3. Make sure your goodbyes are quick and students are ready to exit the car as soon as you are pulled up. Unload students at 7:25 and gates will open at 7:27.
4. Stay in the car. Students should be exiting the car by themselves. If you have a PK/K student who needs help, park in the designated lot and walk them to the gate.
5. Lastly, remember... We appreciate your kindness.
Marking Tardies will start this week
From the Handbook:
Please be sure that your child is in the classroom by the start of the school day so that daily directions and announcements will not be missed. Students arriving after 7:45 AM will be marked tardy. Arriving late can be disruptive for the entire class. Consistent tardiness teaches children that being on time is not very important. Please teach your child good habits by arriving at school on time. Additionally, in grades 4th and above, students will receive a detention each time five tardies are accumulated within a trimester.
Exciting News!
Altar Server Meeting THIS WEEK!
If you are interested in becoming an Altar Server please come to the New Altar Server training Monday, August 28th, after school at 3:00pm. Students must be accompanied by an adult.
Meet in the Welcome Room of the Church
*You must have already received First Communion.
Quite simply, water is necessary for our bodies to function as it should. While the most obvious symptom of dehydration may be thirst, you may also notice a decrease in cognitive function (THINKING) from attention and memory to critical thinking skills.
Staying hydrated is important for other systems in our bodies as well. Water helps with digestion, prevents constipation, and flushes bacteria out of the body. It's necessary for body temperature regulation and the normalization of blood pressure.Additionally, water is crucial for transporting oxygen and nutrients to cells and protecting organs.
Harvest Festival Children's Raffle
Dear OLLV Parents and Parishioners,
The Our Lady of Las Vegas 40th Annual Harvest Festival is right around the corner! Please
join US in Making a Difference by Donating Prizes for the Children's Harvest Festival Raffle!
We hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. On behalf of the Our Lady of
Las Vegas Harvest Festival Committee, we are writing to request your generous support for
our upcoming 40th Annual Our Lady of Las Vegas Harvest Festival.
We kindly request your donation of new children’s toys, electronics, and bikes. Whether it’s
a gift certificate, merchandise, unique experiences, or any other valuable contribution,
every prize counts and will help us achieve our fundraising goals. We also created an
Amazon Wish List, to help those who would like to donate without having to go to the store,
please search:
Registrant Name: Jenny Penney – Gift List / OLLV 40th Harvest Festivals Children’s
Please see the Raffle Registry Link below.
Your contribution is tax-deductible. This letter certifies that Our Lady of Las Vegas
Catholic School is a non-profit; 501(c)(3), tax exempt organization and our Employer
Identification is #88-0059349. All donations are Tax Deductible.
We are grateful for your consideration of our request. Please do not hesitate to contact
Jenny Penney 702.509.0097 or JennyJPenney@Outlook.com to arrange for donation
collection or if you have any questions.
Thank you for your time and consideration in this meaningful endeavor. Together, we can
make a difference in the Our Lady of Las Vegas Community.
Warmest regards,
Harvest Festival Committee
2023-2024 Classroom Volunteers
Should you wish to volunteer in your child's classroom or be a chaperone on a field trip please ensure that you have completed fingerprinting, background checks, and the CMG program. You may pick up a volunteer packet in the front office. Please know that this clearance process takes between four and six weeks.
Our Lady of Las Vegas Catholic School
Email: mbello@ollv.org
Website: https://www.ollvschool.org/
Location: 3046 Alta Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89107, USA
Phone: (702) 802-2323
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OurLadyofLVSchool
Twitter: @OurLadyLVSchool