St. Edith Catholic School
"teaches as Jesus did" With love, care, and discipline,
Centering on the Eucharist, and focusing on students:
Our gifts and our future.
Dear St. Edith Families,
We ended our week with a great Pep Rally to celebrate the amazing accomplishments of our V1 boys basketball team! They play again tomorrow, Saturday, March 16 at 3:30pm. We hope to see you all there!
*Reminder No School on Monday, March 18th. It is our Teacher's Records Day.
*Please note the change to the calendar. April 8, 2024 is now a half day, dismissal at 11:10am.
*There are some events coming up, check out our "Mark Your Calendars" section of the Eagles Express!
Many Blessings,
Mrs. G
Happenings at St. Edith!
Please help by bringing in baked goods!
March is Reading Month!
Happenings at St. Edith
Mark Your Calendars!
News from Religious Ed
Dear St. Edith School Families,
We invite all children, preschool through 8th grade, to take part in the Palm Sunday procession at the 11:00 AM Mass Sunday, March 24th . Children who are participating should be seated with their families in Church and will be called to the Gathering Area shortly before the Procession will take place.
The procession will begin after the blessing of the palms and short reading that will conclude with, “Let us go forth in peace.”. The procession is in the church led by Deacon Don followed by all the children, Cross and Candle Bearers, Lector, and Fr. Jim. The procession will walk around the church up and down each aisle. We will process back into the Gathering Area and from there all children will then return to their families for the remainder of the Mass.
Each Sunday at 11:00 AM Mass, children aged 4 years through 2nd Grade are invited to attend our weekly Children’s Liturgy of the Word. They will celebrate a special Palm Sunday Passion reading and activities. Children attending Liturgy of the Word will return to their families after the Prayers of the Faithful.
Thank you for your children’s participation in this memorable event!
God bless,
Mrs. Gennaro, Mrs. Kramer, and the Leadership Staff of St. Edith
Linda Kramer
Director of Faith Formation
St. Edith Catholic Church
All are welcome here!
Fundraising Opportunities
Uniforms for the 2023-2024 school year!
If you haven't signed up to receive emails from Tommy Hilfiger, please do so! You will receive promotion notifications and more.
Protecting God's Children/Virtus Training
March 2024
March 1-
* Dress as Dr. Seuss character
*Cheese Nachos & Fruit
March 2-
Family Mass 3rd grade
March 4-
*8th grade pretzels
March 5-
Bagel Tuesday
*Walking Taco
SEPA- 6pm
School Committee- 7pm
March 6-
Stations 8:30am- 6th grade
School Mass 9am 8th grade leads
*8th grade fundraiser- Chicken Tenders & Chips
March 7-
SEPA Lunch
March 8-
*Pancakes & Fruit
Fish Fry
March 10-
Mother/Son Bowling!
March 11-
No School-AOD PD day
March 12-
Bagel Tuesday
*Sub Day
Wear the most words day!
(dress down day & hats are permitted)
March 13-
Stations 8:30am- 5th grade
School Mass 9am- 7th grade leads
8th grade fundraiser- Hotdog & chips
March 14-
PI day!- Pies and games
*SEPA lunch
March 15-
Fish Fry
*Cheese Quesadilla & Fruit
Wear Green!
(dress down day, deck out in green)
End of 3rd quarter
March 16-
First Eucharist Retreat
March 18-
No School
Teacher's Records Day
March 19-
Bagel Tuesday
*Pasta Day
First Day of Spring
March 20-
Stations 8:30am- 3rd & 4th grade
School Mass 9am- 6th grade leads
*8th grade fundraiser- Chicken Tenders & Chips
March 21-
*SEPA Lunch
Site Visit
March 22-
Fish Fry
*Grilled Cheese & Fruit
Wear a BIG10 jersey or color- Kick off for BIG10 tournament
(dress down day)
March 25-
8th grade pretzels
March 26-
Bagel Tuesday
*Bosco Sticks & Fruit
Report Cards go home
March 27-
Stations 8:30am- 1st & 2nd grade
School Mass 9am- 5th grade leads
*8th grade fundraiser- Hotdog & chips
*Pretzels *8th grade fundraiser
March 28-
No School
Holy Thursday
March 29-
No School
Good Friday
March 30-
Holy Saturday
March 31-
April 1- 7- No School
April 8- School Resumes
1/2 Day No SEED