2024 Graduation
May 25th at 10:00 am

2024 Seniors,
We congratulate you on your accomplishments and the success you have achieved to this point. Take time to thank those who have been instrumental in helping you reach this moment. You now stand at the starting line of life and what a great moment it is!
Do not mistake the diploma you receive as some kind of rite of passage. Take it in as a gift from society and in turn use this gift to give back to your community with the talents and knowledge you now possess. Thanks to you, the world will become a better place. The future is yours, and the direction of your future occurs not by chance but by preparation.
Do not wait for your future to happen, make it happen. Take advantage of opportunities that arise. This may mean stepping beyond your comfort level. Do it, you will be glad you did.
Again, we congratulate you and thank you for an exciting year!
Lead up to Graduation: May 13th - 18th
Monday, May 13th:
No School - Staff PD day
3:00 - Baseball @ Cedaredge (Depart @ 12 p.m.)
Tuesday, May 14th:
Regular school
6:30 - Spring Combined Concert
Wednesday, May 15th:
Regular school
5:30 - State Track Send-Off
Thursday, May 16th:
Regular school
9:00 - State Track Meet @ Jeffco Stadium in Lakewood
Friday, May 17th:
Regular school
9:00 - State Track Meet @ Jeffco Stadium in Lakewood
3:40 - Senior Cap and Gown Pick-up during Advisory
Saturday, May 18th:
9:00 - State Track Meet @ Jeffco Stadium in Lakewood
Graduation Week: 20th - 25th
Monday, May 20th:
No School
Tuesday, May 21st: (Senior Finals: 5th, 6th, 7th)
Seniors are excused after 7th hour
Wednesday, May 22nd: (Senior Finals: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th)
Seniors are excused after 4th hour final for the remainder of the day!
Thursday, May 23rd: (Senior's Last Day!)
Attendance is Required, lots of information!
- 10:00 a.m. - Arrive at Main Gym for Senior Check-out
- 10:45 - Graduation Practice
- 12:15 - Senior Lunch, Senior Records, Tickets for VIP seating, Yearbooks
- 1:20 - Final Reminders in the Aux Gym
- 1:50 - Main Gym: Senior Awards / Slide Show (Parents/Community are welcome to attend)
- 3:15ish - Final “Senior Walk” as a class through the halls of GVHS! (Exit out the front doors for those who want pictures)
Friday, May 24th:
7:00 p.m. Baccalaureate in the Main Gym
Saturday, May 25th:
8:45 a.m. - Arrive at Main Gym for final Graduation Prep
10:00 a. m. - SHOWTIME!
Graduation Ceremony: Saturday, May 25th @ 10:00 a.m.
Each graduating Senior will be given 7 tickets for seating directly behind the graduates. More may be requested from administration if available. (Please talk to fellow graduates first for extra tickets) In the event of poor weather requiring us to move the ceremony indoors, only the original 7 tickets per graduate will be permitted. If this is the case the ceremony will be held in the Main Gymnasium.
Local Law Enforcement and Grand Valley Fire Protection
Graduation is a special moment that we all want to capture. MJ Thomas will be providing professional photography as students are honored on stage during the ceremony. These photos may be purchased through MJ Thomas and a flier for this will be placed in senior packets.
There is a place for parents/guardians to take pictures as your graduate crosses the stage. Out of consideration for others, we ask that photographers only be in the picture box area as their graduate crosses the stage and then returns to their seat.
Live Feed and Broadcast:
The graduation ceremony will be broadcast through a live feed for extended families not able to attend. Access to this link can be found on our district website. http://www.garfield16.org/
At the conclusion of this event, a recording of the ceremony will also be available on GVHS YOUTUBE.
Special Thanks to the Grand Valley Community!
As always our great community has put students FIRST! Together WE can make a positive and memorable experience for the entire Graduating Class of 2024. We would like to thank the Grand Valley Community and surrounding areas for the work and organization that has been put into the 2024 Graduation Ceremony, it will be one to be remembered!
Grand Valley High School is the home of the Fighting Cardinals.