Online Learning Academy - PPS
May 2023 Newsletter
Principal Message
Dear OLA Families,
May is a busy month for all of us in OLA. From testing to celebrations to important workshops for middle and high school students, all hands are on deck to ensure that students are ready for Fall 2023. In preparation for next year, the OLA team is working on an “OLA PASSPORT” which will be a short synopsis of your students strengths and any extra support your student may have been receiving while in OLA. Our goal for this document is something more than a typical report card since OLA is such a unique educational experience. We will send this document home to all guardians via email. It is an optional document you can choose to share with your student’s next school or next teacher. We hope that it will add a helpful nuance to your child’s traditional educational record.
Recapping a few ways to finish the year strong:
K-12 Learning Coaches
Submit your OLA Check-In form here every Friday.
Let teachers know if you have concerns about your student’s progress.
Track your students progress by logging into your account on Buzz.
K-12 Students
Attend Office Hours for 1:1 support and tutoring from your teachers.
Spend at least 30 hours per week on school.
HS Students (Check with your Seminar teacher)
Enroll in OMG to finish up incompletes.
Sign up to finish up credits on Saturdays.
Sign up to finish credits June 20-30.
As always, please reach out if you have any questions, ideas or concerns.
Mrs. H
Diane Berthoin-Hernández
Principal, OLA and VS
It is Staff Appreciation Week, May 8-12th! Thank your OLA Teachers and Staff!
Options for other Online Schools - Matrix with information
OLA Family Facebook Group and Email
Reminder from the OLA Parent Group: The entire OLA community is welcome to attend the Parent-led OLA Community Town Hall! Parents, guardians, learning coaches, students, teachers and staff are all requested to attend. We would love to see you there in person, or even by Zoom. Please join us for this rare opportunity to get the whole OLA community together! RSVP and us know if you’re coming:
Monday, May 8th
6:30-8:00 p.m. (come at 6:15 for pizza!)
Mount Tabor Middle School cafeteria
5800 SE Ash St
Via Zoom (link will be sent after RSVP)
Topics of discussion include:
- Info about why the district says it’s closing OLA
- What we’ve done to advocate for our school
- The difference between OLA, virtual public charter schools, and online schools in neighboring districts
- Info about transferring out of PPS
- Ways to stay connected with each other
OLA Website
College and Career Readiness - Character Trait of the Month: Resiliency
May - Pacific Islander Heritage Month
May Days
May 8-12 - Staff Appreciation Week - Thank your OLA Teachers!
May 9 - Mid-term progress reports
May 29 - No School - Memorial Day
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Coming Up:
May 29 - No School - Memorial Day
Counseling Corner
Greetings OLA Families! In addition to celebrating Asian American Native Hawaiian and Pacific Heritage month, May is also Mental Health Awareness month. I will be visiting elementary classrooms this month to talk about self care and talking to trusted adults. I have been using this adorable resource:
For our middle school students, we are fortunate to have an amazing community organization, AdultingIRL, come on May 18th and 19th to do a peer to peer suicide prevention training. Here is their website:
The name of the program is You Good Fam? Here is the training outline for your review: YouGoodFam I understand that this is a difficult topic for some students, please feel free to reach out to Ms. Mate/Reka if that is the case.
If you or a family member is experiencing mental health challenges, there is help out there. One of the best places to start is the National Alliance of Mental Illness website:
If you or a family member are experiencing thoughts of suicide, the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is available 24 hours a day in English and Spanish.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions and concerns to 🌺☀️🌺
High School Counselor News
As we are getting close to wrapping up the school year, I wanted to say thank you for all of you who have worked so hard to get to where you are today. Whether you passed a class, passed all your classes with all A's, or have been focusing more on making improvements in your mental health, I'm proud of you. Seniors PLEASE make sure that you're in touch with your neighborhood school.
ALL information about the graduation ceremony, cap and gowns, and your diploma will come from them! If you're not sure who to talk to, click here:
Senior Survey & Save the Date We are planning a Senior Celebration at the Holladay Annex that will take place on June 1st. PLEASE fill out this survey ASAP and let us know your plans: All students
CRLEs and Summer Opportunities Here is the link to the HS Counselor Updates. I will be posting any summer programs or jobs that I find in this link. It will be updated a lot over the next few weeks so keep an eye out!
Suicide Prevention workshop coming up We are fortunate to have an amazing community organization, AdultingIRL, come on May 11th and May 12th during seminar and from 1-2 each day to do a peer to peer suicide prevention training. Here is their website: This will take place during seminar. The name of the program is You Good Fam? Here is the training outline for your review:
If you or a family member is experiencing mental health challenges, there is help out there. One of the best places to start is the National Alliance of Mental Illness website: If you or a family member are experiencing thoughts of suicide, the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is available 24 hours a day in English and Spanish.
Counselor Slides:
Kindergarten Super Hero Day!
Kindergarten take a virtual field trip to see the Bears....
And the Iguanas!
OLA Achievement Team
OLA at Night was a success! 22 students spent 64 hours over two weeks working on their courses. Students met with their teachers Tue, Wed, and Thu nights from 5:30 - 7:30 pm. 21 courses were completed in that time! Great job to the students and staff!
OLA on Saturdays begins May 6; and continues on May 13 and May 20. Patrick Stoudt and Nick Blechman will be working with students on English, Spanish, ASL, and Forestry in live sessions from 10 am - 12 pm. Students who are eligible* received an email invitation on Tuesday, May 2. Please check your inboxes and let the HS team know if you are planning to attend or not. If you have any questions, please contact Jeannie Redrejo (OLA HS Achievement Specialist) at Thank you!
* A student is eligible if they started the course in a previous term, but did not finish it.
MS and HS Study Buddies happen each week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students can get help in planning their work, understanding an activity's instructions, practicing a DBA, or just having an accountability partner. Jeannie Redrejo and the SECs (Sarah Jones and Eathen Swain) host the clubs. Teachers often attend and are ready to work with students.
- MS Study Buddies (Seminar Zoom link) on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:00 - 2:45
- HS Study Buddies (Seminar Zoom link) on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00 - 1:45
Digital Art created by one of our High School students
MS Field Trip to see White Bird at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall
4th Graders write Opinion papers
LGBTQ Community Supports
Hello OLA Families, PPS has launched its new LGBTQ supports page on their website:
Sustainability at PPS - May is for Activism…and Biking. And Being Outside.
“As the weather gets nicer, we hope you all get a chance to be outside, smelling the fresh air and looking up at the sun or the clouds or the moon or the stars. As you'll see in this month's Did You Know, being outside is good for you in just about every way.”
Bike Resources 4 Bike Month:
If you're not sure if you're a newsletter subscriber and would like to be, click here Enjoy.
Summer Acceleration Academy 2023
Invitations for Summer 2023 will be sent directly to the families of eligible students via email, phone, and text message (if families have opted in to receive text messages)
Note: Please text YES to 68453 to opt in to receive text messages. The number you text from must be the number associated with your parent profile in our system. Please check with your school office if you need to update your information.
What other programming will PPS be offering this summer?
We are collaborating with community partners to offer a range of free programs at various sites. Enrollment and program details are available at the PPS Family Supports website. (OLA note: asks to select neighborhood school)
We are hosting Early Kindergarten Transition for incoming kindergartners at our Title 1 schools. Please see the Early Kindergarten Transition (EKT) site for more details.
For middle school students, we are hosting Summer Arts Academy and PIL Summer Math. You can learn more about these options at
We host a range of school-based child care programs as well. Please see the details the PPS Child Care site for Summer 2023
Community Resources for OLA/PPS Families
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