Eagles' News Brief
November 4 - 8
Important Dates
- November 5: Teacher Workday (Parent-Teacher Conference Day; no school for students)
- November 7: Fall Picture Retakes
- November 11: Veteran's Day (school closed)
- November 12: McDonald's Family Night (5:00-8:00pm)
- November 27- 29: Thanksgiving Holiday: School Closed
- December 9-13: VSE Holiday Shop
- December 11: Papa John's PTA Spirit Night (flyer will be shared soon)
- December 13: Q2 Interims Go Home
- December 23 - January 2: Winter Break (no school for students)
- January 23: Math SOAR Night (5:30-7:00pm)
WCPSS Magnet Application Window is Open
Magnet application window is now open
Do you have a 5th grade student who is going to middle school next year? Consider looking at the magnet middle schools WCPSS has to offer! The application period for Early College and Magnet schools is now open, running through December 12 for Early Colleges and January 23 for Magnet and Year-round schools. Start your application now to get a head start.
After School Clubs
We are excited to offer clubs after school for our students! Clubs meet from 3:15-4:15 on their assigned day and students will meet coaches in Room #1603. Below is the schedule and the flyers with more information on how you can register your student(s)!
All of our club offerings have been vetted and are in the TGA company. Based on feedback, clubs are provided by different companies than last year.
- Monday: Tennis
- Tuesday: Golf
- Wednesday: Soccer
There are several resources shared through WCPSS to support your children at home socially and emotionally. These resources are linked below for you to view.
WCPSS Transportation Contact Info
If you're a parent in Wake County and you're concerned about a bus not showing up, you can call the Wake County Schools transportation customer service number at (919) 805-3030.
Also make sure that you're signed up for Here Comes the Bus which allows you to track your child's school bus in real time. See Here Comes the Bus flyers in this newsletter for more information.
STEM Announcement
Calling all At-Home Eagle Engineers! Does your child love science? Do they love to create, explore and build?
We do lots of these in our STEM class with Mrs. Vigilante and now YOU can be on our VSE Mad Scientist
Wall of Fame in the hallway for extending your love of science outside the classroom! The next time your child is creating a volcano, bird watching, doing a chemistry experiment, curating a rock collection, studying the stars, analyzing a wild animal's footprint in the backyard or engineering a new invention, snap a selfie of your child and what they were doing and mail it to jvigilante@wcpss.net! The science possibilities are all around us!
Wake County Public Libraries: New Tutoring Resource!
Wake County Public Libraries are launching a new tutoring resource for WCPL library patrons.
Students and parents can get academic help with math, science, English, social studies and writing questions. Expert tutors work with kindergarten through 12th grade students and can even help with AP-level and intro-level college coursework.
Anyone with a Wake County Library card number and PIN can access free and on-demand live tutoring between 10am-10pm/ 7 days a week. Click here for more info!
Are you missing important messages from your child's teacher?
Talking Points, an online texting app, is the primary way our teachers and staff communicates with families. It is imperative that we maintain two-way communication between the home and the school to ensure student success. PLEASE download the Talking Points app if you've not already done so. Please also update your phone number with the office if it has changed since last school year. Thank you! (cmpeacock@wcpss.net or 919-662-2486)
We LOVE Our Parent Volunteers!
- All WCPSS parent and community volunteers are required to register through the MyVolunteer system.
- The volunteer renewal process is quick and simple for all volunteers who were approved for the 2023-24 school year. The renewal window is now open through Oct. 1, 2024. Go to the MyVolunteer Volunteer Renewal site to renew your volunteer status today! The process should only take a few minutes.
- New volunteers: Click here for information about becoming an approved WCPSS volunteer and to go through the process.
- PLEASE go ahead and register now, so you'll be cleared and good to go as events come up throughout the year!
Transportation Changes + Early Check Out
Early Check Out
- The latest time that you can pick your child(ren) up early is 2:30pm. Please do not arrive after that time to pick up early.
- If the office calls to share that your child is sick, please make arrangements to pick them up by 2:30pm. If they are not picked up by 2:30pm, please join our carpool line and we will bring him/her out to you safely when their name/number pops up.
Transportation Changes
Please communicate all transportation changes to the front office by 2:15pm. The number to the front office is 919-662-2486 (press 0). Please do not communicate transportation changes through Talking Points or to classroom teachers. They are teaching and may miss the message. If they receive the message, the office is missing it and has a specific system in place to ensure each child goes home the correct way. With more than 550 students going different directions each afternoon, we have to keep it safe and organized. Thank you for your help with this!
Thank you for your support with the items shared above.
Student Cell Phones & Outside Toys
Student Cell Phones
As we work to limit classroom distractions, we are asking that student cell phones be left at home. If you feel your child must have a cell phone at school, please remind him/her that cell phones should remain off and be stored in a backpack during the school day. If a student’s cell phone disrupts instruction, it will be confiscated and held in the office for parent pick up. Thank you so much for your help with this!
Toys from Home
Outside toys from home, have also disrupted the learning environment. Please leave all stuffed animals, Pokemon cards, Beyblades, and all other toys from home at home. Thank you for your help with this as we work to protect the learning environment for our students and teachers.
Vandora Springs Elementary School
Email: rcurtis@wcpss.net
Location: 1300 Vandora Springs Road, Garner, NC, USA
Phone: 919-662-2486
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