IFNSS Principal Newsletter
Week of Sunday, April 28th, 2024
قَالَ اللَّهُ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ وَجَبَتْ مَحَبَّتِي لِلْمُتَحَابِّينَ فِيَّ وَالْمُتَجَالِسِينَ فِيَّ وَالْمُتَزَاوِرِينَ فِيَّ وَالْمُتَبَاذِلِينَ فِيَّ
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
Assalamu alaikum respected parents,
I pray you are all well. Last Sunday, our students in Grades 1-8 participated in our Annual Quiz Competition. Students competed with each other in three teams: Team Makkah, Team Medina and Team Quds and all students did very well ma sha Allah. Team Makkah won with 260 points followed by Team Quds (230 points) and Team Medina (165 points). JazakAllah Khair to all the parents who joined us for the event. Students in PK-KG enjoyed participating in an alternate activity: Eid themed crafts and games with their teachers and parent volunteers. Tomorrow, Sunday May 5th, is our Review for the Final Exams. Teachers will provide study guides/instructions for Final Exams in sha Allah that will take place on May 12th and May 19th. If weather permits, we will celebrate May 19th with a Field Day in the PM (11:30 - 1:00), so students can enjoy outdoor games and activities in sha Allah. For any parents, who would like to volunteer and have fun while helping out with Field Day, please fill out THIS FORM and we will reach out to share more information.
It's hard to believe that we are already in May and planning the very last few days of Sunday School. May 6th-May 10th is National Teacher Appreciation Week. We are organizing a Staff Appreciation Lunch at the end of this school year. For any parents who wish to contribute towards a Gift for teachers, please send $10 in an envelope labelled Teacher Appreciation Money with your child by 5/19/24. You can also Zelle $10 at 847-772-1869 with a Note: Teacher Appreciation Money (Please note that this is OPTIONAL and only $10 per family)
Sunday School will hold its 8th Grade Graduation & Awards Distribution Ceremony on JUNE 2nd, 2024. Like last year, any 8th grade boys & girls interested in giving a graduation speech on June 2nd, please submit your speech by MAY 19th for review at: ifnss.principal@ifnonline.com with the subject line ‘Graduation Speech’. We will select 1-2 candidates in shaa Allah who can give a 1-3 minutes speech on June 2nd. Requirements: Speech should NOT EXCEED 3 minutes
MORNING ASSEMBLY: On Sunday (4/28), our morning assembly was led by our Sr Eman Enaya, on the topic of the last sermon of Prophet Muhammad SAW and how to be beware of Shaitan and protect ourselves from his dirty tricks to lead us astray. See ASSEMBLY FLYER linked for additional information
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Meet our Amazing Staff!
Sr Safaa Ibrahim - our 3rd grade Quran & Arabic teacher, a very passionate, knowledgable, dedicated, and caring professional, always striving to go above and beyond in all she does ma sha Allah! So blessed to have her on our team Alhumdulillah! May Allah SWT accept & reward all her efforts! Ameen
This is one of my favorite sections of the Newsletter as I get to brag about our amazing team Alhumdulillah, who make Sunday School special. We are blessed and fortunate to have an excellent team of teachers and TA's who are very passionate and dedicated members of our community offering their valuable time and efforts to the noble cause of imparting Islamic education to our youth Alhumdulillah. Please refer to this FULL LIST OF TEACHERS for the 2023-24 school year along with their contact information. Our goal is help parents gets to know their children's teachers in sha Allah. Hence I will be introducing one to two teachers/TA's every week in my Newsletter Teacher Spot Light Section. See image below.
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FIELD DAY (May 19th in sha Allah, if weather permits)
If weather permits, we will celebrate May 19th with a Field Day in the PM (11:30 - 1:00), so students can enjoy outdoor games and activities in sha Allah. For any parents, who would like to volunteer and have fun while helping out with Field Day, please fill out THIS FORM and we will reach out to share more information.
STAFF APPRECIATION 2023-24 (end of the school year)
May 6th-May 10th is National Teacher Appreciation Week. We are organizing a Staff Appreciation Lunch at the end of this school year. For any parents who wish to contribute towards a Gift for teachers, please send $10 in an envelope labelled Teacher Appreciation Money with your child by 5/19/24. You can also Zelle $10 at 847-772-1869 with a Note: Teacher Appreciation Money (Please note that this is OPTIONAL and only $10 per family)
Sunday School will hold its 8th Grade Graduation & Awards Distribution Ceremony on JUNE 2nd, 2024 in sha Allah. Like last year, any 8th grade boys & girls interested in giving a graduation speech on June 2nd, please submit your speech by MAY 19th for review at: ifnss.principal@ifnonline.com with the subject line ‘Graduation Speech’. We will select 1-2 candidates in shaa Allah who can give a 1-3 minutes speech on June 2nd. Requirements: Speech should NOT EXCEED 3 minutes
Opportunities for Parent Involvement at IFNSS
Parent involvement is essential for students development, leads to increased student achievement and success and offers many benefits. We highly encourage our parents to get involved at IFN Sunday School which is why we are offering several opportunities for parent involvement this year. These include the following:
1. Join Parent Support Group (PSG)
2. Become a Teaching Assistant
3. Become a Lunch/Recess Supervisor
4. Lead a Morning Assembly at Sunday School
5. Be a Substitute Teacher or TA
Please FILL OUT THIS FORM if you are interested in any of the above opportunities and we will contact you regarding next steps. Learn more about the above opportunities on THIS Document.
Resources for Parents
Other Helpful Links for Parents to Keep Handy
You can call the IFN main phone number 847-406-3730 and then Dial Extension 222 for Sunday School Office
Principal - Sr. Saddaf Raheel - ifnss.principal@ifnonline.com
Co-Vice Principal - Sr. Samina Anwar - samina.t.anwar@ifnonline.com
- Co-Vice Principal - Sr. Muizza Suglatwala - muizza.suglatwala@ifnonline.com
Office Manager - Sr. Saba Fuad - ifnss.office@ifnonline.com
Registrar - ifnss.registrar@ifnonline.com
Education Committee Chair -Sr. Sadia Thiryayi sadia.thiryayi@ifnonline.com
IFN President - Br Ahmed Nader - ahmed.nader@ifnonline.com
IFN Vice President - Br. Mohamed Eslam meslam.mohamed@ifnonline.com
MUHSEN Facilitators, Sr. Sadia Thiryayi sadia.thiryayi@ifnonline.com & Br. Shaaz Adeel shaaz.adeel@ifnonline.com
Sunday School After School Arabic Program Coordinator - Sister Eman Enaya 312-813-0526 emanenaya@yahoo.com.
Tarbiyah Circle Program Lead: Taha Tayyabi : tarbiyah.circle@ifnonline.com Phone: 3128045206