October 2024
Beechwood Knoll School Newsletter
Principal Mrs. Marisa Rodriguez 617-984-8781 marisarodriguez@quincypublicschools.com
Interim Secretary Mrs. Deb Buzzell 617-984-8781 deborahbuzzell@quincypublicschools.com
Guidance Mrs. Maura Hurst 617-984-8631 maurahurst@quincypublicschools.com
Nurse Mrs. Debbie Cerone 617-984-8632 deborahcerone@quincypublicschools.com
School Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - 8:15 AM - 2:30 PM
Wednesday - Early Release 8:15 AM - 11:55 AM
BKS Info
225 Fenno Street, Quincy, MA 02170
Telephone: 617-984-8781
Fax: 617-984-8636
October Events
- Friday, October 4 PBIS Assembly
- Monday, October 7 PTO Meeting 7-8PM on Zoom
- Monday, October 7 Session 1 Extended Day Programs Begin
- Wednesday, October 9 QPS School Committee Meeting 6:30 PM
- Monday, October 14 No School ~ Columbus Day/Indigenous People's Day
- October 16 & 18 Terracycle Recycle Drop off at Arrival & Dismissal
- Friday, October 18 QPS Grades 2-5 Strings Program Begins
- Monday, October 21 QPS Citywide PTO Meeting 7-8 PM on Zoom
- Wednesday, October 23 QPS School Committee Meeting 6:30 PM
- Friday, October 25 BKS PTO Family Event ~ Trunk or Treat 6-7PM
- Monday, October 28 BKS Picture Re-Take Day 9:00 AM
- Tuesday, October 29 QPS Math Fluency Parent Academy 6-7:30 PM Lincoln Hancock
- Thursday, October 31 Grade 3 QFD Fire Prevention Presentation
- Thursday, October 31 Black & Orange Day ~ Halloween
October Days of Recognition
- October is Global Diversity Awareness Month
- October is Filipino American History Month
- October 2-4 Rosh Hashanah
- Wednesday, October 2 National Custodial Worker Recognition Day
- October 11-12 Yom Kippur
- Monday, October 14 Columbus Day/Indigenous People's Day ~ No School
- Tuesday, October 15 Hispanic Heritage Month Ends
- Thursday, October 24 United Nations Day
- Thursday, October 31 Halloween
QPS 24-25 Calendar www.quincypublicschools.com
Session 1 Extended Day Programs
Session dates - 6 Weeks
Starts: October 7, 2024
Ends: November 14, 2024
- Grade 1: Arts and Crafts with Ms. DeAngelis - Tuesdays, 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
- Grades 1-4: Morning Media with Ms. DeAngelis, Thursday & Friday MORNINGS, 7:30 - 8:15 a.m.
- Grade 2: Board Games with Mrs. Campbell - Mondays, 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
- Grade 3 - Puzzle Club with Mrs. Latini - Tuesdays, 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
- Grade 4 & 5 - Confidence Club with Mrs. Mulcahy - Mondays, 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Session dates - 11 Weeks
Starts: October 8, 2024
Ends: December 18, 2024
- Grades 2-5: BOKS with Mrs. Fran & Ms. MacQueen
Tuesdays & Wednesdays MORNINGS, 7:15 - 8:15 a.m.
Nurse's Message
Quincy Public Schools has partnered with Mass Healthy Smiles to offer in-school dental evaluations. This is not a dental visit but a screening with a hygienist. This screening should not replace twice yearly visits to a dentist. Please return the blue form whether you would like a screening or not. The dates for screenings will be determined after all forms are received.
Quincy Public Schools will not be sponsoring a flu clinic this season. If you would like a flu shot you can receive one through your primary care or at any of our local pharmacies.
Please be aware that school screenings will be occurring throughout the month of October. Your child’s attendance is vital to their success. Please make every effort to send your child to school. It is important that all students who wear glasses bring them to school and wear them. You will be notified by the Health Office regarding any visual or hearing deficiency after your child has been tested and retested. If you do not receive a letter from me your child has passed all the screenings. Thank you for your cooperation regarding this matter.
I greatly appreciate your help in keeping our school community healthy and safe. Please call me if you have any questions/concerns or new information regarding your child’s health.
Mrs. Cerone, MSN, RN
Counselor Corner
Over the summer, United States Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy released an advisory on the mental health and well-being of parents. According to the report, 33% of parents report high levels of stress as compared to 20% of other adults. Nearly half of parents say that most days, they feel completely overwhelmed by stress. These statistics probably come as no surprise to any of you. Parenting, while one of the most important jobs in the world, is also one of the most stressful jobs and it seems as though more and more pressure keeps being added.
As caregivers, you have the stressors of your own adult lives, but also the care and concern for your families. Not only do the pressures of raising children add to your stress, but then the effects of stress can have an impact on your parenting. It can be a vicious cycle.
With that in mind, and a whole lot of compassion for you all, I wanted to share an article and some links that hopefully will offer some support. This article from the Child Mind Institute offers an assortment of resources on a variety of parenting topics. I thought the one of preventing parenting burnout was particularly interesting. Click here for the article »
Maura Hurst, School Counselor
1. https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/parents-under-pressure.pdf
BKS PTO Meeting
Monday, October 7 from 7:00 - 8:00 PM on Zoom
All families are invited!
BKS Families,
To help make our annual Trunk or Treat a success, we need your help! There are 3 things you can help with:
- Donate candy starting October 7 (boxes will be weighted per grade for a prize!)
- Decorate your car for the event
- Make a monetary donation to help purchase candy
Car sign ups posted on the BKS PTO Facebook page
Beechwood Knoll PTO presents our annual Trunk or Treat Join us for a night of fun!
Friday, October 25th from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM *please do not arrive early!
All students must be accompanied by an adult!
Terracycle Program
Our Terracycle bins are located inside the school’s lobby for recycling everyday! Please encourage your child to recycle their products throughout the school day or bring in any items you have at home to deposit in our recycle bins all school year long!
For more information about our recycling program with Terracycle, please visit our website at:
BKS School Information
For information about the following, please visit our BKS Website:
- Absences
- Dismissals
- Contact Information
- Visitors
- Health
- Breakfast & Lunch
- Snack
- School Cancellations
- Contacting Teachers
- Homework Policy
- After-School Programs
- Arrival & Dismissal Protocols
- Aspen Family Portal
Beechwood School-wide Communication
Beechwood Knoll, as well as QPS district-wide, use the SchoolMessenger system to deliver a single, clear message to parents or guardians by telephone, cell phone, email, or text message in any combination. SchoolMessenger can also be used to communicate daily information, such as newsletters, extended day schedules changes, upcoming events and other announcements. All Beechwood Knoll school-wide communications are delivered to families via phone, email and text through the SchoolMessenger system.
The system is set up to automatically pull your contact information from what we have in our Student Information System (Aspen) and carry it over into SchoolMessenger. Please update your contact information on your child's contact card or contact our Main Office at 617-984-8781 if you are not receiving these messages.
If you have not been receiving text messages, you may opt-in by texting "Y" or "Yes" to our school's short code number: 67587. This is a FREE service and you may opt-out at any time by replying to one of our messages with "Stop."
QPS Band & Strings Programs
While Band lessons have just begun, it is not too late for students in Grades 4 and 5 to join the band and learn how to play an instrument. Band lessons take place during the school day. If interested, please visit the K and C Music Company to rent online the instrument your child wishes to play. The company will deliver the instrument directly to the school and your student will be able to attend the next band lesson.
Students in Grades 2 - 5 who are interested in learning how to play the violin, viola, or the cello can sign up on our String Registration Form. This is an after school program and students meet once a week. Lessons begin the week of October 15th and students can choose to enroll in one of the following sessions.
String Instruments can be rented online through the K and C Music Company and they will deliver the instrument directly to the school. Please see our String Program Letter for more details and if you have any questions about the Band or String Programs, please contact Mr. DeMarco, Citywide Music Department Chair, at michaeldemarco@quincypublicschools.com for further information.
Beechwood Blue Wednesdays!
🔵 Show your BKS pride by wearing Beechwood gear
or the color "Beechwood Blue" (royal blue) every Wednesday all school year long! 🔵