SES Messenger
March 22, 2024
School News (NEW)
Dear Sunnyside Families,
The highlight of this week was middle school mini classes. We had all sorts of activities from self-care, to breakdancing, to pie-making and salsa making, to sewing and hand quilting. The students were so engaged and we thank all of our volunteers and all of our teachers who made this possible. At Sunnyside we value this time with out students to give them some skills that they wouldn't already learn and it takes a huge community effort to make this happen.
We are all looking forward to the break. A few reminders, the doors do not open for students until 8:30 in the morning and then we ask all students to go through the back of the building, through the cafeteria for breakfast and stay in the cafeteria until teachers pick classes up outside at 8:45. Just a reminder that we have NO supervision for students before 8:45 and then again after school. Parents/families need to make sure that they are supervising their students or have provided supervision.
When we return, we will be running the home stretch to summer and things will get even busier. As always, we need your support and I hope that everyone is planning on attending our Gala so that we can raise money for much needed staff support for Sunnyside.
Dr. Berg
Rainbow Day - Elementary School Spirit Week.
Upcoming Dates
Mar 25 - Mar 29 - NO SCHOOL. Spring Break
Thu, Apr 4: End of quarter
Fri, Apr 5: NO SCHOOL (professional development day)
Fri-Sun, Apr 5-7: SES Westwind Family Weekend
Mon, Apr 8: School in session (makeup day)
Fri, Apr 12: SES Foundation Auction
Wed, Apr 17, 8:45am: SES PTSA meeting: SES room 102
Thu, Apr 25, 3:30-7pm: SES student-led conferences
Thu, Apr 25, 3pm: SES PTSA Plant Sale
Fri, Apr 26: MS marine biology trip permission forms and family contributions due
Fri, Apr 26: 6th grade shadow day (for new families)
Fri, Apr 26, 3pm: SES PTSA Plant Sale
2024-2025 PPS calendar updates (NEW)
Beginning next school year, PPS added 15 instructional minutes for elementary and middle school students and provided all middle school students with a seven-period day. This required PPS to adjust start and stop times. New times start NEXT year:
- All SES students will start at 8:45 AM
- K-5 students will end at 3:15 PM.
- 6-8 students will end at 3:30 PM.
LET’S GLOW! An Electric Evening Benefitting SES
If you have any prize or donation to submit to our Auction, TODAY (Friday, March 22) is your last day to do so. SUBMIT INFO HERE.
Please consider joining us for any or all of the online auction and gala to benefit staffing needs at our beloved school! It’s going to be an electric night with Bolivia Carmichaels, music by DJ Anjali & The Kid, and SES Community to the max. Let’s Glow!
Online Auction: April 2-12
Glow Gala: Friday, April 12 (5:30 - 9:00 pm) at Revolution Hall’s Show Bar
Get Event Info & Your Tickets ($25-$100):
Outfit Inspiration / Theme Vibes: Glow Up inspo HERE.
Volunteer: Work a shift at the Gala in exchange for a ticket HERE.
Registration is OPEN for SPRING After School Activities
Registration is OPEN for after school enrichment activities offered onsite at Sunnyside Environmental School starting in April. Opportunities include yoga on Mondays, lego robotics on Tuesdays, Spanish on Thursdays and electronic music club on Fridays. Classes start right after school and spaces are limited, so don’t wait to register for your spot. Additional information and registration details can be found on the PTSA website at
Community & Parents for Public Schools
If you are interested in getting more involved in advocacy to increase school funding, a district-wide group is being resurrected to help organize efforts - it's called Community + Parents for Public Schools and you can sign up here: They send comprehensive email updates, including info like lobby day efforts, potential topics of focus for 2025, policy updates, and background reading. The SES parent community continues to organize and share information on Konstella, via the Social Group called “Standing in Solidarity” and welcomes new members anytime.
Hello from the Art room!
This week students were working on their shading with pencil skills. Middle Schoolers in Aaron/Mary and Robin's classes drew shoes. Tiffany and Levia's third-grade classes made 3D collage identity boxes. Some of them will go the Portland Art Museum to be on display for the HeART of Portland celebration. See some images in this Google Drive folder
Have a beautiful week, Indigo & student teachers Alexander & Zack
Position in Nutrition Services at Sunnyside (NEW)
Would you like to work in the cafeteria at Sunnyside? A position for 2.5 hours a day will be posted shortly. You can apply through PPS staffing. If you have any questions please reach out to Christina at
JCWC Riffle Award Recognition (NEW)
We are excited to let you know that your school is being recognized during our annual celebration as a 2023 Riffle Award recipient. The educational programs that a few of your teachers, Mary Gage Davis and Sarah Conley, participated in with their classes during the 2023 was highly appreciated for their stewardship and environmental education engagement.
Educational Institution: Sunnyside Environmental School. Sunnyside Environmental School’s Middle School Year of the River classes joined Johnson Creek Watershed Council and Portland Parks & Recreation staff for multiple field trips at Wahoo Natural Area and Johnson Creek Park for stewardship and environmental education during 2023. The students prepped the site, planted, and mulched at Wahoo, a natural park upstream from Leach Botanical Garden, to increase natural habitats while slowing and filtering rainwater that enters the Johnson Creek. At Johnson Creek Park they tested water quality in both Johnson Creek and Crystal Springs to compare how more extensive riparian and creek restoration can increase habitat conditions for salmon. The students were respectful of wildlife and their habitats and worked hard in the natural areas to increase native vegetation and clear trash.
--Sara Volk
Community Outreach Coordinator
SES Family Westwind Weekend
Hey Sunnyside families! Join us for Westwind Family Camp, Friday April 5 - Sunday April 7! Nestled between the Salmon River and the Pacific Ocean, Westwind offers a delightful blend of beach, forest, and riverscapes, where one can enjoy hiking, beachcombing, tidepooling, or more laid back pursuits like reading a good book, playing board games or doing puzzles. A great place to bond with other families and kids, the SES Westwind weekend is a 20+ year tradition. $135 / person covers heated, lit lodging in the camp's cabins and 5 meals. Sign up here: 2024 SES Westwind Family Camp
Wayfinder Curriculum
As we start to think about next year (I know, crazy) we are given the opportunity to select a school wide social emotional learning (SEL) curriculum. There are two options for our K-5 schools: Caring School Community and Wayfinder. Our middle school already uses Wayfinder to supplement our long standing SEL practices here at Sunnyside, so next year K-5 will adopt Wayfinder. To see more about Wayfinder, visit the link attached.
Southeast Portland Little League (NEW)
The SEPLL is looking for a few more softball players for their majors teams. The majors teams generally consist of 5th and 6th graders. All information located HERE.
REMINDER - NO IDLING: Please Curb Your Emissions at SES
Hey SES! You might have seen the No Idling signs around school parking spots. Please consider the fuel your engine burns while idling at drop off or pick up on the SES campus, and whenever possible, curb those emissions! Exhaust has a noticeable impact on the air quality of our sidewalks and overall school community - thanks for doing your part to stop idling. Look for more ways to get involved in our No Idling Campaign soon, and learn more HERE.
Franklin HS Plant Sale (NEW)
Order plants to help Franklin HS PTSA. All info located HERE.
Fliers and Community Links (NEW)
- 360 Arts Camp - World Forestry Center. HERE (NEW)
- US Congressional Art Competition (entries due 5:30pm, Mon. Apr. 29)
(Rules) (Student Release Form) (NEW) - AFS-USA Student Exchange Programs (NEW)
- Rec Tennis Maplewood Tennis Afterschool Zone (Apr. 9 - May 28)
Websites to Know
Apply for Free/Reduced Meals - NEW Oregon expanded income guidelines
Konstella - One stop shop for parent information (PTSA)
Communicable disease protocol - aka when should I keep my child home from school?