October Newsletter
October 14, 2023. Indigenous Peoples' Day

"If we wonder often, the gift of knowledge will come." – Arapaho
Columbus Day or Indigenous Peoples' Day? This question is not without controversy, but as educators we have the privilege of bringing the debate to students, allowing them to uncover myth from truth, and giving them tools to shape the society they will one day lead.
Dates to Remember
4 Early Dismissal
11 No School: Grading/Professional Development14 No School: Columbus Day
17 No School: Parent/teacher Conferences-8:00-7:00pm
18 No School: Parent/teacher Conferences 8:00-Noon
3 Daylight Savings Time Ends
11 No School: Veteran's Day11 Veterans Day (actual)
27-29 No School: Thanksgiving Break
19 Half Day of School/No Preschool
Dec 20-Jan 3 No School: Winter Break
6 No School: Staff Professional Development
International Day
Why Indigenous Peoples' Day?
Learn all about it here -- this post offers an array of helpful classroom resources and background reading for teachers.
This path
our people walked
one hundred
two hundred endless years
the tall grass opened for us
- Heid Erdrich
Land Acknowledgments
The land we stand on
A cool, interactive mapping project where students can explore Indigenous territories, treaties, and languages. Perfect for social studies and geography. The site includes a Teacher's Guide.
Land Acknowledgement | Molly of Denali
ESOL Online Games
My Contact Information
Email: nhewitt@usd207.org
Website: https://patton.usd207.org/
Location: 1 Patton Loop, Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027, USA
Phone: (913) 651-7371
Nina Hewitt
Nina is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters