The Paw Print
Week of October 23, 2023
What's Happening at GMS This Week?
Monday, October 23 (Odd):
Boo Gram Sales and Dance Ticket Sales Continue (during lunch)
Quarter One 'Straight A' Luncheon
4PM: Flag Football @ Rogich
Tuesday, October 24 (Even):
Boo Gram Sales and Dance Ticket Sales Continue (during lunch)
Quarter One 'All O's' Donuts at Lunch
2:30 - 4pm: Basketball Intramurals in the Gym - Boys and Girls
Wednesday, October 25 (Odd):
Boo Gram Sales and Dance Ticket Sales Continue (during lunch)
Quarter One 'A/B' Candy Bars at Lunch
Kona Ice After School
2:30 - 4pm: Basketball Intramurals in the Gym - Boys and Girls
Thursday, October 26 (Even):
Boo Gram Sales and Dance Ticket Sales Continue (during lunch)
Halloween Dance 2:20pm - 3:20pm
Friday, October 27:
No School - Nevada Day
Mark Your Calendars:
October 31: PINK OUT Day - Spirit Day (Cancer Awareness Day)
November 3: Grade Checks in Den for Quarter 2
November 5: Daylight Savings Ends
November 7: Capture the Flag Hosted by NJHS
November 9: Camouflage Day
November 9: Quarter 2 Progress Reports
November 10: No School - Veteran's Day
November 13: Gratitude Spirit Week
November 13-17: Winter MAP Testing Begins
November 16-17: Vision/Hearing Screening in Library
November 16-18: Fall Play Performances
November 17: StuCo Cereal Box Domino Event
Every student at GMS has a school issued Chromebook. PLEASE make sure your child bring their Chromebook to school EVERY DAY and that they are charging their Chromebook NIGHTLY. Click on the picture of the computer to read about "Mobile Device Safety Tips and Reminders."
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