EMES School Newsletter
September 8th, 2023

EMES Newsletter October 10, 2024
What's Happening at EMES
We've had a busy couple of weeks at EMES! With our annual Open House and All-School Hike Day last week and picture day earlier this week, we've had lots of opportunities to gather as a whole-school community.
The passport idea at Open House was a big hit and students enjoyed showing their families places in our building that they wouldn't typically have an opportunity to visit. Our teachers also loved meeting many new faces and seeing past and future students navigate our building with their guests. All students were given the "prize" of a special Scout stamp and the grand prize winner went to Lorelai. Thank you, all, for making this evening a special event. Also, a big thank-you to the families who were able to attend Arlyn's session on the use of technology at EMES. For anyone who wasn't able to make it, we will post a video of this learning in our next newsletter.
I've included lots of great hike pictures at the end of this newsletter. Last Friday was a gorgeous day and all 9 hikes ended up being very successful!
Picture day this week ended up being a beautiful day and we were able to take an all-school photo out front for the first time in several years. Students (and staff) also had fun trying to identify EMES staff in their elementary years. We had a wall of photos from our own elementary picture days, which was a bit hit! Some of our staff are still very recognizable, and others (myself included!) don't look a lot like our younger selves. Either way, it was fun to guess who each of them were :).
As we enter into a colder, sometimes wetter season, please remember to send your child to school in layers. It's often quite cool in the mornings and will warm up by lunch/recess. However, some days stay cool and it's helpful for students to have additional layers to put on to stay dry and warm.
As a reminder, we do not have school on Monday. Please enjoy the long weekend with your children and we look forward to welcoming them back to school on Tuesday.
Mark Your Calendars!
October 14: Indigenous Peoples Day - no school
October 16: WCUUSD Board Meeting at U-32 6:15 pm
October 25: Monster Mash
November 5: Election Day - voting at EMES
November 6: WCUUSD Board Meeting at Doty Memorial School 6:15
November 11: Parent/Teacher Conference Day - no school
Monster Mash Friday, October, 25
EMES Book Club will be starting up again in October!
Our second book club will be for Grade 4 and will be on Oct 21st on the graphic novel Saving Sunshine by Saadia Faruqi.
What is EMES Book Club?
EMES book club meets about 6 times a year for 4th grade and about 6 times a year for 5th & 6th grade. Each meeting is focused on a middle grade book and they usually come from the current nominees for VT’s Golden Dome Book Award. To come to a book club we ask that students have read or are mostly done reading the book for that meeting. Students do not need to attend every book club, they are welcome to come to any that interest them.
What do we do?
Students engage in activities connected to the book and share a special snack
When and Where is EMES Book Club?
Book Club meets after school in the EMES library. Some of the book clubs will be for just 4th grade, some will be for 5th & 6th grade, and others will be combined.
How do students sign up and how do parents know?
About a week before a book club, students have the opportunity to sign up to come. Arlyn sends a message out through Infinite Campus/email to the parents/guardians of students who signed up confirming that the student has permission to stay. Please check the library website for upcoming book club titles and dates.
Why do we have EMES Book Club?
Book Club is an opportunity for students to engage in reading through a social event. It further supports students in reading for personal interest and in participating in a community of readers. Ok – we do book club because it is really fun!
Trunk or Treat at Peck Farm
2024-2025 Basketball Registration
East Montpelier Recreation 2024-2025 Basketball Program Registration Open from October 1 - October 21
This program is open for children K-6. Please register on the Recreation Department website https://www.eastmontpelierrecreation.org/
Program Fees:
Grade ⅚ Boys & Girls: $40
Grade ¾ Boys & Girls: $40
K to 2 Coed: $20
Payment can be made through the website during the registration process, dropped off at the EMES office, or mailed to 665 Vincent Flats Road, East Montpelier, VT 05651.
Payment is due no later than the first practice.
* Please make checks payable to: Town of East Montpelier
Memo: Child’s Name, Grade, “basketball”
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions to program administrators Joanie Smith and Kate Nelson - emesbball@gmail.com
Norwich and EMES Girls Soccer!
Additional Parking Spots at EMES
If you've been to EMES in the past week or two, you may have noticed a new crushed stone pad that was recently added to the front of the pick up loop in front of our building. Our dirt parking lot was getting very full and we were finding more and more cars in our Pre-K drop off/pick up loop. These parking spots are intended for anyone to use, during the school day and for before/after school events. Please do not use these at arrival or dismissal if you are not planning on coming in the building. We don't want students to cross the drive through alone during these times of day.