Wildcat Chat
A monthly newsletter for Webster Elementary families
March 2024
Important Dates
March 4 - Dr. Suess Day, Dress up as your favorite character
March 7 - Third Quarter Ends, 2nd Grade Music Program 5:30-6:15pm, 3rd Grade Ms. Heinsman & Ms. Shaw Field Trip 10am-2pm
March 8 - Professional Development Day, No School for students
March 9 - Coding in Action Competition 7:30am-4pm (Janitell Jr High)
March 11 - Fourth Quarter Begins
March 12 - Classroom and Individual Spring Pictures, Report Cards are sent home, PTO meeting 4-5pm
March 14 - AVID Family Night with special guest Author Gary Hogg, 5-6:30 pm. Pizza and a drink available, must RSVP by March 13 HERE.
March 15 - School Store 2:40-3pm (Everything is 0.25 to $1), 3rd Grade Ms. Williams & Mrs. Widic (Mrs. Fisher) Field Trip
March 19 - 5th Grade Revolutionary War Wax Museum, if you want to view, please check in at the front office.
March 22 - AROARds Assembly (Invitation Only) K-2nd 1-1:30pm, 3rd-5th 1:45-2:30pm (No dismissal for students after assembly)
March 25-29 - No School, Spring Break
A Message from the Principal, Mrs. Finch
IMPORTANT PTO Board Member Openings for the 2024-2025 School Year
We will have several openings for the 2024-2025 School Year in our Parent/Teacher Organization. If you are interersted, please submit a letter of intent and why you are interested in running, submitted to finchr@wsd3.org and webptoprez@gmail.com. Letter of interests are due March 22, 2024 and the election is at the PTO meeting, April 9, 2024 at 4 pm.
Food Drive
Thank you to all of our staff and families that donated non-pershable food items to our Food Pantry. We are fully stocked for awhile and can continue to provide food to our families in need with help from Care and Share.
WILDCAT UNIVERSITY - Please remember, Wildcat University is our way of getting students excited to read. Wildcat University Reading Log Form
Unplug to Engage
This is a new section of our newsletter that will provide helpful tips on engaging our kids in everyday activities and encourages them to drop the mobile devices, converse, explore, and interact.
Counselor Corner
Guidance/Social-Emotional Lessons:
The social-emotional lesson topic for February was Honesty! Students learned what honesty is, why it is important, and how they can increase trust across their relationships. The social-emotional classroom lesson topic for all grade levels in March will be Fairness vs Equal.
PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports):
We had an amazing turnout for our PBIS family night on February 22nd! The theme was Family Feud and we all had a blast. Every student left with a prize, a cookie, and a smile on their face.
Please continue to reinforce positive behaviors at school through our ROARS expectations.
R- Respect, O- On Task, A- Aim for excellence, R- Responsibility, S- Safety.
Career Week:
We are holding our annual College and Career Week from April 29-May 3rd this school year. This will be right after 3rd-5th CMAS testing. During this week, we will have representatives from different careers present to our students. If you are interested in presenting or know someone who would love to participate, please email me at ciarlettam@wsd3.org ! We would love to have you!Golden Ticket Recipients
Mrs. Toombs - Rhys Hawkinson
Mrs. Hovasse - Mia Reyes Rosas
Ms. Ramsey - Tessa Roberts
Ms. Mileto - Eli Stoll
Mrs. Dimmock - Jaeden Colindres Alvarado
Mrs. Hensley - Vivian Nichol
Mrs. R. Thompson - Hunter Morihlatko
Ms. S. Thompson - Anaiah Horlback
Mrs. Holland - Levi Kosgei
Mrs. Gonzalez - Reina Nche
Mrs. Gould - Damian Portillo
Mrs. Ibarra - Maximus Cuete-Caraveo
Ms. Heinsman - Maya Calderon
Ms. Williams - Maya Lara
Mrs. Widic/Mrs. Fisher - Aaliyah Green
Mrs. Honeycutt - Gyrah Siologa
Mrs. Conrad - Roslynn Miles
Mrs. Schommer - Madison Guillen
Mr. Hovasse - Lillian Ibarra
Ms. Pemberton - Caleb Campbell
Ms. Gatzke - Addy Ulmer
PE - Javi Toribio
Maker Space - Keylani Edwards
Library - Esme Contreras
Music - Serenity Woods
We Are THRILLED to have an MFLC!!!
Greeting Webster Military Families,
My name is Akia Isom and I am the new Military and Family Life Counselor at Webster
Elementary. I just wanted to send this letter to tell you all a little bit about me and the MFLC
About Me: I am a licensed marriage and family therapist. I am also a military child, my dad
retired from Ft Carson when I was in high school at Widefield. So I grew up in District 3. My
husband also retired from the navy, so I have witnessed first hand how military life impacted our
4 children.
Included is information about the MFLC program and a permission slip. Please note that I am
unable to meet with your students and/or your family without the signed form. Overall, I am a
free resource for your military family whether you or your child need to talk, develop additional
skills, and/or need resources. My contact information is below, and I look forward to serving you.
Akia Isom, LMFT
Webster Elementary
Cheer Club
Cheer Club practiced with the Mesa Ridge High School Cheer Team
Spelling Bee Participants
Lexi Connor, Rosylnn Miles (3rd Place in 4th Grade), Addison Nichol, Coralee Carns, KJ Regas, Jayden Carmean, Sophia Burgos, Reese Wooden
Celebrating Black History Month
Celebrating Black History Month
All 5th Graders were tested for Instruments, Preparing for Junior High
School Information
Attendance Line - Call 719-391-3436 if your student will not be school.
More information about our school can also be found at https://webster.wsd3.org/
Student Hours: 7:40 am breakfast, Student can be on campus at 7:45 if they are NOT eating breakfast, 8:00 School starts, 2:40 pm Dismissal
Student Calendar for the year can be found HERE.