Bard Bulldog Newsletter
March/April 2025
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Principal's Message
Welcome to March and April, Bard Community. First, I would like to thank our Bard Educational Partners for coming out to read, play, and spend some much-appreciated time with our students during the March 5, Read Across America Celebration. Below are a few pictures from that day.
Friday, March 7 was the end of Trimester Two so be on the lookout for report Cards. We also have Spring Open House March 27th. Our Spring Break begins April 7-April 18.
For more information on important events taking place this month, please check the calendar below.
The LCAP Parent Survey is a vital tool for identifying our school's needs and recognizing what is working well. Your feedback helps shape decisions about funding, programs, and resources to better support students. By sharing your insights, you play a key role in improving educational outcomes and ensuring that our school continues to grow and thrive.
Read Across America
Important Dates In March
March 04
PTA Meeting @4pm
Read Across America
March 05
Read Across America
March 07
End of 2nd Trimester
March 10
Staff Develpment Day- No School
March 14
- Awards Assemblies for Trimester 2
March 14
- Report Cards Go Home for Trimester 2
March 18-March 21
- Final practice for CAASPP
- Loving Solutions
March 25-27:
- Science Fair
March 27
- Spring Open House @5:30
March 25-28-
- Panorama Social Emotional Screener k-5
- SSC/ELAC @ 6-7pm
- Principal's Recess
Spring Pictures
April 30- Militry Picnic
Start The Day Off Right!
Student Safety 1st During Drop-Off and Pick-Up
When picking up and dropping off your students at school, ideally, we would ask that you park on a side street or in the school parking lot and walk your student to a school entrance.
Front Bus Zone: If you must drop off or pick up your student at the front of the school, please pull forward as far as possible to prevent a traffic jams. DO NOT park at the front curb as it is only for drop off and pick up and bus zone. You will be sited if you leave your car unattended.
Rear Parking Lot: If you drop off or pick up students at the side gate of the rear parking lot, please stay to the right, nearest the yellow line at the fence. Staying to the right will allow other vehicles to exit around those vehicles still waiting for their student(s).
Lillian Drive Gate: There is a gate at the rear of the Bard playground, which is available for student pick-up or drop-off. The gate at the Lillian Drive cul de sacs are staffed during pick-up and drop-off times and are significantly less crowded. The Lillian Drive gate is an excellent pick-up and drop-off area alternative.
Thank you for your cooperation!
1st Grade Celebrates 120 Days of Learning
It is time to enroll incoming Transitional Kindergarten (TK) and Kindergarten (K) students for the 2025-2026 school year!
Children born September 2, 2020-September 1, 2021may enroll in transitional kindergarten.
Children born September 2, 2019-September 1, 2020 may enroll in kindergarten.
TK is offered at all nine HESD elementary Schools.
For further enrollment detail visit the Hueneme Registration Webpage
Registration Hours:
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 9:00am-11:00 Am and Wed: 1:00pm-3:00pm
Bell Schedule
Please Report Your Absence
Jose Serrano( jserrano@hueneme.org). 805-488-3583 ext. 1095
Richard Bard Elementary School
Email: malcantar@hueneme.org
Website: bard.hueneme.org
Location: 622 East Pleasant Valley Road, Port Hueneme, CA, USA
Phone: 805-488-3588
Twitter: @bardbulldogs