Southwood School
September 1, 2024

Back to School -- 2024 -- Quick Notes
All student School Supplies will be supplied by Southwood School for a $55 or $65 fee (depending on the grade level). This fee includes some field trips throughout the year. Fees can be paid any time through your Parent Portal account or directly at the office by cash or cheque. We will have a station set up for Meet the Teacher Night. Students should come to school with a pair of runners, a set of earphones or headphones, and a backpack.
Meet the Teacher Night – September 3rd – 4:30 - 6:00. Families are invited to come any time during the hour and a half to visit their child's classroom and meet the teacher.
First Day Back – September 4th
Arrival to school 8:50 for walkers or drop offs.
Dismissal for Walkers and Pick-ups 3:45 p.m
Bus students loaded from 3:40 - 3:55 p.m. and arrive home as scheduled.
Office Hours and School Schedule for 2024 - 2025
Daily Schedule
8:50 a.m. - Bell for students to go to their classrooms.
9:00 a.m. - Announcements & O Canada / Start of Morning Classes
9:05 a.m. - 10:30 a.m -- 1st Learning Block
10:30 - 10:45 -- Kindergarten and Grade 1 Recess
10:45 - 11:00 -- Grade 2, 3 and 4 Recess
11:00 - 12:00 p.m. - 2nd Learning Block
12:00 - 12:30 p.m. - Kindergarten and Grade 1 Lunch/Grade 2, 3 and 4 Recess
12:30 - 1:00 p.m. - Grade 2, 3 and 4 Lunch / Kindergarten and Grade 1 Recess
1:00 - 2:05 p.m -- 3rd Learning Block
2:05 - 2:20 p.m. - Kindergarten and Grade 1 Recess
2:20 - 2:35 p.m - Grade 2, 3 and 4 Recess
2:35 - 3:40 p.m. - 4th Learning Block
3:40 - 3:45 p.m - Dismissal of Walkers and Pick ups (Including the first day back - Sept.4th)
(Bus Students begin organizing and lining up between 3:30 and 3:45 as required. Students will not be retrieved from bus lines for parent pick-ups unless in an emergency. Disrupting bus dismissal puts all students at risk for missing buses or boarding the wrong bus as staff is distracted looking for the requested child)
Parent Portal Information
Stay Connected and Informed! The HSD Parent Portal is a communications tool designed to increase parent/guardian involvement in the education of their children. The portal provides parents/guardians with secure online access to our Student Information System.
With a single username and password, parents/guardians can access the following information for each of their children attending an HSD school:
· Student Information (can update current address & phone numbers)
· Attendance Information (can advise the office of any absences for the day)
· School Fees Account ( can be paid online)
· Permissions & Consent Forms (can give consent for learning trips for the school year)
· Report Cards (access to previous and current report cards)
· School Information
· Grad/Credit Summary
· Change of Contact Form
If you haven't already done so, please set up your account today to make communication with you as easy as possible. Please ensure you have an email address on file and that it is current. If you have any questions regarding set up please contact Mrs. Froese or Ms. Friesen in the office at 204-326-3518.
Meet Your Child's Teacher -- September 3rd between 4:30 and 6:00 p.m.
Southwood School Staff for this School Year
Principal - Marge Thiessen
Vice Principal - Dawn Machel
School Counselor - Courtney Baudry
Learning Support - Melissa Heinrichs, Holly Gushulak, Vanessa Kluz
Literacy Support - Donna Neufeldt, Lisa Coulter
Numeracy Support -- Trevor Neufeldt
Kindergarten - Helga Vogt, Christine Gudmundson, Corliss Friesen, Shania Neyron
Grade 1 - Lindsay Hrehirchuk, Jessie Olfert, Tabitha Cavanaugh, Mandy Murphy, Kendra Friesen, Brittany Hildebrand
Grade 2 - Sandi Kauenhofen, Kayla Mehling, Tamara Banman, Laurie Cox, Trudy Smeltz
Grade 3 - Tara Bairos, Julia Hiebert, Vally Bergman
Grade 3/4 -- Katie Bridle, Kristjana Peterson, Michaela Dueck
Grade 4 - Marianne Neufeld, Cassie Healey, Teighlor Porth, Kathy Schneider
Physical Education - Cheryl Chernos, Shania Neyron
Music/Band - Karla Brown, Sarah Stegne
Administrative Secretary - Cindy Froese
Secretary - Amber Friesen
Library Support Specialist - Sarah Locke
EA's - Kathy Bergen, Christy Bolisay, Aimee Friesen, Yvette Hammer, Hilda Hildebrand, Karen Hoffman-Peters, Kristy Klassen, Charlene Kratavicius, Erica Rempel, Abel Schinke, Jennifer Schroeder, Elizabeth Ikhine, Lorie Chipilski, Kristina Schelenberg, Vanessa Maendel, Janet Seibel, Jordana Robart, Yvette Fisher, Tanisha Thakar, Kristelle Dueck, Reanna Stack
Custodian - Russ Sobering
Custodial Assistants - Scott Ritchot, Lolita Catalan
Please Complete End of Day Plans Form - if you haven't already done so.
(You may need to open the form in a new tab).
Pick Up and Drop Off - Walking/Pick-up Students - Dismissed Daily at 3:45 p.m
Parking near and around our school:
Obey the “loading zone only” areas of our streets that are marked out by yellow paint on the curbs. Parking is available behind the cross walk on 3rd street and past Barkman Ave. It is best to park on 3rd and 2nd streets, further down Barkman Avenue, or in the overflow parking available to us from the Grace Church. It is not safe or legal to drop off or pick up your student in the in the middle of the intersections, the crosswalk or by the stop signs.
DO NOT park, pick up or drop off your students in the bus lane or in the staff parking lot.
Double parking on Barkman Ave. or on 3rd Street poses a serious risk for everyone.
There are many students that are walking along these sidewalks and streets at the end of the day. We appreciate the extra time and care parents take as they drive their children to and from school.
End of Day Arrangements - Leaving Messages
Please make every effort to create a consistent end of day routine for your child. Many of the mix-ups, missing busses or problems occur when changes to regular routines are made.
If a change needs to be made to the end of day plans, you must call or email the school as early as possible to leave a message by prior to 2:30 p.m. Any messages after this time are not guaranteed to make it to the student as it is extremely busy in the office.
Keep the message simple.
It is very helpful for the office and teachers if special arrangments are communicated ahead of time. If at all possible, send an email to the office at southwood@hsd.ca the day before. All email addresses for staff can be found on the Southwood School website under the staff tab.
Custodial arrangements:
If you have a situation where parenting arrangements are unique and specific you need to inform the office and classroom teacher about these arrangements. Schools are required to follow legal documents that describe Custodial arrangements.
Strong Connections Days - Sept. 13th and 16th
Southwood Strong Connection Days -- September 13th and 16th
Your child's Strong Connection Date was listed in the June Report Card. Students new to Southwood will receive this information early in September. All students will receive a reminder in the week prior to the event.
Your child has been scheduled for either one September 13th or September 16th. This information is available on your child's June report card on the Parent Portal and you will receive and email confirming the date for your child during the week of September 9th. Every attempt will be made for siblings to attend on the same date.
Special Events and Treats -- Reminder to Parents
CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES - Special Events - Bringing Treats
Teachers are in charge of planning activities for the classroom. If parents want to provide your child's class with a treat on their birthday of for another special event, parents need to communicate with the teacher about this plan. Requests to bring special treats for birthdays or other events need to be made well in advance. Please bring only small snack type items for these events. Teachers want to celebrate with you but they do not have time to cut or serve larger meals or cakes. As well, there are students with allergies in every class and whose parents carefully plan their food intake. Our teachers honor this plan and so small treats are easier to manage. We also do not want to over supply young students with more food than is appropriate during the day, as students all bring lunches to school. For special "Show & Tell" type events, parents should make sure that these will fit into the teacher’s plans. Teachers are also aware of allergies and phobias and may restrict treats or visits from pets due to these considerations.
Importance of Regular Attendance
It is expected that students will attend school each day. Please be aware that missing even a few days of school each month can have a great impact on your child’s learning. However, please do not send students who are ill to school. If a student becomes ill during the day parents/guardians will be notified. Depending on the severity of the situation, parents may be asked to pick up their child. However, if your child begins to resist coming to school and feels nervous or "ill" often, please let the school know and we can make a plan to assist you in helping your child feel good about school attendance.
When students are absent and the school has not heard from the parent, our office contacts the parent as a safety measure. This system is used to ensure the whereabouts of our children. The process involves three important steps.
The parent/guardian of a child who will be absent from school must notify the school. This can be done by contacting office by phone (Phone: 204-326-3518) or email (southwood@hsd.ca) between 8:00-9:00. Or you can use your Parent Portal access to directly excuse your child, selecting one of the reasons in the drop down menu.
Shortly after 9:05 am and 1:00 pm teachers will notify the office of unexcused absences.
When a child is unexcused, office staff will call the home using our contact information to confirm with the parent that the child is under the parent's supervision. Again this is a safety measure. If we cannot reach a parent or guardian, an automated phone message will be left for the parent's information. Thank you for your diligent communication with the school in order to ensure your child's safety.
TERRY FOX Fundraiser
Terry Fox Run -- September 25, 2024
On Wednesday, September 25th, Southwood School is proud to be taking part in this year’s Terry Fox School Event. (Rain/alternate date: September TBA). Please help us to continue the legacy of one of Canada’s greatest heroes, by donating and supporting our school’s fundraising efforts. More information on this event will be provided shortly!
Orange Shirt Day
September 27th
Southwood School will hold an assembly on September 27th for our Grade 1's and 2's to recognize National Truth and Reconciliation Day. The students will learn about the history of Orange Shirt Day and the meaning of the word Reconciliation. They will look into the past experiences of students in Residential Schools through pictures, readings and videos all presented at an age appropriate way.
Our Grades 3's and 4's will be attending a special event at the Clearspring Middle School park along with their teachers and students from other school. We want to recognize the unfair treatment of the Indigenous People of Canada and learn from this so it never happens again.
No Classes on Monday, September 30th in Recognition of Truth and Reconciliation
Picture Days -- September 25th and 26th -- Life Touch
Allergy Awareness --- Information
In common with most other schools, we have a number of children with significant life threatening allergies. The allergens include peanuts, nuts and other food items.
If your child has a serious allergy, please contact the school and your child's teacher and we will set you up with a URIS plan which helps the school take care of your child.
If your child is in a class where one of the students has a significant allergy, you will be asked not to send foods containing that allergen in your child's lunches. You will receive communication from your child's teacher about appropriate lunch items or items you are asked not to send. Please be respectful and help keep all of our students safe.
We do not describe the school as being ‘Nut Free’ or free of any other allergen because we can’t guarantee that students or adults have not brought nuts, traces of nuts, or other allergens into the building.
Southwood School staff receive training and information related to many life threatening conditions common in our community. These conditions include anaphylaxis, seizure disorders, and diabetes. Students with life threatening conditions have URIS (health care) plans outlining their condition and the safety procedures required of school staff members in the event of an emergency.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school.
Contact Information
Southwood School
Email: southwood@hsd.ca
Website: www.southwood.hsd.ca
Location: 155 Barkman Avenue, Steinbach, MB, Canada
Phone: 204-326-3518
Twitter: @SouthwoodHSD
Southwood School Website -- Info at your fingertips
Dates to Remember...
September 3 - Meet the Teacher Night - 4:30 - 6:00 pm. – Come at any time during this window
September 4 - First day of classes – walking/pick up students dismissed at 3:45 p.m
September 13 and 16 - Strong Connection days - students to attend one of either day
September 25 - Terry Fox Run - school wide event
September 27 - Orange Shirt Day - a Truth and Reconciliation event -- Assembly (parents welcome)
September 30 -- Day for Truth and Reconciliation -- No School
October 7 -- Gratefulness Assembly -- parents welcome
October 14 - No Classes - Thanksgiving Holiday
October 25 - No Classes - PD Day for Teachers