Monday February 22
Theme 6 Week 3 I can build
Greeting Circle
You will review the STAR, BALLOON, DRAIN, and PRETZEL breathing activities. Pick one to do for the day after reviewing them.
Commitment for the week: Have your child pick which commitment they would like to try for the day: Helping Hands, using My Big Voice, Listening Ears, Kind Words
Morning Message
Today's Morning Message:
List some kitchen tools you like to use.
- Read the words in each sentence.
- Identify letters s and l in the sentence.
- Then work on producing additional words that begin with the same sound.
Moving and Learning
The Do Nothing Machine
Look and the book cover and predict what you think the story will be about.
Make a list of tools used in the story.
Letters of the Week : C, N, B
Alliteration Sort:
Gather several items that start with the letters C, N, B ( Ex. can, card, necklace,note, newspaper, basket, book, ) Sort the items into 3 groups by their beginning sounds.
Daily Literacy Practice
- writing your name (first and last)
- practice saying the letters and sounds of the letters when someone points to the letters in random order
- Review flashcards for letters that you have already covered from previous weeks.
- Find things in your house that start with each letter we have studied.
- Play a memory game matching uppercase and lowercase letters using the flashcards that you have made.
- Choose 2 -3 letters and make groups of items in your house that start with those sounds.
- build 3 letter words and practice reading them. Ex: cat, bat, bug. rug
Classifying Skills
Have your child sort the items and discuss the attributes they used to group the items.
Discuss if their is a different way that the items could be sorted.