All-Star News
August 30, 2024
Be sure to follow Adams Elementary on Instagram: @Adamsallstarsnmusd
This Week at Adams Elementary
Great news! Last week, Miss. Yu, Mrs. Flemer, Mrs. Rossmann and Ms. Mulholland's class had the best attendance. A round of applause for their AMAZING work! These classes achieved an outstanding 100% attendance, surpassing our school-wide goal of 95% attendance each day at Adams Elementary.
Counseling Corner
Thinking Mapsđź’
Each week, teachers will be training students on Thinking Maps. Thinking Maps help students organize thoughts. Students will use Thinking Maps as a pre-writing activity. Next week, our teachers will be training students on the Double Bubble Map. Please see the attached information so you can learn more about how these maps are used. The double bubble map is used to compare two items and is a great tool for pre-writing. The Double-Bubble Map is used for comparing and contrasting any two things. The thought process is represented by two topics connected by similarities in the middle and differences in the outside circles. Please see examples of our Bubble Maps from this week:
After School Programming
Welcome Back! We are excited to bring so many new opportunities to our Adams Allstars after school this year. Our Fall Enrichment Classes are open to ALL Adams Elementary students. Classes begin Monday, September 9 and continue through November 20. Please complete the google interest form at bit.ly/fallenrichment24 to select the classes your child would like to join.
Our daily after school program is currently full, but we encourage you to complete the google interest for at bit.ly/4dlkpbW to be placed on our waitlist. This program runs every day school is in session from the time school is dismissed until 6:00 pm. During our program, students participate in athletic activities, social emotional learning, academic time for completing homework, and fun STEAM enrichment opportunities. We offer two pick-up windows each day from 4:00-4:30 pm and from 5:30-6:00 pm. Special arrangements can be made for alternate pick up times with our Admin Intern, Jenna Young. Daily attendance is a requirement to participate in our program, with the exception of students who are absent from school or who are signed out through the front office before the end of the school day.
If you would like more information about any of our Expanded Learning Opportunities after school, please reach out to us!
Jenna Young
ELOP Admin
Evelin Juarez
Bilingual Office Assistant
714.424.7935 ext. 2164
Important Datesđź“…
- September 2 - Labor Day (School closed)
- September 4 - Bus Evacuation Drill at 7:30 am
- September 6 - Evacuation Drill at 9:30 am
- October 16, 2024 - College & Career Fair
(NMUSD) is excited to present the College & Career Fair on October 16, 2024, 6-8 p.m., at the OC Fair & Event Center in Costa Mesa. The event is open to all students in grades 7-12 and their families.
The College & Career Fair offers various opportunities to learn about college programs and assistance as well as connect with colleges and universities from throughout the United States and internationally. Expect to visit Career Technical Education (CTE) explorations; meet business and industry representatives; attend workshops on earning college credit while in high school, applying for financial aid, and NCAA recruiting eligibility and scholarships; and more.
Neighborhood Peer Program
Newport-Mesa Unified School District is looking for preschool-aged children to participate in our Neighborhood Peer Program.
The program prepares young learners for success in kindergarten, as they participate in small and large group classroom settings, and cooperative play activities.
For more information call: (949) 889-3669, or email: npp@nmusd.us
Arrival and Dismissal
Please remember our parking lot is closed to non-school traffic. Parents will be allowed on campus the first day of school and then on Fridays for Flag Deck.
- Please do not drop off student before 7:45 as there is no supervision before that time
- Students may enter through our main entrance at 7:45 AM and our side entrance by the park starting at 8:00 AM.
- When students arrive, they may walk to their line, put their backpack down, and when the bell rings at 8:00 AM, play.
- The warning bell will sound at 8:13 AM, and students are to walk to their line for the start of school at 8:15 AM.
- Students who enter after 8:15 AM are tardy, and parents will need to bring them to the office to sign them in for the day.
- Students riding bikes must walk their bikes onto campus and store them in the locked fence on campus.
- Students will be able to exit any gate at the end of the day. If students are taking the bus, they will meet on the blacktop and be escorted to the buses. If you have an older student, please ensure they pick up their younger siblings (TK-K) before meeting you at your pick-up location.
Attendance is very important to a child’s success in school. Students are expected to be here each day on time and ready to learn. However, we understand that there are occasions where an absence may occur. Please be sure to contact the absence hotline to report all absences at 714-424-4702.
Did you know? Research shows that chronically absent students (students with 10% absences over the school year = 18 absences) are less likely to read on grade level by 3rd grade, are more likely to score lower on standardized tests, get suspended in middle school, and are at least four times more likely to not complete high school.
Attendance Matters!!!
Transportation Information
Newport Mesa’s transportation department is located at 2985-D Bear Street and can be reached via telephone at 714-424-5084. Transportation can provide you with information regarding applications and schedules. Bus riders enter campus via the sidewalk leading to our front gate.
Adams Elementary Dress Code
The following list are general standards for appropriate and safe dress for school:
- Clothing must be clean.
- All attire must be modest. Undergarments must be covered.
- No clothing with offensive or distasteful words, promotes alcohol, tobacco or drugs, or has pictures, or slogans. Offensive would be defined as anything that is obscene, contains racial or ethnic slurs, or propagates violence, gangs or products which are illegal.
- No spaghetti straps, crop top shirts, halter tops or bare midriffs. Shoulder straps must be at least one (1) inch wide.
- Shoes must be practical so that students can run, jump, and kick while involved in physical activities on the playground. This means that tennis shoes or other closed-toe and closed-heel shoes are appropriate.
- Inappropriate shoes: open-toed shoes, Crocs, flip flops, slippers, heels, and platform shoes.
- Shorts, skirts and dresses are appropriate if they are the type designed for play and the highest point of the hemline reaches the student’s thumb when their arm is at their side.
- Makeup is not to be worn by elementary age students.
- Jewelry, if worn, should be small and non-distracting.
- Hats (particularly baseball caps) must be worn forward-facing and are not permitted to be worn indoors at any time unless with permission by teacher. Hoods and beanies are not to be worn indoors.
Safety Protocols
All teachers and Adams staff have been trained on the Standard Response Protocol. This protocol allows everyone on site to use clear and common language during emergency responses. Whenever emergency drills are held at Adams Elementary (dates are all posted on the Adams Elementary website), we will inform our parent community through our weekly newsletter.
Volunteer Information
We are happy to welcome volunteers to our campus. Volunteering is a perfect opportunity to become more familiar with our school and support your child’s teacher.
Adams volunteers are required to complete a volunteer application through the NMUSD website and check in at the office each time through our Raptor System. Please see the link: NMUSD Volunteers. Once your application is approved, you will receive a notification. All cleared volunteers will then complete an orientation at Adams. Please note that field trip volunteers need to go through the volunteer/visitor system before attending a field trip.
Join the Adams PTA
Be a part of the Adams Community and help our students have a great experience at Adams Elementary. You can join (or renew) your Adams PTA Membership at Join PTA.
Community Resources
Costa Mesa Donald Dungan Library
Please click on the attached document to learn about the many free activities the library has for our community during the month of September.
Olive Crest is offering free courses in all three of their Active Parenting Curriculums. Please open the flyer below to learn more about the courses.
Adams Elementary
Phone: (714) 424-7935
Press 2 for attendance line
Fax (714) 424-4701
Follow us on instagram @adamsallstarsnmusd