Husky E-News
September 29, 2024
From the Principal
Hillendale families,
I hope you are having a great weekend and that your family enjoyed our Husky Hayride last week. We are very thankful that the weather held out!
Our huskies are getting excited for the UCF Community Fair, Book Fair, and Donut Day all around the corner. See more details in our PTO section below.
As a reminder, school is closed this Thursday, October 3rd.
Have a great week!
Joshua Leight
Hillendale Elementary Principal
Hillendale Updates
BTSN Timing Survey Results
Thank you for your feedback regarding our BTSN timing. Below is a graph our results that included both staff and family responses. When only family responses are considered, the split was almost 50-50 with 26 family respondents choosing the earlier time and 25 selecting the later time. I truly appreciate all of your written responses - they were extremely informative and helpful in making future decisions! We plan to continue to think creatively to achieve the best possible BTSN for families and staff.
Photography & Social Media at Classroom Events
At Hillendale, we are especially proud that our parents are engaged as volunteers across our school and in our classrooms! We recognize that you may wish to celebrate your experience or the experience of your child and their classmates on social media. As you take photographs and post them to your personal social media accounts, please be mindful that our parents have varying perspectives when it comes to privacy. It is kind to have conversations with your peers and to refrain from posting others’ children until you have their parents’ consent!
Annual Return Registration Form
Please take a moment to login to our PowerSchool parent portal to complete returning registration for this school year. This form includes crucial information for their children. Thank you in advance for your partnership!
To receive the most up-to-date information about your student’s educational experience, we ask that ALL families complete our annual Return Registration form now.
To get started, parents/guardians with an account on our PowerSchool Parent Portal should:
- Visit the Portal,
- Log in,
- Select “Forms” on the lefthand side,
- Select “Returning Registration” to confirm your contact and other critical information,
- Select “Submit” and
- If you have not already, text “Yes” to 67587 to opt into our text messages.
To create an account:
- Visit the Portal,
- Select “Create Account” and
- Follow the prompts to add your student(s).
To reset your password or to request your child’s Access ID and Access Password for account creation, call their school Monday - Friday during normal business hours.
From the PTO
3 - School closed
7-11 - Book Fair (see flyer)
11 - Donuts with Grownups 8:00-8:50am (see flyer)
17 - Picture Day
28-31 - Spirit Week
31 - Halloween Parade 9:30am
1 - School Closed4 - Husky Hustle
5 - School Closed
7 - PTO General Meeting (10:30am)
11 - Veterans Day Ceremony
14 - Retake Picture Day
T-Shirt Design Contest - Ends Tomorrow!
Also, sponsors Wanted! Sponsor the Husky Hustle, and your business will be on the back of the event t-shirt that all Hillendale students will receive. Contact for more info
We want your Husky Hayride pictures!
Did you go to the Husky Hayride last week? The yearbook team would love your pictures for possible inclusion in the yearbook! Please use this link to submit:
Book Fair
Your child will be bringing home the Scholastic flyer and envelope to return to their teacher.
Any questions email
Donuts With Grownups
PTO Garden Club
Ongoing PTO Fundraisers
Got Sneakers?
Boxtops for Education
Spirit Wear
In stock spirit wear (limited quantity/size) is available for order on square (orders will be delivered to your child's classroom). Shop Here
Questions or comments for the PTO? Email us at