School Culture Inventory
MASSP - 2015
How does one measure Culture and Climate of a school?
The MASSP - Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals , path to Leadership program presented the solution's to this question.
The information below is from the Module 1 of the MASSP Certification program, it is indeed brilliant and will be a tool to help analyze a school with a plan.
- Complete School Culture Inventory
- Complete School Culture Inventory Rating sheet
- Analyze and interpret school culture inventory data
- Complete action plan template
- Prepare a PowerPoint or Prezi to communicate to your staff/colleagues the findings from the data and findings from this class.
- Also, you can include your action plan in "Next Steps/Action Plan" slides in your presentation.
- If you do this, you will not have to do an action plan template.
- The PowerPoint or Prezi should be tailored to your job setting and be useful for you and/or your staff.
- Students in the past have integrated the two mini-task PowerPoints (#1 & #4) into the presentation. They also did an overview of each area of the School Culture Inventory, displaying their results from the inventory's strengths, challenges and areas for progress. Some people also create narrative slides using relevant quotes from the readings/videos/own sources to back up their assertions/conclusions in their presentation.
Sample : School Culture Inventory
Sample : School Culture Inventory
School Culture Inventory Rating Sheet
School Culture Inventory Rating Sheet
Analysis & Interpretation:School Culture Inventory Data
Analysis and Interpretation of School Culture Inventory Data
School Culture Inventory Rating Sheet
School Culture Inventory Rating Sheet
Mr. Richard Kerry Thompson
Simon Sinek: Why good leaders make you feel safe
Influencer: The Power to Change Anything
Special acknowledgement
Special acknowledgement to to Professor Sophia Lafayette
from the MASSP - path to leadership program
for the article belows
Link to dropout data
The Crisis & Economic Potential in America's Education System
Graduation Rates in America, States and Cities...
The Crisis & Economic Potential in America's Education System
This webpage is brilliant as it gives data on every state and major cities in America with the effects in the economy and so much more...Link below...