LHS Update vol. 10
November 8, 2021
Upcoming Dates
- November 9 - LHS FAFSA Event
- November 11 - Veterans Day
- November 16 - Genesee Career Institute (GCI) Sophomore presentation
- November 24-26 - Thanksgiving Break
LHS Marching Eagles
Their score of 83.00 earned them a 6th place finish in Flight III. Congratulations to Mr. Bennett, LHS musicians, as well as all of the volunteers on a successful season.
LHS Robotics
Linden Robotics Wreath Fundraiser!
Each $15 raised will sponsor one wreath to be placed on a headstone at Great Lakes National Cemetery. Last year Linden Robotics helped by sponsoring 260 wreaths. This year their goal is 300 wreaths. Please consider partnering with LHS Robotics this year in this humbling fundraiser & service project. The deadline to sponsor a wreath is November 28th.
Ways to Participate:
1. LHS Robotics Facebook fundraiser at this link: https://www.facebook.com/donate/1433600220373336/3628447883924610/
2. Paypal: lindenrobotics@gmail.com
3. Mail a check payable to Linden Robotics: P.O. Box 833 Linden, MI 48451
4. Directly from Wreaths Across America at this link: http://wreathsacrossamerica.org/MI0194P
With each $15 wreath sponsorship, a wreath will be placed on a veteran's grave at Great Lakes National Cemetery in Holly on December 18, 2021.
A portion of each wreath sponsored is placed in the annual Linden Robotics scholarship fund, which awards scholarships to seniors interested in a STEM-related field.
For grave specific requests, please email the veteran's name to lindenrobotics@gmail.com
Got questions? Email lindenrobotics@gmail.com
LHS Building Protocols
- We will continue closing the main hallway doors leading to the academic portion of the building daily at 4:00 pm. Students that are remaining after school for practices, classroom assistance with teachers, or waiting for a ride home will be required to remain in the cafeteria. In addition, they will be expected to wear a facial covering while they remain in the building. If your student does not need to stay after school, they are expected to leave the building at the conclusion of the school day.
Daily Symptom Reminder:
It is recommended students/parents/families continue to self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms. DO NOT send student(s) to school if symptoms (even mild symptoms) are present. Please contact your health care provider if symptoms are present. The Genesee County Health Department has defined symptoms of COVID-19 as any of the following not explained by a known medical or physical condition:
- any ONE of the following: cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, new loss of taste or smell:
- at least TWO of the following: chills/sweating, sore throat, muscle pain or body aches, new onset of severe headache, diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal pain, congestion or runny nose.
For additional information. please reference the GCHD 2021-2022 COVID-19 School Toolkit
Additional Reminders:
- Educational Institutions shall ensure that people in pre-kindergarten through grade twelve consistently and properly wear a facial covering while inside any enclosed building or structure of the institution.
- Educational Institutions shall ensure that all persons, regardless of vaccination status, providing service to any persons in pre-kindergarten through grade twelve properly and consistently wear a facial covering while inside any enclosed building or structure of the institution.
- Face masks are not required when individuals are seated at a a table or desk while eating or drinking (ie. lunch time).
- Face masks are not required when individuals are outside.
- Face mask exemptions are listed on page three (3) of the Health Order, and include:
A medical exemption, signed by a medical doctor. Submit to, and contact
your student’s building administrator.
Neurodivergent students meeting exemption criteria. Contact the main office if you have questions, and/or to review your student’s information.
Youth Entrepreneurship Opportunity
In conjunction with the Genesee Intermediate School District (GISD), I am requesting approval to initiate a Youth Entrepreneurship Club at Linden High School. This District-Sponsored club would be an after school club, facilitated by a professionally trained advisor provided through the GISD, would provide 9-12 grade students with the opportunity to experience exploring the entrepreneurial mindset and the small business environment.
Intended Outcomes for Participating Students
The development of a small business idea from conception to presentation.
The ability to compete against other Genesee County students.
The ability to secure scholarship monies for the students business plan and presentation of ideas.
The exposure to resources and support for product development.
The potential partnership with local community experts, businesses, and professionals.
The next meeting will take place on Wednesday November 10, 2021 at 2:30 pm in Room B106. For additional information contact YE Club Advisor Trice Berlinski at 810-588-2185, or presence2pupils@gmail.com