Bronco Bulletin
December Edition
Principal's Message
It's hard to believe that December is already upon us! Our students & staff have been working so hard and we are looking forward to a much needed break. We wish you a very restful, safe holiday break. Students will be off from school December 21, 2024-January 5, 2025. We look forward to seeing everyone back at school on January 6, 2025.
Bus Safety Reminders
With more than half of our students riding the bus to and from school, it is important that we review the bus expectations. Students are expected to:
- stay seated when the bus is in motion
- keep all food and drinks in their backpacks
- use respectful language
- use appropriate voice level
If there is a problem on the bus, students have been told to either report them to the bus driver or to one of our staff members.
Please review expectations with your child at home. It is a privilege to ride the bus and if students are not following expectations, they will lose that privilege.
2024-2025 Yearbook Sale
Winter Drop Off Procedures
We know that the weather in Michigan can be unpredictable. It's important that your child dress appropriately for the weather. Coats, hats, and gloves are needed daily once the temperature dips. Students have 2 classroom recesses as well as lunch recesses, if weather permits. We follow district protocol when determining when students stay indoors for recesses. If the temperature, with the wind chill, is below 20 degrees, students will remain indoors.
We have also implemented our indoor line-up procedure and will continue with this until early March. Students being dropped off at school can enter through Door 3 (through the Kindergarten Courtyard) and go straight to breakfast. If your child is not eating breakfast, they should arrive no earlier than 8:50am. At that time, they will be permitted to line-up by their classroom.
Thank you to all parents for remember to obey all traffic rules at arrival and dismissal to ensure the safety of our staff and students.
Parent Meeting
There will be a school wide parent meeting on Friday, December 13, 2024 at 9:15am. We will have guests from central office, including Executive Director of the Fordson Feeder Track, Mr. Adam Martin to provide important district information as well as answer parent questions. A light breakfast will be available and we will end our meeting with a fun raffle!
Gleaners Food Distribution
Our monthly Gleaners Food Distribution will be on Wednesday, December 18th. Please watch our social media pages for updates on times
Candy Cane Gram Fundraiser
We are excited to bring back a very popular fundraiser! We will be selling candy cane grams for $1.00 Grams will be delivered to students Friday, December 20th
Important Dates to Remember:
- December 10: Early Release Tuesday--students dismissed at 2:25pm
- December 13: Schoolwide Parent Meeting at 9:15am in the Main Cafe
- December 16-December 19: Candy Gram Sale
- December 17: Early Release Tuesday--students dismissed at 2:25pm
- December 18: Gleaners Food Distribution
- December 20: End of 2nd Marking Period
- December 21-January 5: WINTER BREAK--no school
- January 6: Return to school--1/2 day, students dismissed at 12:05pm