Miller News
October 2024
Dates to Remember
Oct. 1 - Miller PTO @ 5:00 pm
Oct. 4 - Picture Retakes
Oct. 4 - 1st grade to Hickory Hollow @ 12:00 - 2:30 pm
Oct. 10 - Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30 - 6:30 pm
Oct. 11 - Parent Teacher Conferences 8:00 -11:40 am
Oct. 17 - NO SCHOOL
Oct. 18 - NO SCHOOL
Oct. 24 - 3rd Grade Music Concert @ 7:00 pm
Oct. 26 - Miller PTO Mom & Son NERF Wars @ 4:00 pm
Oct. 31 - Fall Celebrations/Book Character Parade
From the Office
* Just as a friendly reminder, the weather is starting to get cooler please make sure your child has weather appropriate clothing and a jacket/coat for when they go outside.
* Morning bell rings at 8:00, second bell is at 8:05 which would make your child tardy.
* If your child is not riding the bus please notify the office before 3:00 pm.
* If your child will not be at school please try to notify the office before 8:30 am.
* In the case your child wakes up late please still bring them to school if at all possible.
* When your child has any kind of appointment please bring a note to the front office.
* The school day ends at 3:20 pm, students should be picked up by 3:35 pm the latest. If you know you will be later to pick up your child please notify the office.
Counselors Corner
October is Bully Prevention Month and we will start our lessons on the 3 R’s, Recognize, Report, Refuse. Ask your students what they are learning and the importance of reporting, if you see something say something. This cuts down on bullying for themselves and others as well as keeps them alert to the things around them, we call this Bystander Power. Please also have a conversation with them and ask them what bullying is. There are many miscommunications that anything unkind is bullying but by definition, bullying is recognized by three primary characteristics. It is aggressive behavior that;
- Is usually repeated over time
- Occurs in a relationship where there is a power imbalance
- Intends to cause harm or distress and /or has a serious harmful or distressing effect on the target.
Bully Prevention week Sept. 30 - Oct. 4
Prevencion del Bully Sept.30 - Oct 4
Pesky Penny will be Oct. 14th- Oct. 23rd
Book Fair will be October 28th-Nov 1st