Spokane Regional Opioid Task Force
September 2024
New Health Education Resources to Address Overdose
Learn how to recognize and respond to an overdose—this knowledge can save lives. NIDA has new resources focused on overdose to support your educational efforts.
The new activities are tailored for youth, educators, and any others supporting them. See how you can incorporate these assets in your curriculum or community plans for National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week®, March 17–23, 2025.
Empowering Youth to Save Lives
NEW: NIDA’s Guide to Hosting a Naloxone Demonstration and slide presentation offer engaging, educational content about overdoses and the use of naloxone—a lifesaving medicine that rapidly reverses an opioid overdose.
Naloxone Education for School Nurses Toolkit
Developed by the National Association of School Nurses, this toolkit offers resources to assist school nurses and other school leaders in evaluating and responding to the drug overdose crisis.
Teaching Youth to Recognize an Overdose and Respond
Students and educators can be equipped with overdose prevention and response skills to create healthier, safer schools and communities. Check out the new NIDA blog featured on the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America website to learn more about these valuable, and potentially lifesaving, tools.
Over the Dose: A Vital Campaign to Curb Prescription Drug Misuse
Over the Dose: A Vital Campaign to Curb Prescription Drug Misuse
Prescription drug misuse is a growing public health crisis affecting millions of individuals and communities across the country. In response to this pressing issue, CADCA has launched the ‘Over the Dose’ campaign, an initiative aimed at raising awareness and equipping communities with the knowledge of safe, responsible disposal of prescription medications.
Prescription drug misuse occurs when medications are taken in a manner or dose other than prescribed or by someone other than the person they were intended for. Accidental misuse, including by household pet, can still be dangerous and lead to addiction, overdose and death.
‘Over the Dose’ seeks to spread awareness of safe and responsible methods of disposal for unused prescription medications. Removing the unused medications from the home entirely is the only way to ensure that misuse, whether intentional or accidental, does not occur in the home. Click below to find disposal methods and take the challenge.
International Overdose Awareness Day Events in Spokane WA
On August 23rd and 31st, the Task Force hosted community events in Spokane, WA. to raise awareness about International Overdose Awareness Day!
We want to thank the planning committee members, partners, and event volunteers who made this come to life in the community: Tyler Vermillion (Ideal Options), Audrey Cutis (West Spokane Wellness Partnership), Lorrie Tripp (Boulder Care), Mary Malone (SRHD), Lacy Larson (DEA), Amanda Dugger (SRHD), Sarah McNew (West Spokane Wellness Partnership), SCOPE volunteers, and Linda Thompson (GSSAC).
We want to thank YOKES Grocery on North Foothills Drive and Argonne for their partnership in hosting these events!
Over 60 medication lock boxes were distributed and 40 Narcan kits.
An industrial chemical is showing up in fentanyl in the US, troubling scientists
An industrial chemical used in plastic products has been cropping up in illegal drugs from California to Maine, a sudden and puzzling shift in the drug supply that has alarmed health researchers.
Its name is bis (2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidyl) sebacate, commonly abbreviated as BTMPS. The chemical is used in plastic for protection against ultraviolet rays, as well as for other commercial uses.
In an analysis released Monday, researchers from UCLA, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and other academic institutions and harm reduction groups collected and tested more than 170 samples of drugs that had been sold as fentanyl in Los Angeles and Philadelphia this summer. They found roughly a quarter of the drugs contained BTMPS.
Accessing Fentanyl Test Strips in WA. State
DanceSafe is a non-profit whose programs include drug education, sexual health education, political advocacy, and event outreach. You can purchase Fentanyl Test Strips directly from their website, found here: https://dancesafe.org/about-us/
Upcoming training opportunity on SB 6109 - Public Health Guidance on High Potency Synthetic Opioids
SB 6109 Training
The Administrative Office of the Courts is partnering with the Department of Health to hold a statewide webinar on September 13th from 12:00-1:oopm to present on the recently released Public Health Guidance on High-Potency Synthetic Opioids. This guidance was legislatively required by the recent passage of Senate Bill 6109 which mandates that courts give “great weight” to this guidance when determining if a child needs to be removed from the home. The flyer for the event is attached here which contains additional information and the registration link.
Registration link: Meeting Registration - Zoom
All court and system partners involved in child dependency cases are welcome to attend, including those with lived experience as youth, parents, caregivers, and foster parents., so please feel free to send this invitation out widely to your networks.
We will be recording the webinar and making it available for later viewing, but we would prefer that people come to the live event.
Peer Spokane now has a Narcan vending machine on site!
Find narcan near you at: https://stopoverdose.org/find-naloxone-near-me-washington-state/