Lowell Leopard News
From the Principal
December is upon us! As this newsletter reaches families, we have just two and a half weeks ahead before winter break, and every day counts! This can be a challenging time for students, as they often experience mixed feelings about upcoming events and changes in schedules at home. At school, we support students by sticking to routines, keeping expectations high, and staying focused on learning each day. We appreciate your support in ensuring that your child comes to school ready to learn each day!
We are excited for our annual PTA Apex event, with runs Dec. 2-13 this year. We kicked it off with a video "pep rally" on Dec. 2, and are learning about important leadership skills during classroom mini-lessons on Dec. 3-5 and 9-11. Then the run -- which will be a glow run in the gym, during PE classes! -- is Dec. 12. We need volunteers for each grade level's run. Please contact your child's teacher or the office if you can help! Check out the accompanying image to see each day's leadership theme -- and ask you child how this applies to their life! We appreciate everyone's support of this event, and of our PTA!
Here are a few cold weather reminders:
- Unless it is exceptionally cold, in the mid-20s, students go outside to recess outside each day. Please send them dressed appropriately. (If your family needs help with clothing resources such as coats and shoes, see the Community Resources section of this newsletter.)
- As we face icy mornings and snow, please drive even more carefully on our neighborhood streets, and in our parking areas. Help us be a good neighbor by not blocking driveways, crosswalks, or bus zones. As a reminder, the speed limit in all school zones is 20 miles per hour.
Do you have a child who will start kindergarten next fall, and who isn't currently in an early learning (preschool) program? If so, check out our district's transitional kindergarten program -- there's an accompanying image with a QR code to scan, and more info on registration here. The program starts Jan. 29, with registration due by Dec. 13.
Have a great month, enjoy your winter break (we're off Dec. 23-Jan. 3), and please be sure to reach out with any questions or needs!
Mrs. Kelley, principal
- Every Monday: Celebrate Motto Monday by wearing a Lowell shirt, or blue and white
- Dec. 6: Popcorn Friday; 1:35 p.m. Learning Improvement Friday dismissal
- Dec. 11: Lowell Choir Club singing with Evergreen Middle School, 7 p.m. at the Everett Civic Auditorium
- Dec. 12: Apex fun runs during PE classes ... volunteers needed -- please reach out to your child's teacher or the office; Ukulele Club performance, 6 p.m. in the cafeteria
- Dec. 13: 1:35 p.m. Learning Improvement Friday dismissal; Transitional Kindergarten registration deadline (see accompanying image)
- Dec. 16: Choir Club performance, 6 p.m. in the cafeteria
- Dec. 19: Sing-along assembly, 2 p.m. in the cafeteria
Dec. 20: Pajama Day; 12:20 p.m. dismissal for the start of winter break
Winter break is Dec. 23-Jan. 3. See you back at school on Jan. 6!
You can find printable district calendars for 2024-25 and 2025-26 here.
Library with Ms. Thompson: November was a busy month! Book Fair was a tremendous success -- with with over $5,000 raised to support new books in the library! Thank you! As we look forward to the new year, please consider the gift of reading with your student. Reading with your student develops vocabulary, provides exposure to new concepts and ideas, deepens the relationship between you and your child, and is FUN! I have three recommendations for read-aloud stories this winter break:
- Andi Cann's The Magic of Friendship Snow
- Pat Miller's Squirrel's New Year's Resolution
- Rachel Isadora's The Night Before Christmas
Even though the Lowell Library will be closed over winter break, the Everett Public Library is OPEN! Please consider visiting them -- a library is more than books! The library is at 2702 Hoyt Ave., and is open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday -- and until 8 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday. It's closed on Sundays.
Music with Mr. Powers: December is a musical month! In music class we have been drilling our musical skills, and having fun learning new songs and developing our musical literacy. Also, we are looking forward to many amazing performances this month:
- Lowell Choir Club singing with Evergreen Middle School at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 11, at the Everett Civic Auditorium.
- Lowell Ukulele Club performing at 6 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 12, on the Lowell stage.
- Lowell Choir Club performing at 6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 16, on the Lowell stage.
- The Lowell winter holiday sing-along assembly at 2 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 19, in the Lowell Cafeteria. Family and friends are welcome to join!
Art with Ms. McHargue & Ms. Johnson: In November, we began our color unit and learned about the color wheel. Students of all grades learned about primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. This month, kindergarten and first-grade students will learn about shade and how to add black paint to a certain paint color to make different shades of that color. They will create a moonlit sky using paint, stickers, collages and drawings. Students in second and third grades will continue learning about color and how primary watercolor paints can bleed into each other to create secondary colors. They will also learn how to draw a silhouette from nature. Fourth- and fifth-grade students will learn about value and how to add white paint to a certain paint color to make different tints of that color, creating value within their art. They will also create a landscape of trees.
Math with Ms. O'Connor: Hello, Lowell families! Last month we discussed our math curriculum, Illustrative Mathematics, and you heard about it at conferences. Want to learn more? Each grade level has 8-9 units, with each unit studying a different topic of math. If you want more details on what your child has learned or is learning, check out these unit videos for the first half of the year. You can also access the videos, along with other family materials, here. Unit 3 will be completed by winter break in most grades. Happy December!
Next General Meeting: Come to the library at 6:00 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 9.
Be part of something GREAT -- join the PTA!: The Lowell PTA is an amazing group of folks committed to enriching the school experience for our students. PTA hosts book fairs, movie nights, the holiday bazaar, and spring carnival, as well as paying for field trips and fun events. Please join us! You can join PTA for $10 at Givebacks.
- Spirit wear: Visit the PTA storefront
- Website: Check it out here
Interested in volunteering? Volunteer clearance is a must, and it can take up to two weeks. Get ahead of things now -- visit the district website to start your application!
Opportunities to support our community with holiday assistance:
- Lowell Elementary is partnering with Grocery Outlet through Dec. 14 to provide gifts for some of the families in our school community. A giving tree will be up during this time in the store at 5209 Evergreen Way.
- This year there is also the option to sign up to give a gift through the Lowell Elementary Virtual Giving Tree. All gifts must be turned in to the front office by Dec. 13. Thank you for giving directly to other families at Lowell!
Toy, shelter, and food resources:
- Toys for Tots resources can be accessed here.
- As the weather gets colder, please remember that Snohomish County emergency cold weather shelters are open nights when weather is expected to drop below freezing for four hours straight. This link is updated as more open.
- Free meals are listed here.
- Free produce is available from 9:30 to 11 a.m. the third Saturday of each month at Emerson Elementary School from Black Seed Farms. Registration is required here.
- For additional help finding resources in most areas, search online at wa211.org or dial 211 and get answers to a variety of resources right in your area.
Ongoing supports: Does your family need assistance with items such as food or housing? Are you looking for connections to housing and medical services? We have resources to help! E-mail family support specialist Amy Watkins at awatkins@everettsd.org or call the school office at 425-385-5300. You can also find some resource links here, and access more by calling 211 or starting here.
Food Donations Welcome!
Did you know that our school partners with a community organization to provide weekend food bags for Lowell families in need? We can always use donations -- we have an Amazon wish list here. Or you can drop off items in the office!
Absences: If your child will be absent, please e-mail us at loeattendance@everettsd.org or call the attendance line at 425-385-5305 to report their absence daily. Include the date, child's first and last name, ID number, and the reason for the absence. All absences must be reported/excused in writing, so if you aren't able to e-mail, please send a written note upon your child's return to school.
Late arrivals/tardies: If arriving between 8:35 and 9:05 a.m., your student will be marked tardy. After 9:05, your student needs to be walked into school by an adult, as they need to be signed in. This will ensure that their half-day absences is being marked excused or unexcused appropriately.
Changes to dismissal routines: If you are wanting to change how your student is getting home on a given day, you must contact our office before 2:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and by 1:00 on Fridays. The rest of each day is very busy, so we cannot guarantee that messages will get through after those times.
How to reach us
Email: ekelley@everettsd.org
Website: https://www.everettsd.org/lowelles
Location: 5010 View Drive, Everett, WA, USA
Phone: 425-385-5300
Instagram: @epslowelles
Facebook: facebook.com/LowellEPS
ParentSquare is Everett Public Schools' and Lowell's communication system. Though you will receive messages even if you don't have an account, setting one up allows you to customize notifications. Click here or on the image for information on how to get the app and log in!