DKMS Newsletter
"It's a great day to be a Panther"

Monday, February 24th through Friday, February 28th
Principals Message
Happy Friday DKMS families! It was another great week here at the middle school!
With the end of February next week, there are a couple of important things happening in the beginning of March we can begin planning for. First, Friday March 7th is the end of the second trimester. Students have two weeks in their current RASL class to bring up their grade and finish strong. Second, Thursday March 13th will be Parent/Teacher conferences. For this round of conferences we will start by inviting parents of students who we need to discuss grades, behaviors, or attendance. After we have those initial conferences scheduled, we will open up the remaining time slots to everyone. Those Parent/Teacher conference invitations will go out next Friday February 28, 2025. If you have questions please reach out to me at bobby.tillman@dkschools.org or call the middle school office at (269) 623-1541.
We are still in the cold and flu season. Like everywhere else, our students and staff are definitely dealing with this. Just as a reminder students cannot come to school if they have had a fever, vomiting, or diarrhea within the last 24 hours. If you take your child to the doctor/urgent care please turn in those doctor's notes to the office so the absences can be excused. Please call our attendance hotline at (269) 623-1540 if your child will not be at school. If you have more questions about attendance issues or policies please feel free to contact the middle school office or email me.
Also, make sure you are checking any alerts sent out by the district about bus cancellations because they have been occurring at different times during the school day. We are in the process of hiring more bus drivers, so hopefully our shortages will be coming to an end in the very near future. We greatly appreciate all of your patience and understanding as we deal with this issue.
As always, I would like to thank our students, staff, families, and community for all of your hard work and support. I know with everything going on health wise, with buses, days off, and snow days it has been a choppy few weeks, but we will get through this! Have a great weekend!
It's a great day to be a PANTHER!!!
Thank you,
Bobby Tillman
Delton Kellogg Middle School
6325 Delton Rd
Delton, MI 49046
(269) 623-1541
Upcoming Events / Important Dates to Remember
Wednesday, February 26th - 5th and 7th grade Vision Screening at the middle school.
Friday, February 28th - Pay $1.00 to wear a hat all day for Hat Day🤠👒
Wednesday, March 5th - Kick Start Deposit Day 🏦
Thursday, March 13th - Half Day Students ( Dismissal 11:30 am) - Parent / Teacher Conferences (As Needed)
Friday, March 14th - Half Day (Dismissal 11:30 am)
Friday, March 21st - Popcorn Friday at Lunchtime🍿
Monday, March 24th - Wednesday, March 26th - 5th grade camp. Sherman Lake YMCA ⛺
Wednesday, March 26th - Mobile Dentist 🦷
Thursday, March 27th - Mobile Dentist 🦷
DKMS 7th Grader Daniel Pruess Wins Spelling Bee!
The competition was tough at this year’s spelling bee, but one student came out on top! Daniel Pruess, a 7th grader from Delton Kellogg Middle School, took first place, outspelling competitors from all three campuses of BCCS—Hastings, Middleville, and Kilpatrick. Students were competing for a chance to advance toward the Scripps National Spelling Bee, the most prestigious spelling competition in the country.
With this win, Daniel has earned a spot in the Greater Grand Rapids Bee, which will take place on March 19 at 5:00 PM at the Kent ISD Conference Center. This next-level competition will bring together top spellers from the region, all vying for a chance to advance even further.
Daniel is pictured with Mary Collier, who has been a longtime announcer for the bee at Delton. He is also pictured alongside the runner-up from Barry County Christian School, who put up an impressive performance in the competition.
Congratulations to Daniel and all participants for their hard work and dedication. Best of luck Daniel at the next stage!
This Week's Panther Paw Winners!
We celebrate another week of students showing SK2R positive behaviors! These students were chosen for demonstrating safe, kind, responsible, and respectful traits around the school. As a reward for their great behavior, they were given a treat of their choice.
Keep up the fantastic work, students!
Students Connect Through Literature Circles in ELA
In Mrs. Tyner’s and Mrs. Ferguson’s class, students are diving into the world of literature through Literature Circles! These circles give students the chance to discuss a common book together, where they summarize chapters, answer questions, and engage in meaningful discussions. Students practice respectfully disagreeing with opinions, all while making connections to the real world.
One of the key focuses is identifying "signposts" or important moments in the story, which help deepen their understanding. These conversations are a vital part of our English Language Arts (ELA) standards, which not only include reading and writing but also speaking and listening skills.
The students are really enjoying this chance to share their ideas and learn from each other. Keep up the awesome work, everyone!
Exploring Local Food Systems: Teen Cuisine Class Visits Valley Hub
Some students participating in the Teen Cuisine Cooking Class were able to visit Valley Hub in Kalamazoo this week. During this field trip, students gained valuable insights into the connection between local farmers and the food systems that serve our communities, including the meals at our very own DK schools!
Students learned about Hydroponics and Aquaponics as ways to grow food. Interestingly, the Aquaponics way of farming, in this case with Koi fish, has been around for centuries. In this system the fish and plants provide each other the nutrients and balance to keep healthy.
Students also learned how locally grown foods, such as Michigan grown apples are brought into the Food Hub for cleaning, chopping, and packaging. A demonstration allowed students to taste a handful of fresh crunchy apple slices.
The group would like to thank DK PIE in their generous support for the field trip.
Exploring New Technology: Students Engage with Touchscreens in Creative Ways
Our middle school students are excited to put our new technology touchscreens to work in the classroom! Thanks to the support from available bond technology funds, these interactive screens are enhancing the learning experience in various subjects and grade levels.
A big thank you to the community for supporting these advancements in technology, which are helping our students thrive in a modern learning environment. Check out the photos below to see how students are making the most of their new tech!
We’re excited to continue exploring the many ways these new touchscreens will inspire learning and creativity in our classrooms.
Hat Day at DKMS - Friday, February 28
Get ready for Hat Day at DKMS on Friday, February 28! Wristbands will be sold in the cafeteria during breakfast for $1.00, allowing you to wear your hat all day. (Please remember, only appropriate hats are allowed.) If hats become a distraction during the day, they will need to be removed.
Join in the fun and support Hat Day!
Inspire the Future: Career Day at DKMS – Volunteers Needed!
Mark Your Calendars! 5th Grade Camp is Just Around the Corner
Reminder: The 5th grade camp at Sherman Lake YMCA is coming up soon! The trip is scheduled for Monday, March 24th, to Wednesday, March 26th.
The $205.00 payment deadline is Friday, March 14th. Payments may be made to the middle school office via cash or check. Please bring the exact amount, as we will not be able to provide change.
This camp is a wonderful experience for students, incorporating team building, character development, and nature exploration—all valuable parts of their curriculum. We hope to see all students participate and take advantage of this incredible opportunity!
Delton Kellogg Little League
Western Michigan University Soccer Clinic – Sign Up Now!
Calling all young soccer players! On Saturday, March 15, from 6–9 PM, Western Michigan University’s Men’s and Women’s Soccer players will be hosting a Youth Soccer Clinic at MSA Shoreline (6875 Norton Pines Dr, Norton Shores, MI).
Open to both boys and girls, this exciting event includes skills training, team play, and a Q&A panel with Division I student-athletes, including Braxton Appachinda and Sammi Glover. Participants will not only sharpen their soccer skills but also gain insight into the collegiate athlete experience.
Spots are limited, so be sure to sign up soon!
2025 Kalamazoo Valley Youth Summer Camps
2025 Bond Proposal
Voters in the Delton Kellogg School District will have the opportunity to consider a bond proposal for school facility improvements on May 6, 2025.
This proposal includes important projects such as:
- Safe and efficient infrastructure
- Maximizing space
- Building for real-world skills
- Other project highlights
For more information about the bond proposal, please read below. Flyers are also available in the middle school office.
Staff Spotlight
Q: Who makes up your family?
A: I am married to my wife, Beth, and we have four children—Jaden (17), Avery (15), Joshua (13), and Catherine (11). Our family also includes three cats: Mustachio, Lillie, and Misty.
Q:Where did you grow up, and what's a fun memory from your childhood?
A: I grew up in Annapolis, MD. A fun memory from my childhood is watching the Navy midshipmen climb the Herndon Monument.
Q:Do you have any special family traditions?
A: Yes, every year we take a trip to Chincoteague Island, Virginia. It’s my happy place.
Q: If you could have any superpower or swap places with someone for a day, what or who would it be?
A: I would want the superpower to protect others. If I could swap places with someone, I would go back in time and be one of Jesus’ disciples.
Q:What is a fun fact, hobby or talent about you that might surprise people?
A:I played volleyball in college! I also have a huge collection of baseball cards.
Q: What is your go-to comfort food or favorite treat?
A: Wasabi Peas.
Q: If you weren't teaching, what would you be doing?
A: Playing basketball overseas! 😉
Q: Do you have a favorite book, or author, television show or movie you would recommend?
A: My favorite author is Tom Clancy. My favorite movie is The Natural, it is a baseball movie.
Q: How long have you been a part of this community and what is your favorite thing about working at the middle school?
A: I have worked here for 5 years and I enjoy having a boss who is reasonable and efficient.
Q: How do you motivate and inspire your students or colleagues?
A: I tell my students that I care for them and I treat them with respect. I also express to them that it is important to never give up. Everyone will learn what they need to eventually at their own pace, and that it is okay to fail. I also treat all as God wants me to treat them and I will also apologize if I am wrong.
Q: What is something you have learned from your students that has impacted you?
A: To be resilient no matter what.
Q: What is the best part of your day at school?
A: Anytime with the students. 😊
Yearbook Payment Deadline
PIE Fundraising for School Field Trips – Set Up & Ready to Go!
PIE is excited to announce that their fundraising website is now live! Each grade level has its own unique code , making it easy for students to participate.
Personalized Fundraising – Within each grade level, students can set up their own individual fundraiser to track their progress. This also allows whoever sets up the fundraiser to receive email updates on the total amount raised.
Maximizing Donations – Donors have the option to cover the 3% processing fee, ensuring that 100% of their donation goes directly to the student’s fundraiser. If they choose not to cover the fee, it will be deducted from the donation amount.
Every contribution helps make our field trips possible and creates unforgettable experiences for our students. Thank you for your support!
Healthy Smiles on the Go: Mobile Dentist Coming in March
We’re excited to announce that the Mobile Dentist will be visiting our school on Wednesday, March 26, and Thursday, March 27, 2025.
If you’d like your child to see the Mobile Dentist, please complete the attached form:
- Online Option: Fill out the form online using the link provided.
- Paper Form Option: If you prefer, you can complete the paper form and return it to the middle school office.
DK Athletics Teams Up with ProMed for Sports Physicals – April 16, 2025
Delton Kellogg Athletics has teamed up with ProMed in Richland to offer sports physicals for our athletes on April 16th, 2025. This physical will fulfill the requirement for the 2025-2026 school year. Athletic staff will be available to upload the physical directly to Final Forms. Please note that you and your student will still need to log into Final Forms to complete the annual sports forms after June 20th. To participate during school hours, your student MUST return this form, the completed MHSAA Sports Physical Form, and payment by April 3rd to the high school office. If these items are not submitted by the deadline, your student may participate during walk-in times after school hours with completed forms and payment in hand between 2:50 - 4:00 pm.
Please sign, complete, submit payment, and return to the office by April 3rd.
February 2025 Lunch Menu
Delton Kellogg Middle School February 2025 Sports Schedule
Athletic / Sports Sign-up Information
The athletic department has implemented some new tools and strategies to streamline communication and transparency throughout the department. These new programs should help streamline communication, event ticket purchases and potentially some registrations in the near future.
* Eventlink.com is where information for athletic events and facility usage can be found. Tickets and season passes can be purchased through Eventlink, and you are able to customize your experience by choosing which sports you would like communications from.
* Finalforms.com is where physicals and other important documents should go. These documents can be uploaded by your phone by taking a picture of the document.
* The Athletic Department would prefer all pay to participate payments go through this virtual portal for all Middle School and High School athletes.
Pay to Participate Fees can be paid HERE
PDF of Sports Participation Fees
* Hudl.com is where fans can subscribe to watch live streams of home events that occur at the turf stadium or the High School main gymnasium.
Click here to visit the Delton Hudl Fan Account
* You can also stay up to date with our new athletics social media accounts:
Facebook: Delton Kellogg Athletics
Instagram: DKpanthers
Twitter (X): DKpanthers
Calling all young soccer players! On Saturday, March 15, from 6–9 PM, Western Michigan University’s Men’s and Women’s Soccer players will be hosting a Youth Soccer Clinic at MSA Shoreline (6875 Norton Pines Dr, Norton Shores, MI).
Open to both boys and girls, this exciting event includes skills training, team play, and a Q&A panel with Division I student-athletes, including Braxton Appachinda and Sammi Glover. Participants will not only sharpen their soccer skills but also gain insight into the collegiate athlete experience.
Spots are limited, so be sure to sign up soon!
Success Center
Next Popcorn Friday, March 21st, 2025
2024 -2025 District Calendar
McKinney-Vento Act.
Front Office Staff
Email: brittany.griffith@dkschools.org
Location: 6325 Delton Road, Delton, MI, USA
Phone: 269-623-1542